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Annotations to James Joyce's Ulysses/Aeolus/138

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Fuit Ilium!     (Latin) Troy has been![1] The quotation is from Virgil's epic poem the Aeneid 2:325:

Aeneid 2:325-326[2]

...: We Trojans are no more, Ilium is no more, nor the great
Glory of the Teucrians;

...: fuimus Troes, fuit Ilium et ingens
Gloria Teucrorum;

Ilium is a Latinized form of Ilion (Ἴλιον), another name for the legendary city of Troy, whence the title of Homer's Iliad. The Trojans were sometimes known as Teucri (Teucrians) after Teucer, earliest ancestor of the Trojans.[3]


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  1. Gifford (1988) 150.
    Thornton (1968) 126.
  2. Aeneid
    H. R. Fairclough's Translation
  3. Aeneid 3:104 ff.
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