C++ Programming Wikibook Conventions
Adopted Rules
[edit | edit source]If not stated otherwise here as a general rule, all guidelines from Wikibooks:Manual_of_Style are in effect.
The following conventions are the local manual of style for the C++ Programming book in an attempt to provide stability and consistency to the project.
Page naming and structure 
[edit | edit source]We are using the slash convention as described in Wikibooks:Naming_policy.
Proposed: never Contested --Panic (talk) 10:32, 27 July 2010 (UTC) Changed: on the grounds of being the actual setup --Panic (talk) 10:32, 27 July 2010 (UTC)
One book with many faces 
[edit | edit source]There are two indexes: A chapter-by-chapter version and a all-in-one page version (via transclusion). New pages should be listed in both the C++ Programming/All Chapters[ edit ] index and the C++ Programming index.
Size of pages 
[edit | edit source]A chapter indexed from the main page should be on one Page. However, no single page should be larger than about 30k. Larger pages should be split up.
Use specialized topics 
[edit | edit source]By adding contributions, try to help us give some structure to the book, do so by creating as much different and separate chapters/sections and sub-sections possible using unique (if doable) specialized topics so to give the reader the most complete and logic understanding of the language, you are also encouraged to add empty ones, so future contributors my add to them.
Authors section 
[edit | edit source]Every person making non-trivial changes to this book may add themselves to the Authors section. This can be done by adding your name/alias and including a link to one of your wikimedia page, web-page or an active email address where you can be reached.
Proposed: 19 Sept 2005 Voted: 21 September 2005 Moved to adopted by: --Panic 04:24, 17 January 2006 (UTC)
Level 1 Heading Nummeration 
[edit | edit source]We are using level 1 headers (=header=) for the parts. To allow transclusion, main submodules should always start with and have at most 1 level 2 header (==header==).
Proposed: 20 Sept 2005 Not Contested, Moved to adopted by: --Panic 04:24, 17 January 2006 (UTC)
Source code style 
[edit | edit source]To allow adoption from other sources, there is no mandatory brace / indentation style throughout the book for code examples. However, please be consistent within one example.
There is a non adoption of a single standard on styles (i.e.: brace style) so to make the work of importing any other snips of code easier, it also shows readers all the options they can make, so you can use the style you prefer and modify any existing code on the book, but authors are not expected to follow a particular style.
Common Programming Errors 
[edit | edit source]Common programming errors should pointed out throughout the book.
Proposed: 18 Sept 2005 Not Contested, Moved to adopted by: --Panic 04:24, 17 January 2006 (UTC)
Comment Boxes
[edit | edit source]NOTE Boxes 
[edit | edit source]{{NOTE|Use of template for Notes as notification of extra/non standard/common practice notices to the reader.}}
Proposed: 27 Nov 2004 Not Contested, Moved to adopted by: --Panic 04:24, 17 January 2006 (UTC)
TODO Boxes 
[edit | edit source]
{{TODO|There should be TODO boxes in the text, telling the reader that there is something to be written here.|C++ Programming}} :Additional parameters for user names can be added. (Customized todo-lists)
Proposed: 18 Sept 2005 Not Contested, Moved to adopted by: --Panic 04:24, 17 January 2006 (UTC)
This book uses the United States English 
[edit | edit source]For consistency's sake, it should be used whenever possible.
Proposed: --Panic 02:20, 31 July 2008 (UTC) Not Contested, Moved to adopted by: --Panic (talk) 06:03, 10 August 2008 (UTC)
This book prefers hyphenation
[edit | edit source]Hyphenation should be preferred (as in used if possible). Hyphens are meant to aid comprehension.
Proposed: --Panic 19:11, 21 August 2009 (UTC) Not Contested, Moved to adopted by: --Panic (talk) 01:07, 20 June 2010 (UTC)
Proposed Issues have a lifetime of 7 days 
[edit | edit source]If a proposed issue is not contested, debated or altered in 7 days it should be moved out of the Proposed section as adopted.
Proposed: --Panic 05:02, 17 January 2006 (UTC) Not Contested, Moved to adopted by: --Panic 03:48, 4 March 2006 (UTC)
Print Version 
[edit | edit source]The book will only have a single print version, that may include by chapter subsections
Proposed: --Panic 00:05, 10 April 2008 (UTC) Not Contested, Moved to adopted by: --Panic (talk) 17:18, 19 July 2008 (UTC)
Title/Cover Page 
[edit | edit source]Cover page will display the historical book index and any significative change (>51%) to the cover page will be have to be the object of previous discussion resulting in acceptance without objections
Proposed: --Panic 00:19, 10 April 2008 (UTC) Not Contested, Moved to adopted by: --Panic (talk) 17:23, 19 July 2008 (UTC)