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CIW Certification/Study Guides/Internet Business Foundations

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Internet Business Foundations

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Foundations skills are not product- or system-specific. They are a combination of minimal technical and non-technical skills and knowledge required for those interested in developing specific Internet skills as a designer, developer or administrator. The exam also requires a basic understanding of essential business practices that relate directly to Internet technologies. The 1D0-510 Domain 1.0 tests the following topics:

Identify job roles

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Identify job roles in the Information Technology (IT) industry, including the responsibilities, tasks and skills they require.

May include the following:

  • Web Site Designer
  • Web Architect
  • Web Application Developer
  • Web Site Analyst
  • Web Site Manager
  • Database Administrator
  • Server Administrator
  • Network Engineer
  • Security Manager
  • PC Technician
  • Help Desk Technician

Additional information may be found at:

Identify Internet infrastructures

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Identify the infrastructure required to access the Internet, including hardware and software components.

  • Backbone - The primary Internet structure consisting of high-speed WAN connections, servers, and ISPs.
  • Network Access Point (NAP) - These are service providers with major Internet connection points. Most NAPs are divisions of communication companies.
  • Internet Service Provider (ISP) - High speed connection points that provide dial-up and leased-line access to the Internet.

Define important Internet protocols

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Define important Internet communications protocols and their roles in delivering basic Internet services.

  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - HTTP defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response to commands. Uses TCP Port: 80
  • HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer) - HTTPS is a Web protocol that encrypts and decrypts page requests and pages returned by the server. Uses TCP Port: 443
  • FTP - Control (File Transfer Protocol ) - FTP Control is used to open a connection to the FTP server. Uses TCP Port: 21
  • FTP - Data (File Transfer Protocol) - FTP Data is used to transfer data from a server or transfer data to a server (e.g., uploading a Web page file to a server). Uses TCP Port: 20
  • POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) - POP3 is a protocol used to retrieve e-mail from a mail server. Uses TCP Port: 110
  • SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) - SMTP is a protocol used for sending e-mail messages between servers. Uses Port: 25
  • NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) - Used to post, distribute, and retrieve USENET messages. Uses TCP Port: 119
  • LPR (Line Printer Protocol) - Used primarily on Unix and Windows NT to send commands to network printers.
  • LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) - Used for requesting names, locations, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses from network directories.
  • Telnet - A terminal emulation program to remotely control Web servers. Uses TCP Port: 23
  • Gopher - A system for organizing and displaying files on Internet servers. Uses TCP Port: 70

Identify basic DNS principles

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Identify the basic principles of the Domain Name System (DNS).

Domain Name Services (DNS) is a network service that associates and translates an alphanumeric host name with the dotted decimal TCP/IP address of a particular Internet host.

Identify basic web browser principles

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Identify the functions of Web browsers, and use them to access the World Wide Web and other computer resources.

A Web browser, also called a Web client, is a software application used for submitting requests for internet content to a Web server. These requests are submitted using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

All HTML files can be opened with a Web browser. Appearances may vary depending on the preferences set by the user. Browsers are limited in the number of colors and graphic formats displayed accurately. Browsers will display two text styles consistently: plain text (courier) and the browser default, usually Times Roman, but any default font can be specified in the preferences. Fonts can be scaled in HTML, but users can also select the base size at which fonts are displayed.

The most popular browsers currently in use include Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera. They're basically the same technology, and have the following similar features:

  • A browser window is used to display the text and graphics of a Web page.
  • An Address or Locator bar that displays the URL of the current Web page and allows users to request an URL.
  • A menu bar and customizable toolbar at the top of the screen.
  • Icons on the toolbar that permit the user to return to a pre-selected "Home" page, return to a recently viewed Web page, stop a page from loading, or open a search function.
  • Arrow buttons for forward or backward movement through a series of Web pages.
  • Scroll bars for moving the screen vertically and horizontally are located on the right side and bottom of the browser window.
  • A status bar at the bottom of the screen provides information about the Web page that is loading.
  • Web pages can be saved as Bookmarks or Favorites to be revisited later.
  • Browser commands display information about the source of a Web page (raw HTML), URLs of the hyperlinks on a page, and the date of publication.
  • File management and editing tools, such as printing, saving, and cut and paste are included in the browser toolbar.
  • Email composition, transmission and management are supported.

Identify basic email principals

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Use e-mail clients to send simple messages and files to other Internet users.

Internet e-mail clients are software applications used to communicate with SMTP servers. E-mail clients send mail using the SMTP protocol and download e-mail using theTCP/IP protocols, POP3, POP4, or IMAP.

Standard features of e-mail clients include the following:

  • Inbox - Holds all incoming e-mail
  • Outbox - Holds all e-mail waiting to be sent to the server
  • Sent items - Holds duplicate copies of e-mail that has been sent
  • Address book - A database of frequently used e-mail addresses

Define additional services

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Define and use additional networking and Internet services.

  • E-mail Services - A system for storing and forwarding messages across electronic communication systems based upon SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).
  • Authentication Services - Used for privilege authorization, privacy, and non-repudiation. Users login to an authentication server and receive cryptographic tokens which are used to verify identity. Authentication services use Kerberos, passwords, and public key encryption as authentication algorithms.
  • Directory Services (DS) - Software applications used to store and organize user and resource information of a network. User access is managed by an administrator.
  • Domain Name System (DNS) - A system that associates and translates human-readable hostnames into IP addresses and stores lists of mail exchange servers for specific domains.
  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) - A protocol used by communication devices to obtain a unique IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway from a DHCP server.

Demonstrate use of Internet technologies

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Demonstrate ways to communicate effectively using Internet technology.

  • Netiquette Guidelines - RFC 1855
  • Ethics and the Internet - RFC 1087
  • Avoiding Harassment
    • Protection from Internet predators can be as easy as knowing how to spot and handle a situation with a potential predator.
    • Helpful tips for using chat, email, and instant messaging are:
      • Never give anyone your password.
      • Use screen names that do not suggest gender or age.
      • Block Instant Messenger users that are not in your contact list.
      • Never give out information about name, age, or address.

Domain 1.9

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Identify and configure user customization features in Web browsers, including: preferences, caching, cookies.

Domain 1.10

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Identify security issues related to Internet clients (e.g., Web browsers, e-mail, instant messaging) in the workplace, including: certificates, malware, illicit servers, viruses.

Domain 1.11

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Use different types of Web search engines effectively.

Domain 1.12

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Identify and use principles of Personal Information Management (PIM), including: common applications.

Domain 1.13

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Efficiently transmit text and binary files using popular Internet services.

Domain 1.14

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Identify security-related ethical and legal issues faced by IT professionals.

Domain 1.15

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Relate project management concepts and terms to the IT profession.

Domain 1.16

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Recognize essential database concepts.