Change Issues in Curriculum and Instruction/Other Issues Worth Investigating/15 May, 2007

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1. Moving up the Food Chain: Become comfortable with questioning our own / the system’s assumptions and traditions about the way education should work.

2. Moving Beyond “Wrong” = “Bad”: Realize that mistakes are not purely bad.

3. Redefining “Cheating”: Last century’s definition is no longer necessarily the best one.

4. Knowing What You Don’t Know vs. Knowing What You Know: Understand that the former is probably more important.

5. Feedback and Isolation in Digital Environments: When isolation can be physical and/or psychological, what can be done to allow for meaningful feedback?

6. The Digital Divide: The various issues that surround access to technology play a major impact on the extent to which and ways in which technology can be effectively employed in today’s educational system in American and beyond.