Automobile Repair/Flat tire

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Flat tires are one of the most usual repairs that you may need to do because on the road itself, there are many things that will cause your tyres to be burst.

  1. It would be wise to have this on the car before facing this problem
Picture Description
(0) Stop at the road side and put a triangular warning sign to warn cars about stopping
(1) Locate spare tyres (usually in the car rear bonnet) , and make sure that it is inflated


(2) Engage parking brake and vehicle is in Parking Gear (For Auto) or in Neutral Gear (For Manual)
(3) Use tire wrench to loosen lug nuts
(4) Jack up car until tire clears ground
(5) Remove lug nuts
(6) Remove deflated tire
(7) Replace with spare tyres
(8) Tighten lug nuts
(9) Release jack until tire touches ground