Dark and Light/Skills/Hunter

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Hunter Skills

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Melee Fight

Name Type Damage Range Sta cost Reload Time FX points Description
Basic Attack DD HP -36 5m 14 1 sec 1 Special Melee Attack
Strong Attack DD HP -60 5m 18 1 sec 3 Special Melee Attack
Stun Shots Stun DD HP -90 5m 23 2 sec 6 Melee Attack w/Stun
Stun Attack Stun DD HP -104 5m 26 3 sec 9 Melee Attack w/Stun

Range Hunting

Name Type Damage Range Sta Cost Reload Time FX points Description
Strong Shots DD HP -40 60m 14 2 secs 1 Special Bow Attack
Power Shots DD HP -60 60m 20 2 secs 3 Special Bow Attack
Precision Shots DD HP -104 70m 26 2 secs 6 Special Bow Attack
High Precision Shots DD HP -132 70m 36 3 secs 9 Special Bow Attack
Power Precision Shots DD HP -183 70m 54 5 secs 12 Special Bow Attack
Perfect Shots DD HP -235 80m 62 8 secs 15 Special Bow Attack

NOTE:There is a minimum range for all these shots.
Survival Abilities

Name Type Effect Range Sta Cost Casting Time Reload Time Duration FX points Description
Fire Resistances SelfBuff Fire +2 5m 111 5 secs 30 secs 30 secs 1 Temporary SelfBuff
Frost Resistances SelfBuff Froze +2 5m 111 5 secs 30 secs 30 secs 3 Temporary SelfBuff
Poison Resistances SelfBuff Poison +2 5m 111 5 secs 30 secs 30 secs 6 Temporary Self Buff
Disease Resistances SelfBuff Disease +2 5m 111 5 secs 30 secs 30 secs 9 Temporary Self Buff
Stamina Endurance Expertise STA Regen +5% 12 Passive SelfBuff
Speed Improvement Expertise Speed +5% 15 Passive SelfBuff

Traps Fundamentals

Name Type Damage/Effect Range Sta Cost Casting Time Reload Time Duration FX points Description
Basic Trap Drop Trap (fire) HP -80 10m 4 2 secs 4 secs 1 Drops a trap on the ground
Caster Trap Drop Trap (magic) HP -40/ Mana -87/ Stun 2secs 10m 65 5 secs 15 secs 2 secs 3 Drops a trap on the ground
Root Trap Drop Trap (magic) Velocity=0 Duration 4secs 10m 65 5 secs 15 secs 4 secs 6 Drops a trap on the ground
Healing Area Drop Trap AOE HP +16/2secs 10m 65 5 secs 15 secs 10 secs 9 Drops a trap on the ground
Ice Area Drop Trap AOE DOT HP -14/2secs & STA -9/2secs 10m 132 5 secs 15 secs 10 secs 12 Drops a trap on the ground

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