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Annotated Republic of China Laws/Immigration Act/Article 38-1

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Immigration Act
Republic of China (Taiwan) Law
Article 38-1

Promulgated addition on 2015-02-04, effective 2015-02-05

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Article 38-1[1]
An alien who falls under any of the following circumstances, may have his/her detention sanction temporarily suspended:
  1. Is mentally impaired or physically sick, and the detention could affect treatment or endanger his/her life
  2. Has been pregnant for five (5) months or longer, or has given birth or had a miscarriage for less than two (2) months
  3. Children under 12 years old;
  4. Has contracted an infectious disease indicated in Article 3 of the Communicable
  5. Is unable to take care of himself/herself due to senility or physical or mental disability
  6. Has been banned from exiting the State at the request of judicial authorities
Based on the preceding paragraph revoking temporary detention, the National Immigration Agency would desist or cease from detaining an alien in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 38-7, and may impose an alternative to detention in line with Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, as well as notify registered social welfare institutions that provide social welfare medical resources and shelter.

Annotated by Wikibooks

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  1. "Immigration Act". Immigration Office (Taiwan). 2015-04-30. Retrieved 2017-01-08.