Biblical Studies/New Testament Commentaries/Revelation/Outline of Revelation

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Outline of Revelation

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The following outline does not attempt to interpret Revelation, but presents the details of the book in the manner, and in the order, that they appear. Some words (e.g. "locusts") are placed in quotes to indicate that their description in the text does not match our normal conception of them. Each of the seven churches is listed with the opening words of the message to that church.

  1. Introduction
    1. John identifies himself, his addressees, and the divine source of his visions. (1:1-3)
  2. Messages to the Seven Asian Churches
    1. Description of the "Son of Man" as John sees him in his vision. (1:4-20)
    2. Ephesus: "I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil." (2:1-7)
    3. Smyrna: "I know your works, tribulation, and poverty – but you are rich." (2:8-11)
    4. Pergamum: "I know your works, and where you live, where Satan's throne is." (2:12-17)
    5. Thyatira: "I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience." (2:18-29)
    6. Sardis: "I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead." (3:1-6)
    7. Philadelphia: "I know your works. I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it." (3:7-13)
    8. Laodicea: "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot... Because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth." (3:14-22)
  3. The Throne of God
    1. John comes before the throne of God. (4:1-3)
    2. John sees twenty-four elders and four "living creatures" praising God. (4:4-11)
    3. Only the "Lamb" is found worthy to take the judgment scroll from God and break the seals. (5:1-7)
    4. The creatures in heaven give praise. (5:8-14)
  4. The Lamb Breaks the Seals
    1. First Seal: One who is both a king and a conqueror rides forth on a white horse. (6:1-2)
    2. Second Seal: A rider on a red horse brings war. (6:3-4)
    3. Third Seal: A rider on a black horse brings famine. (6:5-6)
    4. Fourth Seal: A rider on a pale horse brings death. (6:7-8)
    5. Fifth Seal: The souls of the martyrs "under the altar" cry out for vengeance. (6:9-11)
    6. Sixth Seal: There are earthquakes and natural disasters. (6:12-17)
      1. 144,000 of "all the tribes of Israel" are "sealed." (7:1-8)
      2. A vast multitude worship God after coming out of the Great Tribulation. (7:9-17)
    7. Seventh Seal: The breaking of the seventh seal begins another series: the seven trumpets. (8:1-5)
  5. The Angels Sound the Trumpets
    1. First Trumpet: Hail and fire destroy a third of the trees and grass. (8:6-7)
    2. Second Trumpet: A third of the oceans are destroyed. (8:8-9)
    3. Third Trumpet: A third of the rivers and springs are poisoned. (8:10-11)
    4. Fourth Trumpet: A third of the sky is darkened. (8:12-13)
    5. Fifth Trumpet: A plague of "locusts" terrorize the Earth for five months. (9:1-12)
    6. Sixth Trumpet: An army of 200 million kills a third of Earth's population. (9:13-21)
      1. John eats a little book which is sweet in his mouth, but bitter in his stomach. (10:1-11)
      2. Two witnesses prophesy for 3½ years, are killed, and come back to life. (11:1-14)
    7. Seventh Trumpet: The ark of the covenant appears in the heavenly temple. (11:15-19)
      1. John sees a woman clothed with the sun, the moon, and the stars. (12:1-6)
      2. Satan is cast down to the Earth. (12:7-12)
      3. The dragon persecutes the people of God. (12:13-17)
      4. The beast from the sea makes war with the people of God. (13:1-10)
      5. The beast from the land forces people to worship the beast from the sea. (13:11-18)
      6. John sees 144,000, "having his Father's name written on their foreheads," with the Lamb on Mount Zion. (14:1-5)
      7. Three angels proclaim judgment. (14:6-13)
      8. The angels reap the harvest. (14:14-20)
  6. The Angels Pour Out Their Bowls on the Earth
    1. Seven angels are given golden bowls containing of the wrath of God. (15:1-8)
    2. First Bowl: A "foul and loathsome sore" afflicts the followers of the beast. (16:1-2)
    3. Second Bowl: The sea turns to blood and everything within it dies. (16:3)
    4. Third Bowl: All fresh water turns to blood. (16:4-7)
    5. Fourth Bowl: The sun scorches the Earth with intense heat. (16:8-9)
    6. Fifth Bowl: There is total darkness and great pain. (16:10-11)
    7. Sixth Bowl: Preparations are made for the final battle between the forces of good and evil. (16:12-16)
    8. Seventh Bowl: A great earthquake: "every island fled away and the mountains were not found." (16:17-21)
  7. Babylon the Great
    1. The great harlot who sits on many waters: Babylon the Great. (17:1-18)
    2. Babylon is destroyed. (18:1-8)
    3. The people of the earth mourn Babylon's destruction. (18:9-19)
    4. The permanence of Babylon's destruction. (18:20-24)
  8. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
    1. A great multitude praises God. (19:1-6)
    2. The marriage supper of the Lamb. (19:7-10)
  9. The Millennium
    1. The beast and the false prophet are cast into the lake of fire. (19:11-21)
    2. Satan is imprisoned in the bottomless pit for a thousand years. (20:1-3)
    3. The resurrected martyrs "and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image" live and reign with Christ for a thousand years. (20:4-6)
  10. After the Thousand Years
    1. Satan is released and makes war against the people of God, but is defeated. (20:7-9)
    2. Satan is cast into the lake of fire. (20:10)
    3. The Last Judgment: the wicked, along with death and Hades, are cast into the lake of fire. (20:11-15)
  11. The New Heaven and Earth
    1. A new heaven and new earth replace the old. There is no more suffering or death. (21:1-8)
    2. God comes to dwell with humanity in the New Jerusalem. (21:2-8)
    3. Description of the New Jerusalem. (21:9-27)
    4. The river and tree of life appear for the healing of the nations. The curse is ended. (22:1-5)
  12. Conclusion
    1. Christ's reassurance that his coming is imminent. Final admonitions. (22:6-21)


Introduction · Chapter 1