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Breton/Level 3/Lesson 1

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Brezhoneg Tri/Lesson 1:Possession

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You will learn

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  • How to say "I have"
  • How to ask "Have you got something"


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In English, you say the verb "to have" to say you have something.
In Breton, the literal translation is There is ___ to-me

Emañ ... din. or Emañ din ... .

  • Emañ - there is
  • din - to-me

  • to-me - din
  • to-you - dit
  • to-him - dezhañ
  • to-her - dezhi
  • to-us - deomp
  • to-you (pl.) - deoc'h
  • to-them - dezho

Then when placed with Emañ there is they become:

  • Emañ ____ din - There is ____ to me = I have ____
  • Emañ ____ dit - There is ____ to you = You have ____
  • Emañ ____ dezhañ - There is ____ to him = He has ____
  • Emañ ____ dezhi - There is ____ to her = She has ____
  • Emañ ____ deomp - There is ____ to us = We have ____
  • Emañ ____ deoc'h - There is ____ to you (pl.) = You (pl.) has ____
  • Emañ ____ dezho - There is ____ to them = they have ____

If you wish to ask Do you have? you make the form as in other questions

  • Eus _____ dit? - Is there ____ to you? = Do you have ____?


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  • Ur pluen 'zo dit? Ez eus. Emañ ur pluen din.
    • Is there a pen to-you? There is. There is a pen to-me
      • Do you have a pen? Yes, I have a pen.


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Make up 5 examples of your own, using the format shown above.