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Fundamentals of data representation: Comparison between vector and bitmaps

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PAPER 2 - ⇑ Fundamentals of data representation ⇑

← Vectors Comparison between vector and bitmaps Sounds →

This image illustrates the difference between bitmap and vector images. The bitmap image is composed of a fixed set of dots (pixels), while the vector image is composed of a fixed set of shapes. In the picture, scaling the bitmap reveals the pixels and scaling the vector image preserves the shapes.
  • Vector images scale without file size increase / decrease
  • Bitmap images scale resulting in file size increase / decrease
  • Vector images scale without distortion to the image
  • Bitmap images distort (pixellate) when scaling
  • Bitmaps are better for photo editing
  • Bitmaps require less processing power to display
Exercise: Vector vs Bitmap

You wish to create an image that will be made into a giant banner for the side of a building. What type should you use and why?


Vector, as it allows for scaling without distortion and retaining its file size

You wish to create an image that will be used in a game, that will run on a mobile phone and a home console. What type should you use and why?


Vector, as it allows for scaling without distortion and retaining its file size. You would only need one image to use on all the different systems.

You want to take an image of a local cat stuck in a tree. What type should you use and why?


Bitmap as it is better for photographs.