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Author's Right, Copyright and Free Licenses for Culture on the Web/Web Tools/Domain Name

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74. What is an Internet Protocol (IP) address? What is a domain name? What is a Domain Name System (DNS)?

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The IP address identifies unique devices connected to the Internet according to the Internet Protocol standard.

The domain name is a sequence of letters and/or numbers combined by the registrant in a human-readable way for Internet users. It is unique, meaning that it is assigned to one entity only based on the “first come, first served” principle.

The Domain Name System (DNS) is used for the conversion of domain names (e.g. icom.museum) into Internet Protocol (IP) (e.g. and vice versa.

75. Is the registry or domain registrant data public?

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The registry is freely accessible but the registrant's data are protected and hidden in compliance with European legislation on data protection. To access this information, a reasoned request shall be sent to the registry (not to the reseller of the domains, called maintainers or registrars), which grants the use and assigns the ownership of the domain.

76. Who can register a domain?

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There are some restrictions (e.g. subjective, geographical) applied by each Registry to free registration. If the word chosen as domain name is a dictionary name, not corresponding to a registered intellectual property right (e.g. trademark, domain name, trade name, display) or other prior rights, it can be registered by anyone.

77. Before the registration of a domain name do I have to or may I check if the domain name I intend to register is identical or confusingly similar with a third party’s prior rights?

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There is no legal obligation but it is advisable to search in public and/or private databases to verify the existence of third party’s prior intellectual property rights.

78. May I request a third party to register the domain name used by me?

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Yes, I can but it is advisable that the third party provides a written declaration with which he or she recognizes you as the owner of the registered domain.

79. Which is the applicable law to my domain?

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The law of the country of residence or domicile of the registrant and the assignment rules of the domains of each registries (e.g. .org, .museum, .art).

80. Which is the best domain name for my cultural activity?

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You are free to register the domain you deem most suitable. A national geographic domain (e.g. .it, .fr, .es) or a generic domain that expresses the cultural or non-profit nature and scope (e.g. .museum, .art, .org) of the entity using the domain.