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Arabic/Meeting people

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Here is a virtual talk between two people. Imagine that there is a visitor called Mark coming from a forign country to visit his friend Ahmed. They are at the airport, and meeting for the first time. Mark has learnt Arabic (but not very well) and wants to talk to Ahmed in Arabic. This is what they say:

Conversation with vowels indicated

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Mark: مارْك: أَهْلاً

Ahmed: أَحْمَد: أَهْلاً مارْك, كـَيْفَ حَالـُكَ؟

Mark: مارْك: أَنَا بـِخـَيـْرٍ, شـُكـْراً, وَأَنْتَ؟

Ahmed: أَحْمَد:أَنَا بـِخـَيْرٍ أَيْضاً

Mark: مارْك: مَنْ هؤُلاءِ؟

Ahmed: اَحْمَد:هَذِهِ عَائِلـَتـِي, هَذا أَخِيْ إِيْمن وَ هذِهِ أُخْتِيْ جـِهَاد,

Mark: مارْك: تَشَرَّفْنَا

Jihad: جِهاد: شـُكـْراً, وَنَحْنُ أَيْضًا ً

Ahmed: أَحْمَد:هَيـّابـِنَا نَذْهَب إِلَى أَلْمَنْزِلِ

Mark: مارْك: هَيـّا بـِنَا


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Mark: مارك: اهلاً

Mark:mark: ah-lan

Mark: Hello.

Ahmed: احمد: أهلاً مارك, كيف حالك؟

aHmad: ah-lan maark, kay-fa Haa-luk

Ahmed: Hi, Mark, how are you?

Mark: مارك: انا بخير, شكراً, وانت؟

maark: a-na-bi-khair-shuk-ran, wa-ant?

Mark: I'm fine, thanks, and you?

Ahmed: احمد:انا بخير ايضاً

aHmad: a-na-bi-khair-ai-Dan

Ahmed: I'm fine too.

Mark: مارك: من هؤلاء؟

maark: man-haa-u-laa'

Mark: Who are these people?

Ahmed: احمد:هذه عائلتي, هذا اخي ايمن و هذه اختي جهاد

aHmad: haa-dhi-hi-`aa-i-la-tee, haa-dha-a-khee-ee-maan-wa-haa-dhi-hi-ukh-tee-ji-haad

Ahmed: This is my family. This is my brother Ayman and my sister Jihad.

Mark: مارك: تشرفنا

maark: ta-shar-raf-na

Mark: Nice to meet you.

Jihad: جهاد: شكراً, ونحن ايضا


Jihad: Thanks, nice to meet you too.

Ahmed: احمد:هيابنا نذهب الى المنزل

aHmad: hay-ya bi-naa-nadh-ha-bu-i-lal-man-zil

Ahmed: Let's go home.

Mark: مارك: هيا بنا

maark: hay-ya-bi-naa

Mark: OK, let's go.


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Mark: Hello.

Ahmed: Hi, Mark, how are you?

Mark: I'm fine, thanks, and you?

Ahmed: I'm fine too.

Mark: Who are these people?

Ahmed: This is my family. This is my brother Ayman and my sister Jihad.

Mark: Nice to meet you.

Jihad: Thanks, nice to meet you too.

Ahmed: Let's go home.

Mark: OK, let's go.

Translation (literally)

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Mark: Hello

Ahmed: Hello Mark, how (is) condition-your?

Mark: I (am) with-fine, thanks, and you?

Ahmed: I (am) fine too

Mark: Who (are) those?

Ahmed: This (is) family-my, this (is) brother-my Ayman and this (is) sister-my Jihad.

Mark: We are honored

Jihad: Thanks, and we too.

Ahmed: Let's go to the house.

Mark: come_on with-us MEANING let's go