
Victoria Harbour as seen from Victoria Peak 由山頂望向維多利亞港
Welcome to the wikibook course on Cantonese. To use this book, your web browser must first be configured to display Chinese characters . If the characters in the box below appear as blank boxes or garbage such as �?�?, your browser is not properly configured.
如果你識廣東話嘅話,唔該幫下手! |
Introduction / 序
[edit | edit source]- About Cantonese
廣東話係乜 - How To Use This Textbook
點用呢本教科書 - How To Study Cantonese
點學廣東話 - Pronunciation
Lessons / 課程
[edit | edit source]- Lesson 1: Hello!
第一課:你好! - Lesson 2: Introductions II
第二課:介紹 2 - Lesson 3: An introduction to particles
第三課:助語詞 - Lesson 4: Word order and Verbs
第四課:詞序同動詞 - Lesson 5: Measure words
第五課:量詞 - Lesson 6: More on interrogatives
第六課:疑問助詞 - Lesson 7: What's this?
第七課:呢啲係咩黎架? - Lesson 8: Introduce yourself to strangers
第八課:向陌生人介紹自己 - Lesson 9: It's Monday today.
第九課:今日係(星期/禮拜)一。 - Lesson 10: Ancient Origins of Cantonese Words.
Appendices / 附錄
[edit | edit source]- Cantonese-English Glossary
粤英詞彙 - Solutions to Exercises
題解 - English-Cantonese Glossary
英粤詞彙 - Numbers
數字/數目/數目字 - Cantonese Romanization Schemes
粤語注音 - Web Resources
網上資源 - Common phrases
References / 參考
[edit | edit source]- Cantonese Syllabary - Look up the Cantonese pronunciations of a character or look for all the characters of a particular pronunciation. Includes sound files, simple definitions, variant pronunciations, and more. Can switch to virtually any Cantonese romanization system.
Related Books / 相關維基教科書
[edit | edit source]Contributors / 編者
[edit | edit source]- Contributor's Guide
- Textbook Planning
課文安排 - Contributors: xingmu
III | This is a Category III Language. |