AnyLang Programming Language Comparison/Anylang Core Concepts
AnyLang CoreConcepts
[edit | edit source]The following is the central list of AnyLang Core Concepts. These are programming concepts that are common enough to be compared and applied across multiple mainstream programming languages. Moreover, these are considered the most significant elements, based on the guiding motivations of this book.
core concept—array | ||
core_arrayop.append | (aka array_push) insert a single-element at the highest index. array treated as a single nested element | |
core_arrayop.basic_syntax | basic array syntax | |
core_arrayop.count | return the total number of elements in an array | |
core_arrayop.delete_at | delete an array element | |
core_arrayop.dim | init array to N elements | |
core_arrayop.extend | append multiple elements at the highest index. array is flattened into individual elements. | |
core_arrayop.find | return true if element found in list | |
core_arrayop.get_baseindex | get the base index for the first element in all arrays | |
core_arrayop.join | return a string from joined array elements | |
core_arrayop.last_index | return the index of last element in an array (note that len does not necc eq maxindex) | |
core_arrayop.listfind_nocase | return one or more element found in a list as list | | | one or more element found in an array as array | |
core_arrayop.map_index | just like map but also include array index | |
core_arrayop.max | return the index of the element with the maximum value | |
core_arrayop.min | return the index of the element with the minimum value | |
core_arrayop.modulo | return array elements modulo N (skip elements) | | | create a new array | |
core_arrayop.prepend | insert element at the lowest index | |
core_arrayop.range | return a range of countables from x to y | |
core_arrayop.reorder | reorder certain elements of an array while leaving the order of the remaining elements indeterminate | |
core_arrayop.reverse | reverse the elements in an array | | | return one or more element found in an array as array | |
core_arrayop.set_baseindex | get or set the default base index for all arrays | |
core_arrayop.slice | return a slice (subsection) of elements from the array as another array | |
core_arrayop.sort | array sort | |
core_arrayop.unappend | remove and return element at the highest index | |
core_arrayop.unique | remove duplicate elements from array and return the unique elements as an array | |
core_arrayop.unprepend | remove and return element at the lowest index | | | combine the elements from two arrays together in alternating order | |
core concept—character | ||
core_chrop.ascii_range | output a range of ascii characters | |
core_chrop.char_to_code | specify a character and get back the corresponding character code (ASCII only) | |
core_chrop.code_to_char | specify a char code and get back the corresponding character (ASCII only) | |
core_chrop.newline_char | specify a newline in a string | |
core_chrop.section_char | specify a section char (windows alt+0167) | |
core_chrop.tab_char | tab char in a string | |
core concept—dictionary | ||
core_dictionaryop.addkey | add a new key to the dictt | |
core_dictionaryop.dropkeys | delete multiple key-value pairs from dictt | |
core_dictionaryop.each | enumerate the name-value pairs in a dictt | |
core_dictionaryop.haskey | return true if a specific key exists in the dictt | |
core_dictionaryop.haskeys | count the total number of keys or return true if the dictt has any keys | |
core_dictionaryop.hasvalue | return true if a specific value exists in the dictt | |
core_dictionaryop.keepkeys | delete multiple key-value pairs from dictt keep only those supplied in a list. | |
core_dictionaryop.keys | enumerate or iterate the keys in a dictt | |
core_dictionaryop.addmerge | merge pairs from addon_dictt into starter_dictt, but never let a blank value in addon_dictt overwrite a nonblank in starter_dictt | |
core_dictionaryop.merge | merge key value pairs from one dictt into another to form a combined dictt | |
core_dictionaryop.modifykeys | modify dictionary keys in place | |
core_dictionaryop.newliteral | create a new dictionary literal | |
core_dictionaryop.bbpair | dictionary with name and keyref | |
core_dictionaryop.removekey | delete a key from the dictt | |
core_dictionaryop.values | enumerate or iterate over the values in a dictt | |
core concept—operators | ||
core_langop.and | Logical_And | |
core_langop.bit_and | Bitwise_And | |
core_langop.bit_left_shift | Bitwise_Leftshift | |
core_langop.bit_not | Bitwise_Not | |
core_langop.bit_or | Bitwise_Or | |
core_langop.bit_right_shift | Bitwise_Rightshift | |
core_langop.bit_xor | Bitwise_Xor | |
core_langop.compare_op | Overview Of Comparison Operators | |
core_langop.not | Logical_Not | |
core concept—mathematics | ||
core_mathop.bin_to_dec | binary to decimal | |
core_mathop.compare_between | numeric comparison | |
core_mathop.compare_gt | numeric comparison greater than | |
core_mathop.compare_lt | numeric comparison less than | |
core_mathop.cos | cosine | |
core_mathop.hex_to_dec | hexadecimal to decimal | |
core_mathop.min_max | compare values and return the minimum or maximum | |
core_mathop.power | compute x to the power of n | |
core_mathop.randint | generate a random integer | |
core_mathop.sin | sine | |
core_mathop.tan | tangent | |
core concept—set operations | ||
core_setop.add | add an element to a set | |
core_setop.difference | new set with elements in s but not in t | |
core_setop.intersect | new set with elements common to s and t | |
core_setop.len | cardinality of set s | |
core_setop.member | test x for membership in s | |
core_setop.nonmember | test x for non-membership in s | |
core_setop.scopy | new set with a shallow copy of s | |
core_setop.subset | test whether every element in s is in t | |
core_setop.superset | test whether every element in t is in s | |
core_setop.symdiff | new set with elements in either s or t but not both | |
core_setop.union | new set with elements from both s and t | |
core concept—string operations | ||
core_stringop.basic_syntax | basic string declaration and string literal syntax | |
core_stringop.case_lc | lowercase transformation of the string | |
core_stringop.case_swap | uppercase characters converted to lowercase and vice versa | |
core_stringop.case_tc | string with title case transformation of the string | |
core_stringop.case_togg | toggle between all uppercase and all lowercase | |
core_stringop.case_uc | uppercase transformation of the string | |
core_stringop.chomp | remove trailing newline | |
core_stringop.concat | the concatenation of arguments | |
core_stringop.concat_nb | the concatenation of arguments if and only if all are non-blank | |
core_stringop.count | count the occurrences of str2 in str1 | |
core_stringop.csplit | an array with each element consisting of a single character from string | |
core_stringop.dedent | left-justify a multi-line string | |
core_stringop.eq | true if two strings are identical | |
core_stringop.eq_nocase | true if two strings are identical ( case-insensitive ) | |
core_stringop.find | true if strNeedle matches any substring in strHaystack | |
core_stringop.find_nocase | true if str1 contains str2 (case-insensitive ) | |
core_stringop.find_qw | true if sNeedle matches an entire space-delimited word in sHaystack | |
core_stringop.get_region | a subregion of a string enclosed inside TagBeg and TagEnd (tag can be regex or string) | |
core_stringop.gsub | regex replace on str1 with str2 | |
core_stringop.indexof | integer index of sNeedle in sHaystack | |
core_stringop.lstrip | trim spaces from a string | |
core_stringop.repeat | repeat a string N times | |
core_stringop.replace | replace on str1 with str2 | |
core_stringop.reverse | reverse all characters in the string | |
core_stringop.rstrip | trim spaces from a string | |
core_stringop.split | split on a string-delim (or regex-delim) and return array | |
core_stringop.splitlines | split a string on newlines and return array | |
core_stringop.strip | trim spaces from a string | |
core_stringop.substr | a substring of a string | |
core_stringop.ucfirst | string with first letter as uppercase | |
core_stringop.wsplit | split on whitespace and return an array | |
core concept—table operations | ||
core_tableop.delete_col | delete a column from a SimpleTable | |
core_tableop.delete_rec | delete rows | |
core_tableop.insert_col | create a new column in a SimpleTable | |
core_tableop.insert_rec | insert a row into a SimpleTable | |
core_tableop.merge | combine two or more tables left to right | |
core_tableop.querymeta | metadata on the last run query | |
core_tableop.select_col | choose all values from a single column as a list, this is just a variation of | |
core_tableop.select_rec | select rows in the same manner as a SQL SELECT statement | |
core_tableop.sort_rec | sort the rows of a SimpleTable | |
core_tableop.union | combine two or more tables top to bottom (must have the same fieldnames) | |
core_tableop.update_rec | update rows in the same manner as a SQL UPDATE statement | |
core concept—text operations | ||
core_txtop.lines_fromfile | textfile to array with one line per array element | |
core_txtop.splitfile | split a large text file into many smaller files | |
core_txtop.str_fromfile | get the entire content of a text file and assign it to a string variable | |
core_txtop.str_tofile | spit out an entire string to a single text file |