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Elementary Spanish/Unit1 GrammarPart1

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  • Introduce language used at holidays and gatherings
  • Begin Present Tense
  • Advance production for simple present tense phrases.


For this unit, we will focus on the theme of holidays and celebrations.
To begin practicing, read the following three sentences, and try to identify their corresponding
English phrase. Try to find matching translations!

Warm Up Activity

Español Inglés
A La casa es pequeña. 1 The boy celebrates.
B Las amigas preparar la cena. 2The house is small.
C El niño celebra. 3The friends prepare the dinner.

Part 1: Articles and Nouns

In Part 1 we will discuss articles and nouns, as they relate to holidays and celebrations.

Before we move into more complicated grammar components, starting off with a general

understanding of how masculine and feminine structures work in Spanish will give a great basis.

Part 1: Nouns and Articles

Articles in Spanish are classified in two sets of categories.

These two sections, gender and number, determine how nouns are treated within a sentence.

Article Description Feminine: Number Spanish English Example
Singular La The La casa es roja.
Singular Una A Tengo una amiga.
Plural Las The Las niñas juegan.
Plural Unas * (slang for some) A (plural) * Some* Unas casas son rojas, otras son verdes.

Article Description Masculine: Number Spanish English Example
Singular El The El apartamento es grande.
Singular Un A Tengo un amigo.
Plural Los The Los niños hablan.
Plural Unos A *(slang for some) Unos apartamentos son grandes, otros pequeños.

These are nouns that relate to our topic of Family Traditions.
Here, we include words that relate to parties, holidays and events, as well as different types of celebrations.
General Vocabulary
Español Inglés
comida food
familia family
amigo friend
cena dinner
casa house
apartamento apartment
hogar home
restaurante restaurant
fiesta party
Holiday Types
Español Inglés
Navidad Christmas
Kwanzaa Kwanzaa
Hanukkah Hanukkah
Día de los Muertos Day of the Dead
Solsticio de Invierno Winter Solstice
Diwali (Festival de las luces) Diwali (Festival of lights)
Pascua Easter
Año Nuevo New Years
Día de Independencia Independence Day