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Annotated Republic of China Laws/Postal Act/Article 10

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Postal Act
Republic of China (Taiwan) Law
Article 10

Promulgated complete amendment on 2002-07-10

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(Effective on 2003-01-01, from http://law.moj.gov.tw/Eng/news/news_detail.aspx?id=965 )

Article 10
Neither Chunghwa Post nor its employees may open the items of mail belonging to others except under the following circumstances:
  1. If substantial evidence suggests that the contents of the item of mail are contraband or that the received preferential rate does not apply to the mail item.
  2. When it is necessary to open the mail item in the case of undeliverable mail in order to return it to the sender.
  3. Other items of mail subject to inspection by law.

Promulgated amendment on 2011-04-27

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(From http://law.moj.gov.tw/eng/LawClass/LawSearchNo.aspx?PC=K0050001&DF=&SNo=10 retrieved on 2016-02-25)

Article 10
Neither Chunghwa Post nor its employees may open items of mail belonging to others except when they obtain the consent of the sender or the addressee and substantial evidence suggests that the mail item contains matter not permitted to be sent through the mail, the received preferential rate does not apply, or there has been a violation of postal laws.
Proof of inspection shall be issued after the inspection is completed as mentioned in the previous paragraph. In the event that the sender or the addressee refuses the inspection request, Chunghwa Post may decline to accept or deliver the said mail item.