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Civic Technology/Translation

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The World Wide Web provides a wonderful resource, yet all too often many bits of important information are only available in one language such as English. Many open projects such as Wikibooks allow content to be translated into a number of languages. If you know an additional language, you can help keep it alive by translating content from English to another language.

One example of such a project is Wikibooks and its sister projects such as Wikipedia. A full list of Wikimedia projects can be seen here.

Train AI

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Oftentimes AI are trained to recognize speech patterns from a specific group, and then are unable to understand those with a regional accent. You can help AI understand your accent by giving samples of your voice to help train software. Common Voice, a project by the nonprofit Mozilla, allows you to easily help train an AI on your own unique voice.

You can read more about Common Voice on Wikipedia or you can also jump in and get started on their website.