25% developed

Curriculum Design in Community Education

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Development stage: 40% (as of Jan 11, 2005) (This book is approximately 40% complete.)

Team-Wide Mockups

Listed below are links to mockups from members of our team. They will be useful as we decide which online platform to use for our final product:


A group of virtual interns are working together to complete this book, which will provide educational materials to teachers in primary education around the world. If you are a member of our team, please provide feedback on this self-service guide. This document can be used freely; please use proper attribution when necessary.

Education is the key to a brighter future. Technology brings this to the forefront. By enabling people in more remote areas access to education through technology, we build a stronger and brighter global future. (Kelsay F.)

Un pueblo educado es un pueblo libre. (Slogan of IHER in Honduras)


This guide considers the basic question: What is the best way to design a curriculum that effectively makes use of online resources? This guide answers this basic question through the items in the Table of Contents.


This wiki has been prepared for teachers in primary education who can benefit from online resources for curriculum design; many resources included in this guide can also be used to educate adults in basic skills. This guide covers a spectrum of academic disciplines, ranging from mathematics and science to literacy. This guide can be read on a cell phone and is designed for those users with basic computer skills.

Table of Contents

The Basics of Curriculum Design


  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Problem solving and logic


  • Basic biology
  • Fun experiments


  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Spelling
