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A-level Applied Science/Investigating Science at Work/Types of science organisation

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Applied science is the application of knowledge from one or more scientific fields to practical problems. Many applied sciences can be considered forms of engineering. Applied science is important for technology development.

Academic disciplines that may be considered to be applied sciences include agriculture, architecture, education, engineering, ergonomics, design, family and consumer science, forestry, forensics, health sciences, library and information science, medicine and military science. There are also applied branches of most other sciences.

Instrumental science, an applied science, is a systematic way of solving problems. It is not a science of discovery but rather deals with manipulation to solve a particular problem such as "The crops are dying. We need to find a way to stop this." Instrumental sciences are well known for research and development which result in new technology.

In researching local science-based businesses, include firms which are involved in:

(1) Producing:

• products from plants, animals or microbes;

• water, gas, oil, gravel, clay, stone or minerals;

• chemicals, paints, dyes, fertilisers and plastics;

• pharmaceuticals, for example medicines;

• mechanical or electrical devices;

• refined fuels;

• processed and packaged products.

(2) Providing services:

• health;

• conservation and use of the environment;

• monitoring the environment;

• animal welfare;

• analysis;

• communication;

• education in science and technology;

• distributing and selling food and other products;

• distributing energy resources.