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Atlas Shrugged/Synopsis/Section 3

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See Also: Structure, Part 1: Chapters 1-5, Part 1: Chapters 6-10, Part 2: Chapters 1-5, Part 2: Chapters 6-10, Part 3: Chapters 1-5, Part 3: Chapters 6-10

Atlas Shrugged, Part 3, Chapters 1-5

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Section 311: Part 3, Chapter 1, Section 1

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  • Plot summary:
  • Dagny is unconscious from crashing her plane in the Colorado Valley. When she wakes up, she is shocked to discover John Galt beside her. She soon finds out that the industrialists who have disappeared now live and work in the Colorado Valley. Some of these industrialists include: Midas Mulligan, Ellis Wyatt and Richard Halley. Galt talks to Dagny and shows her around this new place, while showing her around this place he takes her to where the motor is kept in which everyone is looking for.
  • The following Places in Atlas Shrugged are used as settings in this section:
    • The Colorado Valley
      • Dr. Akston’s home
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Dagny Taggart
    • John Galt
    • Hugh Akston
    • Midas Mulligan
    • Dr. Hendricks
    • Quentin Daniels
    • Dwight Sanders
    • Dick McNamara
    • Ellis Wyatt
    • Ted Nielsen (mentioned as lumberjack)
    • Roger Marsh (mentioned as cabbage tycoon)
    • Andrew Stockton
    • Ken Danagger
    • Richard Halley (mentioned)
    • Judge Narragansett
  • Mysteries:
    • “I swear by my life, and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.” John Galt tells Dagny that quote is a secret and he doesn’t mind telling it to her because he knows that she “won’t pronounce those words until you [Dagny] mean them the way I intended them to be meant.” How did he intend for it to be meant?

Section 312: Part 3, Chapter 1, Section 2

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  • Plot summary:
  • Dagny goes to dinner at Midas Mulligans house where Galt and the others explain to her that they are all on strike

. At the end of dinner, Dagny goes home with John Galt and spends the night at his house in “a room he never intended her to occupy”.

  • The following Places in Atlas Shrugged are used as settings in this section:
    • The Colorado Valley
      • Midas Mulligan’s home
      • John Galt’s home
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Dagny Taggart
    • John Galt
    • Midas Mulligan
    • Ellis Wyatt
    • Ken Danagger
    • Hugh Akston
    • Dr. Hendricks
    • Quentin Daniels
    • Richard Halley
    • Judge Narragansett
  • Mysteries:
    • Is John Galt a labor worker for Taggart Transcontinental?
    • Why does John Galt say to Dagny, “This is the room I never intended you to occupy”. but then let her sleep there?

CHAPTER TWO: The Utopia of Greed

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Section 321: Part 3, Chapter 2, Section 1

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  • Plot summary:
  • Dagny has breakfast with John Galt and Ragnar Danneskjold. She learns that Danneskjold is married to Kay Ludlow and that they were married four years ago by Judge Narragansett. She also talks with John Galt about how long she plans to stay in the Colorado Valley and John tells her he has already decided she will stay for one month.
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Dagny Taggart
    • John Galt
    • Ragnar Danneskjold
    • Kay Ludlow (mentioned)

Section 322: Part 3, Chapter 2, Section 2

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  • Plot summary:
  • Owen Kellogg tells Dagny that everyone in the “outside world” thought she was dead. Dagny also thought about Hank Rearden a few times, but those thoughts and feelings went away every time she saw John Galts face. Francisco tells Dagny how much he loves her and will always love her.
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Dagny Taggart
    • John Galt
    • Owen Kellogg
    • Francisco d’Anconia
  • Mysteries:
    • Why do Dagny’s feelings about Hank Rearden go away as soon as she sees John Galt?

Section 323: Part 3, Chapter 2, Section 3

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  • Plot summary:
  • Francisco talks to Dagny about the “rebirth of d’Anconia Copper”. He tells her that to start this “rebirth” he needs to start out again here in he Colorado Valley, so he bought land from Midas to start. Dagny realizes that she is in love with John Galt and that he has everything she is looking for.
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Francisco d’Anconia
    • Dagny Taggart
    • John Galt

Section 324: Part 3, Chapter 2, Section 4

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  • Plot summary:
    • Dagny speaks with various residents of Galt's Gulch: Richard Halley and Kay Ludlow explain their opinions on art, music, and stage performance. An unnamed mother describes raising her two sons as a "profession". Dr. Akston reminisces about teaching the young John, Francisco, and Ragnar at university.
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Richard Halley
    • Dagny Taggart
    • Kay Ludlow
    • The Wife and children of Dick McNamara
    • Hugh Akston
    • John Galt
    • Francisco d’Anconia
    • Ragnar Danneskjold

Section 325: Part 3, Chapter 2, Section 5

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  • Plot summary:
    • Francisco takes Dagny and John Galt to see the first d’Anconia mine of Galt's Gulch. Later, a small private plane is seen flying search patterns over the Gulch, though the community remains hidden by the giant holographic ray screen. The plane eventually moves on. Dagny anxiously presumes the pilot is Hank Rearden, searching for the wreckage of her own missing aircraft.
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Dagny Taggart
    • Francisco d’Anconia
    • John Galt
    • Hank Rearden
    • Minor appearances:
      • Lawrence Hammond
      • Dwight Sanders

Section 326: Part 3, Chapter 2, Section 6

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  • Plot summary:
    • Dagny decides to return to the "outside world" to save her railroad. Galt announces he will follow, though remain hidden, watching and waiting for Dagny's decision to return. Mulligan, Akston, and Francisco voice disagreement with Galt's decision to leave, citing the dangers of the collapsing society outside, but they also voice respect for his choice.
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Dagny Taggart
    • John Galt
    • Midas Mulligan
    • Hugh Akston
    • Francisco d’Anconia

Section 327: Part 3, Chapter 2, Section 7

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  • Plot summary:
    • Galt flies Dagny, blindfolded, back to the "outside world".
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Dagny Taggart
    • John Galt


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Section 331: Part 3, Chapter 3, Section 1

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  • Plot summary:
    • Dr. Stadler is ordered to Iowa by Dr. Ferris. There he witnesses a demonstration of the new weapon, "Project X". It is based on sound waves and has a range of 100 miles, using principles discovered by Dr. Stadler.
  • The following Places in Atlas Shrugged are used as settings in this section:
    • At Project X, in Iowa, about 50 miles west of the Mississippi River.
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Dr. Stadler
    • Mr. Thompson
    • Dr. Ferris
    • Wesley Mouch
    • Dr. Simon Pritchett

Section 332: Part 3, Chapter 3, Section 2

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  • Plot summary:
    • Dagny, having left Galt's Gulch, returns to New York City. She speaks to Hank.
    • She returns to her office, where she meets Cuffy Miegs, the Unification Director and learns of the Railroad Unification Plan.
    • They want her to appear on the radio show of Bertrum Scudder, to say that she endorses the actions of the government, their directives. She refuses.
    • Dagny is visited by Lillian Reardon, who tells Dagny that she knows about her affair with Hank, and blackmails Dagny into appearing on the radio show. She also tells Dagny that Hank signed over Reardon Metal for the same reason, to keep the affair quiet, and that is was she, Lillian, who told authorities about the affair. Lillian takes pleasure in the thought that she took Reardon Metal away from Hank.
  • The following Places in Atlas Shrugged are used as settings in this section:
    • The streets of New York City
    • Taggart Terminal, Dagny's office.
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Dagny Taggart
    • Jim Taggart
    • Eddie Willers
    • Cuffy Meigs
    • Lillian Reardon

Section 333: Part 3, Chapter 3, Section 3

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  • Plot summary:
    • Dagny makes her appearance on the Bertrum Scudder radio show. She short circuits the blackmail by announcing her affair with Hank on the air. Then she tells the listeners that Hank only signed the Gift Certificate due to the blackmail, and that Directive 10-289 is horrible.
    • Chaos breaks out and Dagny leaves the radio station, returning to her apartment. There she finds Hank, who tells her he loves her. She tells him she doesn't love him anymore, that she love someone else, John Galt, "the destroyer". Hank says that he already knows, because on the radio she spoke of him only in the past tense. He says he is ok with it. She also tells Hank that John invented the motor.
  • The following Places in Atlas Shrugged are used as settings in this section:
    • Radio station
    • Dagny's apartment
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Dagny Taggart
    • Bertram Scudder
    • Jim Taggart
    • Lillian Reardon
    • Chick Morrison
    • Hank Reardon


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Section 341: Part 3, Chapter 4, Section 1

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  • Plot summary:
    • A long conversation between Jim Taggart and his wife Cheryl. She married Jim because she admired Taggart Transcontinental and thought he was the brilliant mind running it, thought he was a great man. A year after the marriage, she now understands that Dagny runs Taggart and that Jim is a looter.
    • Jim tells her about the upcoming deal wherein on Sept 2nd, Chile will nationalize d'Anconia Copper. Chile will appoint a new company "Interneighborly Amity and Development Corporation" to run all the industrial properties of South America. Jim and his buddies are going to sell their shares of d'Anconia Copper and invest in "Interneighborly Amity and Development Corporation", thereby become very much richer.
  • The following Places in Atlas Shrugged are used as settings in this section:
    • Jim and Cheryl Taggart's apartment
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Jim Taggart
    • Cheryl Taggart

Section 342: Part 3, Chapter 4, Section 2

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  • Plot summary:
    • Cheryl visits Dagny and apologizes for insulting Dagny at her wedding and Jim's wedding. They part on good terms.
  • The following Places in Atlas Shrugged are used as settings in this section:
    • Dagny Taggart's apartment
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Dagny Taggart
    • Cheryl Taggart

Section 343: Part 3, Chapter 4, Section 3

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  • Plot summary:
    • Lillian Reardon visits Jim Taggart. She spends some time complaining about Hank. Jim mentions the impending September 2nd nationalization. Jim and Lillian go to bed together.
  • The following Places in Atlas Shrugged are used as settings in this section:
    • Jim and Cheryl Taggart's apartment
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Jim Taggart
    • Lillian Reardon

Section 344: Part 3, Chapter 4, Section 4

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  • Plot summary:
    • Cheryl comes home, hears the noise of Jim and Lillian from behind the closed door. She and Jim fight, she leaves. She commits suicide, jumping off a bridge.
  • The following Places in Atlas Shrugged are used as settings in this section:
    • Jim and Cheryl Taggart's apartment
    • The streets of New York
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Cheryl Taggart
    • Jim Taggart

CHAPTER FIVE: Their Brothers' Keepers

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Section 351: Part 3, Chapter 5, Section 1

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  • Plot summary:
    • Dagny is aware that all of the Taggart supplies are being stolen, by men who only recently started working for Taggart. Also, her trains are being re-routed without her control. Government men have authority to commandeer trains and they take bribes to send trains on special runs.
    • In Jim's office, he complains that she is supposed to keep the company running regardless of the looting. She says she can't, and won't.
    • The Argentinian government tries to nationalize d'Anconia Mines, but at the time of the announcement, all the mines and all d'Anconia facilities worldwide (ports, warehouses, ships, etc.) blow up.
    • Dagny meets Hank at a restaurant. Once there she mentions her problems with the trains being diverted. He mentioned that his mill is running at full capacity. Other restaurant goers are complaining about the copper shortage. Through a window, she sees the big city calendar change days at midnight, only to show a message from Francisco, "You asked for it". Hank laughs to see it.
  • The following Places in Atlas Shrugged are used as settings in this section:
    • Taggart Terminal
    • A restaurant in New York City
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Dagny Taggart
    • Jim Taggart
    • Hank Reardon

Section 352: Part 3, Chapter 5, Section 2

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  • Plot summary:
    • The copper mines in Montana themselves need copper wire to repair machinery so that at least some copper can be produced. Dagny sends them half of what she has in Minnesota.
    • Reardon's brother Philip comes to ask for a job, although really he was told go be a spy at the mills for the Washington gang.
    • The Wet Nurse asks Reardon for a job, wants to quit his government post. He mentions that he has a degree in metallurgy, but that it isn't worth anything. Reardon explains that the government won't let him go, that he has to stay at his present job.
  • The following Places in Atlas Shrugged are used as settings in this section:
    • Taggart Terminal
    • Reardon mills
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Dagny Taggart
    • Jim Taggart
    • Eddie Willers
    • Hank Reardon
    • Philip Reardon
    • The Wet Nurse

Section 353: Part 3, Chapter 5, Section 3

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  • Plot summary:
    • People are becoming desperate for various supplies and are begging Dagny to find these supplies for them. A soy bean project in Louisiana advocated by Ma Chalmers the socialist is brought up.
    • Cuffy Meigs is mentioned as a looter and a racketeer.
    • Wheat production is concentrated in Minnesota. However much of the wheat harvest in Minnesota winds up left to rot. Almost half of the trains had been diverted to the new harvest of soy beans. But the soy beans had been reaped too early and were unfit to eat. The desperate story of trying to find as many train cars for Minnesota is described, as well as the efforts of farmers to transport their harvest to the grain elevators in other ways. The road network is in disrepair as are the farmers' cars and trucks, so few make it. Other farmers riot, burning government builders and even their own farms.
    • Whatever crop there may be next year will be much smaller with so many farmers dead and so many farms destroyed.
    • And as for this year, large portions of the nation's population will be starving to death by Spring.
  • The following Places in Atlas Shrugged are used as settings in this section:
    • Minnesota: at the local Taggart terminal, grain elevators, farms, and roads.
    • Taggart Transcontinental
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Various farmers and Taggart employees

Section 354: Part 3, Chapter 5, Section 4

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  • Plot summary:
    • Jim asks Dagny to attend a dinner with the Washington gang. They are deciding whether to shut down Taggart's Minnesota line, deciding between Minnesota and the western part of the country.
    • Dagny tells them they must shut down Taggart's lines to the west. She says to let agriculture go back to manual labor but that they must save the Eastern seaboard and its industry. She says that if the industrial base is destroyed, it will take centuries to rebuild it.
    • Cuffy Meigs pushes to keep trains running to the west, because there is still plenty to loot there. He says Minnesota is milked dry so they should abandon Minnesota.
    • The signaling system at Taggart Terminal breaks down. Dagny leaves the dinner to attend to it. She arranges the loan of a repair person from her competitor, but in the meantime organizes a large number of men with lanterns into a manual signaling system. One of these men is John Galt. She talks to him for a while, then he leaves to go be a human lamppost.
  • The following Places in Atlas Shrugged are used as settings in this section:
    • A restaurant at the Wayne-Falklands Hotel
    • Taggart Terminal
  • The following Characters in Atlas Shrugged appear in this section:
    • Dagny Taggart
    • Jim Taggart
    • Wesley Mouch
    • Dr. Ferris
    • Cuffy Meigs
    • John Galt

See Also: Structure, Part 1: Chapters 1-5, Part 1: Chapters 6-10, Part 2: Chapters 1-5, Part 2: Chapters 6-10, Part 3: Chapters 1-5, Part 3: Chapters 6-10