Proposition (an orientation of a manifold induces an orientation on its boundary):
be a differentiable manifold. If
is an orientation of
, then an orientation of
is given by
is defined as follows:

Proof: The given family of functions defines an atlas on
, so that the proposition will be proven once it is demonstrated that the requirement regarding the positivity of the determinant is satisfied.
Indeed, let
. Then
maps the set
to itself, the first row of
is zero so long as
, except the very first entry. Yet the very last entry must be non-negative so long as
, since otherwise the fundamental theorem of calculus and the continuity of the derivative would imply that for a
such that
was sufficiently small,
would be contained within
contrary to the definition of charts that contain a piece of the boundary. Hence, upon carrying out a Leibniz expansion of
along the first row, we obtain that the matrix obtained from
by removing the first row and the first column has positive determinant. Yet the definitions of the respective partial derivatives as limits show that this matrix is exactly the matrix