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A Guide To PIC Microcontroller Documentation/Notes for contributors

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Note for contributors

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Firstly, thank you for stopping by here - you are probably about to make a small or perhaps even large contribution to this book. Please don't forget to add yourself as an author or contributor once you are done.

In order to keep the content of this book consistent, please consider the following when making changes or adding content:

  • Language - this book is written in the Queen's English
  • Style - this book has a medium-serious tone. We are trying to impart information as efficiently and professionally as possible without being as dry as a Martini and sending readers to sleep. On the other hand, please also avoid being jocular or using colloquialisms. Be aware that readers may not be native English language speakers.
  • Grammar - if in doubt, please review the rules of grammar here "www.gpuss.co.uk". For a and an before abbreviations the "abbreviation verbalised" rule is used.
  • Level - please review the expected level of readers when adding content. Detailed explanations of terms should be moved into the glossary, or alternatively make a reference to Wikipedia or similar information sources.

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We were all new to something once; riding a bike, driving a car, writing, reading. What is important is the will and desire to change and improve this text rather than the actual changes themselves. If you see something that you think is wrong, needs improvement or is missing, but are not sure how to change it or don't want to change it yourself, please leave a note on our discussion page - just click on the "Discussion" tab at the top of the page, click an "edit" link and enter your thoughts. You don't even have to give your name if you prefer not to. Others will take a look at your comments and do their best to absorb them into the appropriate point in the text.

Good luck!