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Arabic/Print version

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Romanisation System

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To make Arabic more accessible, this book uses transliteration along with Arabic written in Arabic letters. The system used in this book is based on the loose conventions used to chat in Arabic when the Arabic alphabet is not supported.

  • The following numerals are used to represent Arabic letters not having a Latin equivalent: 2, 3, 6, 7, 9.
    • 2 represents hamza ء (original alif sound), the sound that separates vowels as if "Martin" were written in Arabic. It would most likely not be written with a hamza because that is not how it is usually pronounced in English. If you find that someone pronounces "Martin" as "Mart-in" rather than "Mar-tin", that pronunciation would be written with a hamza in Arabic (in transliteration, mart2in).
    • 3 represents 3ain. 3ain is an important Arabic sound but is difficult to people unfamiliar with Arabic.
    • 6 is the "emphatic" "t" sound. It is a "t" sound pronounced with more of the tongue touching the roof of the mouth.
    • 7 is a special "h" sound. It is pronounced far deeper in the throat the normal "h".
    • 9 is the emphatic "s" sound. Unlike the normal Arabic "s" sound, this "s" sound is pronounced with the tongue near the place behind the upper teeth. It is not that important to master.
  • The apostrophe is used to indicate modify consonants to represent different consonants. For example: t', d', 7', 3' represent the more frictive versions: the th in think, the th in "the", the throaty "ch" in Munich, the throaty Parisian French "r" (approximately)).
  • The apostrophe is used after a vowel to lengthen it.

The orthography or spelling conventions used with the transliteration are a compromise between transcribing actual pronunciation and spelling (although in Arabic, they do not significantly differ). Keep the following in mind:

  • tilde (~) indicates that the letter before must be pronounced like the letter after it so eL~Da'r must be pronounced ed-da'r.
  • The definite article in Arabic will be spelt and is pronounced as (L)
  • Anything in parentheses after a word is pronounced in some registers and not others. You should be capable of understanding Arabic pronounced either way.


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  1. L kalime(tu) huna'k(a)
  2. L kita'b(u) huna'k(a)
  3. L kursiy(yu) huna'k(a)
  4. L madrase(tu) huna'k(a)
  5. L mu3allim(u) huna'k(a)
  6. L~tilmi'd'(u) huna'k(a)
  7. L qalam(u) huna'k(a)
  8. L ma77a'ye(tu) huna'k(a)
  9. L~daftar(u) huna'k(a)
  10. L kita'b(u) huna'lik(a)

Lessons دروس

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The definite article ("the" in English) is "al" (spelled ال alif, la'm). It is pronounced with the same sound as the name of the letter "L" (i.e. el). It basically does what the word "the" does; it goes before a definite noun. But it has two extra jobs, because in Arabic, small words like "of" and "is" are not used. To illustrate: the striked-out words in the following English sentences would not translate into an Arabic word once the sentence is translated.

   The boy is on the roof.
   The sky is blue.
   The girls are here.
   I am going away.
   We are there.
   The book of the boy is here.

Luckily, the definite article helps indicate where "is/are/am", and "of" would be. Whenever there are two words, one definite (i.e. starts with "L") and one indefinite (starts without "L"), if the first is definite then you know that "is/are/am" is implied between the two words. If the first is indefinite then you know that "of" is implied between the two words.


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(Y) means some noun
(Z) means some other noun

→  means "translates to"

l- indicates the Arabic definite article

l-(Y)       →  the (Y)
l-(Y) (Z)   →  the (Y) is (Z)
(Y) l-(Z)   →  the (Y) of the (Z)

Translation Exercise

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book   كِتابُ keetaab
airport مَطارُ Mataar
restaurant مَطعَمُ mat3am
title/address عُنوانُ  unwan
big كَبيرُ kabeer
small صَغيرُ sagheer
  1. الكتاب،al ketaab
  2. المطار، al mataar
  3. المطعم،al mat3am
  4. الكتاب صغير.al ketaab sagheer
  5. المطار كبير.al mataar kabeer
  6. المطعم صغير.al mat3am sagheer
  7. عنوان المطار
  8. عنوان المطعم
  9. عنوان الكتاب.


  1. The book.
  2. The airport.
  3. The restaurant.
  4. The book is small.
  5. The airport is big.
  6. The restaurant is small.
  7. The address of the airport.
  8. The address of the restaurant.
  9. The title of the book.

Translation Exercises

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Exercise 1

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word كَلِمةُ
book كِتاب ُ  
letter of alphabet حَرفُ
chair كُرسِيُّ
school مَدرَسةُ
student تِلمِيذُ
pen, pencil قَلَمُ
eraser مِمحَاة
computer حاسوبُ
notebook دَفتَرُ
there/here هُناكَ
there هُنالِكَ
  1. الكَلِمَةُ هُناكَ.
  2. الكِتابُ هُناكَ.
  3. الحَرفُ هُناكَ.
  4. الكُرسيُّ هُناكَ.
  5. المَدرَسةُ هُناكَ.
  6. المُعَلِّمُ هُناكَ.
  7. التِلميذُ هُناكَ.
  8. القَلَمُ هُناكَ.
  9. المَحّايةُ هُناكَ.
  10. الحاسوبُ هُناكَ.
  11. الدَفتَرُ هُناكَ.
  12. الكِتابُ هُنالِكَ.


2. The word is there.
4. The chair is there.
6. The teacher is there.
8. The pen is there.
10. The computer is there.
12. The book is there.

Exercise 2

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notebook دَفتَرُ
there هُنالِكَ 
computer حاسوبُ
eraser أستيكة
pen, pencil قَلَم
student تِلمِيذُ
letter of the alphabet حَرفُ
book كِتابُ
there/here هُناكَ
here هُنا
  1. الدَفتَرُ هُنالِكَ.
  2. الحاسوبُ هُنالِكَ.
  3. المَحّايةُ هُناكَ.
  4. القَلَمُ هُنالِكَ.
  5. التِلميذُ هُنالِكَ.
  6. المُعَلِّمُ هُناكَ.
  7. الكُرسيُّ هُناكَ.
  8. الحَرفُ هُنالِكَ.
  9. الكِتابُ هُناكَ.
  10. الحاسوبُ هُناكَ.
  11. الدَفتَرُ هُناكَ.
  12. الكِتابُ هُنا.


2. The computer is there.
4. The pen is there.
6. The teacher is there.
8. The letter is there.
10. The computer is there.
12. The book is here.

Exercise 1

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available ‏مَوْجُوْدٌ ‎mawˈd͡ʒuːd/mawˈd͡ʒuːdun
unavailable ‏غَيْرُ مَوْجُوْدٍ  ‎ˈɤajru mawˈd͡ʒuːd/ˈɤajru mawˈd͡ʒuːdin
book ‏كِتَاْبٌ ‎kiˈtaːb/kiˈtaːbun
chair ‏كُرْسِيٌّ ‎ˈkursiː/ˈkursiːjun
computer ‏حَاْسُوْبٌ ‎ħaːˈsuːb/ħaːˈsuːbun
student ‏تِلْمِيْذٌ ‎tilˈmiːð/tilˈmiːðun
pen ‏قَلَمٌ ‎ˈqalam/qalamun
eraser ‏مَحَّاْيَةٌ ‎maħˈħaːjah/maħˈħaːjatun
word ‏كَلِمَةٌ ‎kaˈlimah/kaˈlimatun
airport ‏مَطَاْرٌ ‎maˈtˠaːr/maˈtˠaːrun
restaurant ‏مَطْعَمٌ ‎matˠˈʕam/matˠˈʕamun
school ‏مَدْرَسَةٌ ‎madˈrasah/madˈrasatun
here ‏هُنَاْ ‎hunaː
there ‏هُنَاْكَ ‎huˈnaːk/huˈnaːka
  1. اَلْكِتَاْبُ مَوْجُوْدٌ.‏ alkiˈtaːbu mawˈd͡ʒuːd
  2. اَلْكُرْسيُّ مَوْجُوْدٌ.‏ alˈkursiːju mawˈd͡ʒuːd
  3. اَلْحَاْسُوْبُ غَيْرُ مَوْجُوْدٍ.‏‏ alħaːˈsuːbu ˈɤajru mawˈd͡ʒuːd
  4. اَلْتِّلْمِيْذُ مَوْجُوْدٌ.‏
  5. اَلْقَلَمُ مَوْجُوْدٌ.‏
  6. اَلْمَحَّاْيَةُ غَيْرُ مَوْجُوْدَةٍ.‏
  7. اَلْكَلِمَةُ غَيْرُ مَوْجُوْدَةِ.‏
  8. اَلْمَطَاْرُ هُنَاْكَ.‏
  9. اَلْمَطْعَمُ مَوْجُوْدٌ.‏
  10. اَلْتِّلْمِيْذُ هُنَاْلِكَ.‏
  11. اَلْمَدْرَسَةُ هُنَاْ.‏
  12. اَلْمَطَاْرُ غَيْرُ مَوْجُوْدٍ.‏

1. The book is available.
2. The chair is available.
3. The computer is unavailable.
4. The student is available.
5. The pen is available.
6. The eraser is unavailable.
7. The word is unavailable.
8. The airport is there.
9. The restaurant is available.
10. The student is there.
11. The school is here.
12. The airport is unavailable. The strange letter لا is a ligature lam + alif (= 'la')

Exercise 1

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exists (to exist)   يوجَد
doesn't  لا
book كِتابُ
school مَدرَسَة
restaurant مَطعَمُ
student تِلميذُ
airport مَطارُ
word كَلِمَةُ
pen قَلَمُ
  1. الكِتابُ لا يوجَد. There is no book.
  2. المَدرَسةُ لا توجَد. There is no school.
  3. لا يوجد مطعم. There is no restaurant.
  4. هناك تلميذ. There is a student.
  5. هناك مطار. There is an airport.
  6. الكَلِمةُ لا توجَد. The word doesn't exist.
  7. .الكلمة غير موجودة. The word doesn't exist.
  8. هناك كتاب. There is a book.
  9. هناك مدرسة. There is a school.
  10. هناك مطار. There is an airport.
  11. هناك قلم. There is a pen.
  12. لا يوجَد مطار. There is no airport.

2. There is no school.
لا توجد مدرسة 4. There is a student
هناك طالب 6. The word doesn't exist.
الكلمةُ غير موجودة 8. There is no school.
ليست هناك مدرسة 10. There is no pen.
لا يوجد قلم 12. There's no airport.
لا يوجد مطار. ليس هناك مطار

Exercise 1

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there is no مامِن
there is a هُناكَ 
book كِتابُ
airport مَطارُ
restaurant مَطعَمُ
notebook دَفتَرُ
hospital مُستَشفَى
school مَدرَسةُ
chair  كُرسيُّ
apartment (home) شُقّةُ
apartment (building) عِمارَةُ
  1. مامِن كِتابِ.
  2. هُناكَ كِتابُ.
  3. هُناكَ مَطارُ.
  4. هُناكَ مَطعَمُ.
  5. مامِن دَفتَرِ.
  6. هُناكَ مُستَشفى.
  7. مامِن مَدرَسةِ.
  8. مامِن كُرسيُّ.
  9. هُناكَ كُرسيُّ.
  10. مامِن شِقّةِ.
  11. مامِن عِمارةِ.
  12. مامِن عِمارةِ.


2. There is a book.
4. There is a restaurant.
6. There is a hospital.
8. There is no chair.
10. There is no apartment.
12. There is no apartment building.

Exercise 1

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big كَبِيْرٌ
old قَدِيْمٌ
small صَغِيْرٌ
new جَدِيْدٌ
cheap رَخِيْصٌ
expensive غَاْلٍ
university جَاْمِعَةٌ
apartment شُقَّةٌ
school مَدْرَسَةٌ
eraser مَحَّاْيَةٌ
airport مَطَاْرٌ
computer حَاْسُوْبٌ
apartment (home) شُقَّةٌ
  1. اَلْمَدْرَسَةُ كَبِيْرَةٌ.‏
  2. اَلْجَاْمِعَةُ قَدِيْمَةٌ.‏
  3. اَلْشُّقَّةُ صَغِيْرَةٌ.‏
  4. اَلْمَحَّاْيَةُ جَدِيْدَةٌ.‏
  5. اَلْقَلَمُ رَخِيْصٌ.‏
  6. اَلْمَدْرَسَةُ جَدِيْدَةٌ.‏
  7. اَلْمَطَاْرُ كَبِيْرٌ.‏
  8. اَلْحَاْسُوْبُ غَاْلٍ.‏
  9. اَلْمَطْعَمُ غَاْلٍ.‏
  10. اَلْجَاْمِعَةُ غَاْلِيَةٌ.‏
  11. اَلْمَحَّاْيَةُ غَاْلِيَةٌ.‏
  12. اَلْشُّقَّةُ جَدِيْدَةٌ.‏

1. The school is large.
2. The university is old.
3. The apartment is small.
4. The eraser is new.
5. The pen is cheap.
6. The school is new.
7. The airport is big.
8. The computer is expensive.
9. The restaurant is expensive.
10. University is expensive.
11. The eraser is expensive.
12. The apartment is new.

Translation Exercises

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Exercise 1

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this هٰذَا\هٰذِهِ
computer حاسوبُ
pen/pencil قَلَمُ
restaurant مَطعَمُ
eraser مِمْحَاةٌ
apartment (suite) شُقّةُ
book كِتابُ
notebook دَفتَرُ
student تِلميذُ
female student تِلميذةُ
teacher مُعَلِّمُ
female teacher مُعَلِّمةُ
  1. هٰذا حاسوبُ.
  2. هٰذِهِ مَدرَسةُ.
  3. هٰذا قَلَمُ.
  4. هٰذا مَطعَمُ.
  5. هٰذِهِ مِمْحَاةٌ.
  6. هٰذِهِ شُقّةُ.
  7. هٰذا كِتابُ.
  8. هٰذا دَفتَرُ.
  9. هٰذا تِلميذُ.
  10. هٰذا مُعَلِّمُ.
  11. هٰذِهِ تِلميذةُ.
  12. هٰذِهِ مُعَلِّمةُ.


1. This is a computer.
2. This is a school.
3. This is a pen/pencil.
4. This is a restaurant.
5. This is an eraser.
6. This is an apartment.
7. This is a book.
8. This is a notebook.
9. This is a male student.
10. This is a male teacher.
11. This is a female student.
12. This is a female teacher.

Exercise 2

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that ذٰلِكَ \ تِلْكَ
student تِلميذَةُ
airport مَطارُ
book كِتابُ
restaurant مَطعَمُ
eraser مِمْحَاةٌ 
pen قَلَمُ
teacher مُعَلِّمُ\مُعَلِّمةُ
  1. ذٰلِكَ تِلميذُ.
  2. تِلْكَ تِلميذة.
  3. هٰذا مَطارُ.
  4. ذٰلِكَ مَطارُ.
  5. ذٰلِكَ كِتابُ.
  6. ذٰلِكَ مَطعَمُ.
  7. تِلْكَ مِمْحَاةٌ.
  8. ذٰلِكَ قَلَمُ.
  9. هٰذِهِ مِمْحَاةٌ.
  10. تِلْكَ مُعَلِّمةُ.
  11. ذٰلِكَ مُعَلِّمُ.
  12. تِلْكَ مُعَلِّمةُ.


2. That is a (female) student.
4. That is an airport.
6. That is a restaurant.
8. That is a pen.
10. That is a (female) teacher.
12. That is a (female) teacher.

Exercise 3

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this/that ذٰلِكَ \ تِلْكَ
this هٰذا\هٰذِهِ
that ذٰلِكَ \ تِلْكَ 
airport مَطارُ
restaurant مَطْعَمُ
eraser مِمْحَاةٌ
university جامِعةُ
pen قَلَمُ
student تِلميذُ\تِلميذةُ
apartment (suite) شُقّةُ
notebook دَفتَرُ

  1. ذٰلِكَ مَطارُ.
  2. ذٰلِكَ مَطْعَمُ.
  3. تِلْكَ مِمْحَاةٌ.
  4. تِلْكَ جامِعةُ.
  5. ذٰلِكَ مَطارُ.
  6. هٰذا قَلَمُ.
  7. تِلْكَ تِلميذةُ.
  8. ذٰلِكَ قَلَمُ.
  9. تِلْكَ شُقّةُ.
  10. هٰذِهِ تِلميذةُ.
  11. ذٰلِكَ دَفتَرُ.
  12. تِلْكَ جامِعةُ.


2. That is a restaurant.
4. That is a university.
6. That is a pen.
8. That is a pen.
10. This is a student.
12. That is a university.

Translation Exercises

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Exercise 1

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book كِتابُ
from مِن
school مَدرَسةُ
notebook دَفتَرُ
airport مَطارُ
with مَعَ
near قُربَ
city مَدينةُ
in في
above فَوقَ
apartment (suite) شُقّةُ
apartment (building) عِمارةُ
chair كُرسيُّ
ground أَرضُ
table طاوِلةُ
under تَحتَ
teacher مُعَلِّمُ
  1. الكِتابُ مِن المَدرَسةِ.
  2. الدَفتَرُ مِن المَطارِ.
  3. الكِتابُ مَعَ الدَفتَرِ.
  4. المَطارُ قُربَ المَدينةِ.
  5. المَطارُ في المَدينةِ.
  6. الشَمسُ فَوقَ الـأَرضِ.
  7. الكِتابُ في الشُقّةِ.
  8. العِمارةُ في المَدينةِ.
  9. الكُرسيُّ عَلى الـأَرضِ.
  10. الكِتابُ عَلى الطاوِلةِ.
  11. الطاوِلةُ تَحتَ الكِتابِ.
  12. المُعَلِّمُ في المَطارِ.


1. The book is from the school.
2. The notebook is from the airport.
3. The book is with the notebook.
4. The airport is near the city.
5. The airport is in the city.
6. The sun is above the earth.
7. The book is in the apartment.
8. The apartment building is in the city.
9. The chair is on the ground.
10. The book is on the table.
11. The table is under the book.
12. The teacher is in the airport.

Translation Exercises

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Exercise 1

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this/that ذاكَ\تاكَ
big كَبيرُ
pretty/beautiful جَميلُ
ugly قَبيحُ
good جَيِّدُ
cheap رَخيصُ
expensive/dear غالِ
this هَذا\هَذِهِ
that ذَلِكَ\تِلكَ
  1. ذاكَ كَبيرُ.
  2. تاكَ جَميلُ.
  3. هَذا قَبيحُ.
  4. ذَلِكَ جَيِّدُ.
  5. تِلكَ قَبيحةُ.
  6. تِلكَ جَيِّدةُ.
  7. تاكَ جَميلةُ.
  8. هَذا رَخيصُ.
  9. ذَلِكَ غالِ.
  10. تِلكَ رَخيصةُ.
  11. هَذا كَبيرُ.
  12. تِلكَ غالِيةُ.


2. That is pretty.
4. That is good.
6. That is good.
8. This is cheap.
10. That is cheap.
12. That is expensive. In Arabic, pronouns can appear either as independent words or as suffixes, depending on their function. Pronouns that act as subjects use the standalone form, while pronouns acting as objects—either of verbs or of prepositions—use the suffix form.

Standalone forms

Singular Dual Plural
1st Person اَنا نَحنُ نَحنُ
2nd Person (M) اَنتَ اَنتُما اَنتُم
2nd Person (F) اَنتِ اَنتُما اَنتُنَّ
3rd Person (M) هُوَ هُما هُم
3rd Person (F) هِيَ هُما هُنَّ

Suffix forms

Singular Dual Plural
1st Person ني- نا- نا-
2nd Person (M) كَ- كَما- كُم-
2nd Person (F) كِ- كُما- كُنِّ-
3rd Person (M) هُ- هُما- هُم-
3rd Person (F) ها- هُما- هُنَّ-

Translation Exercises

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Exercise 1

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we نَحنُ
I أَناْ
here هُنا
available مَوجودُ
in في
airport مَطارُ
he هُوَ
restaurant مَطعَمُ
on عَلى
ground أَرضُ
beautiful جَميلُ
you (to a male) أَنتَ
you (to a female) أَنتِ
school مَدرَسةُ
there هُنالِكَ
ugly قَبيحُ
marketplace سوقُ
  1. نَحنُ هُنا.
  2. أَنا مَوجودُ.
  3. أَنا في المَطارِ.
  4. هُوَ في المَطعَمِ.
  5. نَحنُ عَلى الـأَرضِ.
  6. هِيَ جَميلةُ.
  7. أَنتَ في المَطارِ.
  8. أَنتَ في المَدرَسةِ.
  9. أَنا هُنا.
  10. أَنتَ هُنالِكَ.
  11. هُوَ قَبيحُ.
  12. أَنتَ في السوقِ.


1. We are Here.
2. I am available.
3. I Am in the Airport.
4. He is in the restaurant.
6. She is pretty.
8. You are in school/ the school.
10. You are there.
11. He is ugly.
12. You are in the market/mall.
13. Father
14. Mother

Translation Exercises

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Exercise 1

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book ُُكِتابُ
my ـي
new جَديدُ
car سَيّارةُ
cheap رَخيصُ
far بَعيدُ
restaurant مَطعَمُ
his ُـه
computer حاسوبُ
expensive غالِ
your ـكَ
your (to a female) ـكِ
bad سَيِّءُ
here هُنا
hospital مُستَشفى
close قَريبُ
small صَغيرُ
  1. كِتابِي جَديدُ.
  2. سَيّارَتِي رَخيصةُ.
  3. مَطعَمُه بَعيدُ.
  4. سَيّارَتُكَ بَعيدةُ.
  5. حاسوبُه غالِ.
  6. مَدرَسَتُه جَيِّدةُ.
  7. مُعَلِّمُكَ سَيِّءُ.
  8. مَدرَسَتُنَا هُنا.
  9. المُستَشفى قَريبةُ.
  10. مَطعَمُكَ صَغيرُ.
  11. دَفتَرُكَ صَغيرُ.
  12. مَطعَمُه رَخيصُ.


1. My book is new.
2. My car is cheap.
4. Your car is far.
6. Your school is good.
8. Our school is here.
10. Your restaurant is small.
12. His restaurant is cheap.

Exercise 1

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at(used to mean "to have") عِندَ
book كِتابُ
negation ما
I have عِندي
you have عِندَكَ
you have (to a female) عِندَكِ
he has عِندَهُ
we have عِندَنا
car سَيّارةُ
restaurant مَطعَمُ
house بَيتُ
pen قَلَمُ
school مَدرَسةُ
computer حاسوبُ
eraser مَحّايةُ
house بَيتُ

  1. عِندَكَ كِتابُ.
  2. ماعِندِي كِتابُ.
  3. عِندِي سَيّارةُ.
  4. عِندَه مَطعَمُ.
  5. عِندَنَا بَيتُ.
  6. ماعِندِي قَلَمُ.
  7. عِندَنَا مَدرَسةُ.
  8. عِندِي حاسوبُ.
  9. عِندَكَ كِتابُ.
  10. عِندَكِ كِتابُ.
  11. ماعِندِي مَحّايةُ.
  12. ماعِندَنَا بَيتُ.


2. I don't have a book.
4. He has a restaurant.
6. I don't have a pen.
8. I have a computer.
10. You (female) have a book.
12. We don't have a house.

Exercise 1

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  1. كِتابِي هُناكَ.
  2. رِسالَتُه هُناكَ.
  3. كُرسيُّنَا هُناكَ.
  4. مَدرَستُهم هُناكَ.
  5. مُعَلِّمُنَا هُناكَ.
  6. تِلميذِي هُناكَ.
  7. قَلَمُكَ هُناكَ.
  8. مَحّايَتُنَا هُناكَ.
  9. حاسوبُه هُناكَ.
  10. دَفتَرُكِ هُناكَ.


1. My book is there.

2. His letter is there.

3. Our chair is there.

4. Their school is there.

5. Our teacher is there.

6. My student is there.

7. Your pen is there.

8. Our eraser is there.

9. His computer is there.

10. Your notebook is there.

Exercise 2

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  1. دَفتَرُكَ هُنالِكَ.
  2. حاسوبُه هُنالِكَ.
  3. مَحّايتُكِ هُناكَ.
  4. تِلميذُهَا هُنالِكَ.
  5. مُعَلِّمِي هُناكَ.
  6. كُرسيُّه هُناكَ.
  7. سَيّارَتِي هُنالِكَ.
  8. بَيتِي هُناكَ.
  9. كُرسيُّهَا هُنا.
  10. حاسوبُنَا هُنا.
  11. تِلميذُه هُنالِكَ.
  12. قَلَمُه هُناكَ.
  13. مَحّايَتُه هُنالِكَ.
  14. مَحّايَتُه غَيرُ مَوجودةِ.
  15. مَطارُنَا هُناكَ.
  16. مَطعَمُه مَوجودُ.
  17. تِلميذُه هُنالِكَ.
  18. مَدرَسَتُهَا هُنا.


2. His computer is there.

4. Her student is there.

6. His chair is there.

8. My house is there.

10. Our computer is here.

12. His pen is there.

14. His eraser is unavailable.

16. His restaurant is available.

18. Her school is here.

Exercise 3

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  1. مَدرَسَتُنَا كَبيرةُ.
  2. جامِعتُه قَديمةُ.
  3. شُقَّتُهَا صَغيرةُ.
  4. مَحّايَتُه جَديدةُ.
  5. قَلَمِي رَخيصُ.
  6. مَدرَسَتُه جَديدةُ.
  7. مَطارُنَا كَبيرُ.
  8. حاسوبُه غالِ.
  9. مَطعَمِي غالِ.
  10. جامِعَتُنَا غالِيةُ.
  11. مَحّايَتُه غالِيةُ.
  12. شُقّتِي جَديدةُ.


2. His university is old.

4. Her school is small.

6. His school is new.

8. His computer is expensive.

10. Our university is expensive.

12. My apartment is new.

Exercise 4

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  1. هَذا حاسوبِي.
  2. هَذِهِ مَدرَسَتِي.
  3. هَذا قَلَمُنَا.
  4. هَذا مَطعَمُنَا.
  5. هَذِهِ مَحّايَتُه.
  6. هَذِهِ شُقَّتُه.
  7. هَذا كِتابُه.
  8. هَذا دَفتَرُه.
  9. هَذا تِلميذُنَا.
  10. هَذا مُعَلِّمَتُنَا.
  11. هَذِهِ تِلميذِي.
  12. هَذِهِ مُعَلِّمَتِي.


2. This is my school.

4. This is our restaurant.

6. This is his apartment.

8. This is his notebook.

10. This is our (female) teacher.

12. This is my (female) teacher.

Exercise 5

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  1. ذَلِكَ تِلميذُه.
  2. تِلكَ تِلميذتُهَا .
  3. ذَلِكَ قَلَمِي.
  4. هَذِهِ مَحّايَتِي.
  5. تِلكَ مُعَلِّمَتُنَا.
  6. ذَلِكَ مُعَلِّمُنَا.
  7. تاكَ مُعَلِّمَتُه.
  8. ذاكَ مَطعَمُه.
  9. تاكَ مَحّايَتُه.
  10. تِلكَ جامِعَتُه.
  11. تاكَ شُقَّتُه.
  12. هَذِهِ تِلميذَتُنَا.


2. That is her (female) student.

4. This is my eraser.

6. That is my teacher.

8. That is his restaurant.

10. That is his university.

12. This is my (female) student.

Exercise 6

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  1. كِتابِي مِن المَدرَسةِ.
  2. سَيّارَتُه مِن المَدينةِ.
  3. كِتابُه مَعَ الدَفتَرِ.
  4. سَيّارَتِِي قُربَ المَطارِ.
  5. كِتابُهَا في شُقَّتِهَا.
  6. كُرسيُّه عَلى الـأَرضِ.
  7. كِتابُنَا عَلى طاوِلَتِه.
  8. مُعَلِّمُنَا في المَطارِ.


2. His car is from the city.

4. My car is near the airport.

6. His chair is on the ground.

8. Our teacher is in the airport.

Exercise 7

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  1. بَيتُ العائِلةِ كَبيرةُ.
  2. مُستَشفى المَدينةِ نَظيفةُ.
  3. مَطعَمُ المَطارِ في المَطارِ.
  4. مَنزِلُ الرَجُلِ شُقَّتُه.
  5. سَيّارةُ الامرَأةِ قَديمةُ.
  6. بابُ المَنزِلِ مَقفولُ.
  7. بابُ السَيّارةِ مَفتوحُ.
  8. عِندِي مِفتاحُ البَيتِ.
  9. ماعِندَكَ مِفتاحُ السَيّارةِ.
  10. مَطارُ المَدينةِ بَعيدةُ.
  11. تِلميذُ الجامِعةِ هُنالِكَ.
  12. قَلَمُ الامرَأةِ هُنا.


2. The city's hospital is clean.

4. The home of the man is his apartment.

6. The door of the home is closed.

8. I have the keys of the house.

10. The airport of the city is far.

12. The woman's pen is here.

Exercise 8

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  1. بابُ بَيتِه مَفتوحُ.
  2. جامِعَةُ مَدينَتِهَا صَغيرةُ.
  3. بَيتُ صَديقِي كَبيرُ.
  4. سَيّارةُ صَديقَتِي جَديدةُ.
  5. عِندِي دَفتَرُ صَديقِي.
  6. عِندِه مِفتاحُ سَيّارَتِي.
  7. مَبنى المَدرَسةِ قَديمةُ.
  8. مَبنى المُستَشفى قَديمةُ.
  9. مَدرَسةُ صَديقِه هُنا.
  10. مَدرَسةُ صَديقِه بَعيدةُ.
  11. مُستَشفى صَديقِنَا هُنا.
  12. بَيتُ عائِلَتِه هُنا.


2. The university of her city is small.

4. The school of her friend is new.

6. He has the keys to my car.

8. The building of the hospital is old.

10. The school of his friend is far.

12. The house of his family is here.

Exercise 9

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  1. ذَهَبَ إِلى البَيتِ.
  2. أَتى إِلى مَدينَتِنَا.
  3. مَشى إِلى السوقِ.
  4. ذَهَبَت.
  5. مَشَت إلى السوقِ.
  6. جَلَسَ هُنا.
  7. أَتَت إِلى شُقَّتِنَا.
  8. جَلَسَت هُنا.
  9. مَشَت إِلى الجامِعةِ.
  10. ذَهَبَ إلى المُستَشفى.
  11. نامَ في سَريرِه.
  12. نامَت في سَريرِهَا.


2. He came to our city.

4. She went.

6. He sat here.

8. She sat here.

10. He went to the hospital.

12. She slept in her bed.

Exercise 10

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  1. ذَهَبَت إلى مِصرَ.
  2. تَذهَبُ إِلى بِلادِهَا.
  3. مَشَت إِلى السوقِ.
  4. تَنامُ في السَريرِ.
  5. جَلَسَت عَلى الكُرسيِّ.
  6. غادَرَت المَكانَ.
  7. تَجلِسُ عَلى الكُرسيِّ.
  8. أَكَلَت خُبزًا في المَطعَمِ.
  9. تَأكُلُ لَحمًا في البَيتِ.


2. She goes to her (home) country/land.

4. She sleeps in (the) bed.

6. She left the place.

8. She ate bread in the restaurant.

Arabic (Semitic)

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Note that this is relevant only to Modern Standard Arabic and not to the colloquial forms of Arabic spoken in daily life, which vary from place to place. Also, some of the following expressions were written only to suit a male speaker.

Pronunciation guide: Stress in Arabic is most often on the penultimate syllable (i.e., the one preceding the last).

Translation Phrase IPA Pronunciation
Arabic العربيّة /alʕaraˈbijja/ (al-'arabeeya)
hello/welcome مرحبًا /marˈħaba/ (mar'Haba)
سلام / sa'lām/ (sa-laam)
see you إلى اللقاء /ilalliˈqaʔ/ (ila-lli'qa')
goodbye مع السلامة /maʕa ssaˈlaːma/ (ma-a ssa'la:ma)
please من فضلك / لطفاً /min ˈfadˁlak/,/ lutfan/ (min 'fad/lak),(Lutfan)
thanks شكرًا /ˈʃukran/ ('Shukran)
that one ذٰلك /ˈðālika/ ('Daalika)
How much/How many? كمْ؟ /kam/ (kam)
English الإنجليزيّة /alʔinʤliˈzija/ (formal),
/alʔinkliˈzija/ (colloquial)
yes نعم /ˈnaʕam/ ('na-am)
no لا /laː/ (la:)
Where's the bathroom? أين الحمّام؟ /ʔejna-l-ħamˈmaːm/ (ein-al-Ham'ma:m)
What is your name? ما اسمك؟ /ˈma smuk/ ('ma smuk)
I don’t know لا أعرف /laː ˈʔaʕrifu/ (la: 'a-rifu)
I have no clue. لا أدري /laː ˈʔadri/ (la: 'adri)
I don’t understand لا أفهم /laː ˈʔafham/ (la: 'afham)
I don’t remember لا أتذكر /laː ʔataˈðakkar/ (la: ata'Dakkar)
Welcome أهلاً وسهلاً بكم /ˈahlan waˈsahlan ˈbikum/ ('ahlan wa'sahlan 'bikum)
I am sick أنا مريض /ʔana maˈriːdˁ/ ('ana ma'ri:d/)
Hello السلام عليكم /assaˈlaːm ʕaˈlejkum/ (assa'la:m aa'laykum)
Hello (response), how are you? وعليكم السلام! كيف الحال؟ /waʕaˈlejkumu ssaˈlaːm. kayfa lħaːl/ (wa-a'lejkumu ssa'la:m. kejfa lHa:l)
Fine, and you? بخير، الحمد لله. وكيف أنت؟ /biˈxejrin, alˈħamdu lilˁˈlˁahi. waˈkejfa ʔant/ (bi'xejrin, al'Hamdu lil/'l/ahi. wa'kejfa ant)
Bye ودعا /wada:ʕan/ (Wida'an)
Where is the airport? أين المطار؟ // (Ayna al-maTa:r?)
Help! !النجدة // (Annajda:)
I am hungry. أنا جائع // (Ana ju:a:n)
I feel tired. أشعر بالتعب // (Ash'ur bitta'b)