Castles of England/Hampshire

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There are a number of notable castles in Hampshire.

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Calshot Castle Artillery fort 150116th century Substantially intact EH Altered 18–20th centuries, in use until 1961.
Hurst Castle Artillery fort 150116th century Substantially intact EH Repaired and refortified 19th century.
Netley Castle Artillery fort 150116–19th century Rebuilt Convalescent home Remodelled and extended 1885–90.
Odiham Castle Shell keep and bailey 1201Early 13th century Fragmentary ruins HC
Local authority
Built by King John.
Portchester Castle Keep and bailey 100111–12th century Extensive ruins EH Built within surviving walls of Roman fort of the Saxon Shore.
Southampton Castle Keep and bailey 100111–14th century Fragments HAL North bailey wall survives.
Southsea Castle Artillery fort 150116th century Rebuilt HC
Local authority
Altered several times.
Warblington Castle Fortified manor house 150116th century Fragmentary ruins Private Remains of possibly fortified building besieged during the Civil War and subsequently destroyed, on site of earlier fortified manor house.
Winchester Castle Motte and bailey 100111–13th century Fragment HC
Local authority
Great hall survives, reroofed in 1873.
Wolvesey Castle Castle 110112th century Ruins EH