68000 Assembly/Conditional Tests

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Wherever you see "cc" in an instruction, you should replace it with the appropriate conditional test code. Refer to this table for what each test does.

Code Description Test
T* True, always tests true. Not available for Bcc or Jcc. 1
F False, always tests false. Not available for Bcc or Jcc. 0
HI High. True if Carry and Zero are both clear. not C and not Z
LS Low or same. True if either Carry or Zero are set. C or Z
CC Carry Clear. True if Carry is clear. not C
CS Carry Set. True if Carry is set. C
NE Not Equal. True if Zero flag is clear. not Z
EQ Equal. True if Zero flag is set. Z
VC Overflow Clear. True if Overflow is clear. not V
VS Overflow set. True if Overflow is set. V
PL Plus. True if Negative is clear. not N
MI Minus. True if Negative is set. N
GE Greater or Equal (N and V) or (not N and not V)
LT Less Than (N and not V) or (not N and V)
GT Greater Than ((N and V) or (not N and not V)) and not Z
LE Less than or Equal Z or (N and not V) or (not N and V)