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Development Cooperation Handbook/The video resources linked to this handbook/The Documentary Story/CMTP ROM Mission

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Results Oriented Monitoring - Centrally Managed Thematic Projects (ROM CMTP)

ICCS-NTUA (GR) leads the Consortium that is a contractor of the European Commission for the external Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM).

For Eugad project it is conducting a monitoring mission that will include: A participation to the Round Table  of Grosseto of the 21st and 22nd September 2009, which will include also bilateral meetings with the Partners. Other monitoring missions to the Countries of the Partners (Bulgaria, Romania, India , etc.) to be finalized.

The monitoring mission is an independent reporting mechanism, preparing and submitting status reports and analytical
assessment to the project management with the objective of:

  • Allowing a rapid appreciation of project progress towards the achievement the expected result and the contribution of the set objectives;
  • To enable focused project management decisions in order to: allow adjustments to be made with minimal disruption and ensure that projects remain on course and reach their objectives.

The monitoring procedure consists of interviews with the project’s coordinator and, depending on the structure of the monitoring mission, also to partners and actors involved in the project’s implementation, in order to determine the progress of the project and the likelihood that it achieves its objectives.

See : The Monitoring Concept" according to ROM CMTP

  • Monitoring report summaries:  1; 2