Development Cooperation Handbook/Interviews/ Eusebio Leal

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Eusebio Leal

Interview in Havana, Cuba on the 2 May 2015 by Carlo di Cicco for The Vrinda Project

Eusebio Leal Spengler, (born 11 September 1942 in Havana, Cuba), is the Havana City Historian, director of the restoration program of Old Havana and its historical center, Deputy to the National Assembly of the Popular Power in the IV, V and VI Legislature, Ambassador of Good Will of the United Nations, the University of Havana and has his masters in Latin American, Caribbean, and Cuban Studies. He is President of the Commission of Monuments in the City of Havana and a specialist in Archeological Sciences.

See also

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Eusebio Leal Spengler

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Un anno di progressi molto positivi per Cuba - ora anche il mondo si apre a Cuba l
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Cuba aiuta il mondo dando non il superfluo, ma condividendo l'essenziale l
Il popolo cubano è un popolo colto
Deve finire il blocco economico da parte degli Stati Uniti!
I segni dei tempi e la venuta del Papa a Cuba
Cambiar todo lo que debe ser cambiado
La vera risorsa sono le persone