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Development Cooperation Handbook/Checklists/Call for proposal - Evaluation criteria usually applied by EuropeAid

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Checklists - Development Cooperation Handbook Steps and Tools

Related to any Call for proposal financed by EuropeAid it is recommended, for the optimization of Concept Notes to be sent to EC, to pay attention to the evaluation criteria usually applied by the European Commission to evaluate (and in case approve or reject) the quality of a New proposal asking for Funds.

In the following you can read a list of these criteria.

Relevance of the action

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- How relevant is the proposal to the objectives and priorities of the Call for Proposals?

- How relevant to the particular needs and constraints of the target country/countries or region(s) is the proposal? (including synergy with other EC initiatives and avoidance of duplication)

- How clearly defined and strategically chosen are those involved
(final beneficiaries, target groups)? Have their needs been clearly defined and does the proposal address them appropriately?

- Does the proposal contain specific added-value elements such as
environmental issues, promotion of gendere quality and equal opportunities, needs of disabled people, rights of minorities and rights of indigenous peoples...

Design of the action

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- How coherent is the overall design of the action? In particular, does it reflect the analysis of the problems involved, take into account external factors and relevant stakeholders?

- Is the action feasible and consistent in relation to the objectives and expected results?

Financial and operational capacity

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- Do the applicant and partners (if any) have sufficient experience of project management?

- Do the applicant and partners have sufficient technical expertise (notably knowledge of the issues to be addressed)?

- Do the applicant and partners have sufficient management capacity (including staff, equipment and ability to handle thebudget for the action)?

- Does the applicant have stable and sufficient sources of finance?


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- Is the action likely to have a tangible impact on the stakeholders involved?

- Is the proposal likely to have multiplier effects (including scope for replication and extension of the outcome of the action and dissemination of information)?

- Are the expected results of the proposed action sustainable?
