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Applications of ICT in Libraries/Diploma ICTL

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The Advanced Certificate and the Advanced Diploma in Applications of ICT in Libraries were developed by the Scottish Library and Information Council (SLIC) and are validated by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)

-----------------------------CHANGES TO THE QUALIFICATION-----------------------------------

The Certificate and Diploma have been superseded by the Professional Development Award in Applications of ICT in Libraries at levels 7 and 8 (English and Welsh levels 4 and 5). They consist of much the same content as the certificate and diploma but the PDAs include two new units:

Digital Culture: Online Communication: In this unit you will focus on the “new literacies” created by digital technologies. You will consider Web 2.0 tools, including social networks, online publishing, online collaboration and virtual worlds.
Digital Culture: Online Collaboration: This unit considers the sociology and operation of virtual communities. You will discuss the uses of Web 2.0 and online collaboration tools within your workplace.

To achieve the level 7 award you must complete three mandatory units:

⋅Locating Information on Behalf of Clients ⋅Using ICT in Library Practice & Professional Development ⋅Supporting Clients in the safe & Legal use of ICT

and one of:

⋅Supporting Reader Development ⋅Digital Culture: Online Communication


What are these qualifications?

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These qualifications are based on the training already carried out as during the People’s Network programme. They have been developed by the Scottish Library and Information Council (SLIC) and are accredited by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). The level of the qualifications is roughly equivalent to a UK Higher National Certificate or Diploma (HNC/HND), a US Associate Degree or years 1 and 2 of a UK or US undergraduate degree. Credit for approximately one year of study may be transferable to other academic programmes.

The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA), SLIC, CyMAL (the Welsh body) and DCAL (the Northern Ireland department) supported the development of the qualifications for use throughout the UK. SQA is currently exploring accreditation with the QCA (Qualifications & Curriculum Authority) and articulation into higher education. The qualifications have been reviewed by content advisers from across the UK in order to balance any variation in the context of library service delivery and the learning materials contain UK-wide examples of best practice.

Who are they for?

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These qualifications are appropriate to library staff in any sector: public libraries, higher education, further education, schools, health libraries, national libraries etc. They are suitable for experienced staff (by showing how ICT can used in traditional library work)and they are also suitable for new entrants to the profession. They may also be of interest to English-speaking library staff in other countries.

Candidates would normally be expected to have reached a reasonable level of general education, for example A-Level or SCE Higher and possess reasonable ICT skills, such as PC Passport or ECDL.

What is the content?

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The Level 7 in Applications of ICT in Libraries consists of six 8 credit units, each roughly equivalent to 80 hours of study, as follows:

Mandatory units:

Optional Units (learners undertake one of these units):

The Level 8 in Applications of ICT in Libraries includes three 16 credit units (160 hours of study) and one 8 credit unit (80 hours of study):

Optional Units (learners undertake one of these units):

(candidates must choose one of these)

Mandatory units:

Summaries of the unit content can be found later in this document.

What support material is available?

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A wide range of support material is available, including top-up learning material, assessment tools and electronic log-books to record assignments for authentication in the workplace. The top-up learning material is available in Wikibook format.

How are they assessed?

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Almost all of the assessment is of a practical nature and involves the completion of logbooks relating to workplace activities, essays and reports. Most assessments can be submitted online.

How do they relate to professional qualifications?

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What are the benefits?

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There are a number of benefits for individual and employers in supporting this development. Staff will have the chance to have their People’s Network learning accredited, improve their qualifications, gain academic credits for transfer into other courses or improve their promotion prospects. From the employer's perspective, the qualifications will contribute towards workforce development and meeting corporate quality agendas such as Investors in People and Charter Mark.

Applications of ICT in Libraries: Unit Summaries

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You can obtain the complete unit specification by following the link after the title.

Locating information on behalf of clients

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The purpose of this unit is to guide candidates to work logically through the steps of a reference enquiry, typical for a public library, using Internet resources.

  1. Define the precise nature of the enquiry in conjunction with the client.
  2. Create a search strategy to fully satisfy the client's enquiry.
  3. Evaluate the results of the search in terms of validity of information found and its appropriateness in meeting the client's needs.

Supporting reader development

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The purpose of this unit is to develop skills in public library staff required to use online resources in order to support clients in the development of their reading.

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of reader development.
  2. Identify, evaluate and use a range of online resources that promote reading to adult clients.
  3. Identify, evaluate and use a range of online resources that promote reading to younger clients.
  4. Identify, evaluate and use a range of online resources that promote reading to clients with special needs or with specific language requirements.

Supporting client learning

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The purpose of this unit is to develop skills in public library staff required to support clients in their selection and use of ICT-based learning packages within the library.

  1. Profile client in terms of ICT competence and learning goals.
  2. Select a range ICT-based package(s) to support this learning.
  3. Provide appropriate ICT support to the client in the use of their chosen learning package(s).

Using ICT in professional practice

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The purpose of this unit is to develop skills in public library staff required to use ICT in support of professional practice.

  1. Use an automated library management system proficiently.
  2. Use and evaluate online selection tools.
  3. Use ICT in continuing professional development, to join in professional discussions and to improve own professional practice.
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The purpose of this unit is to develop skills in public library staff required to support clients so that they can use ICT safely for a range of purposes and within the current legislative framework.

  1. Demonstrate safe practice relating to the use of ICT for communication.
  2. Demonstrate ways in which ICT can support clients with special needs or with specific language requirements.
  3. Demonstrate awareness of legislation relating to the use of ICT for storage, manipulation and access of information.
  4. Demonstrate awareness of Freedom of Information legislation and information access issues.

Digital Culture: Online Communication

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This unit focuses on using social media for communication purposes. It supports developing new digital literacies and using these skills to manage information effectively.

  1. Examines communication using social media and collaborative documents
  2. Explores using online publishing tools to support library services and continuing professional development
  3. Uses new technologies to reflect on the information society

Carrying Out the Educator Role

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The purpose of this unit is to develop skills in design and delivery of training on ICT-related topics.

  1. Establish ICT training needs for individuals and groups.
  2. Select delivery approach which takes account of learner's preferred learning style and is appropriate for learning content.
  3. Design learning materials and programmes on ICT-related topics.
  4. Utilise appropriate skills to support individuals and groups in their use of learning materials and programmes on ICT related topics
  5. Evaluate and revise learning materials and programmes on ICT-related topics.

Integrative Unit (Project)

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This Integrative Unit is designed to provide evidence that the candidate has integrated the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the programme into his/her ongoing professional practice.

  1. Review the programme to identify key areas of learning.
  2. Demonstrate the incorporation of key areas into ongoing professional practice.
  3. Formulate an approach to continuing professional development in key areas.


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Anyone wishing to be certified for the Diploma or Advanced Diploma must enrol as a student at one of the centres approved by SQA to offer the programmes. Centres may offer the programmes by different means, e.g.: full-time or part time, presencial, distance learning etc.

Advanced Diploma ICTL