4chan Chronicle/Styling Guide

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The Basics[edit | edit source]

  • Wikibooks Editing - Learn how to edit a wiki, and how to read wikitext. It's pretty easy, don't be afraid.

Link Templates[edit | edit source]

Link templates are used to provide wikilinks for memes, esoteric language, or other topics of interest on other wikis.

  • Bibliotheca Anonoma - Hosts stories, art, and literature from many different eras of 4chan's history.
  • KnowYourMeme Wiki - Currently the most comprehensive, well researched wiki about memes around. Link to this for most references.
  • LURKMOAR Wiki - An important secondary source for most information about early 2006-2008 4chan history.
  • Encyclopedia Dramatica - Another important record of 4chan history, memes, and raids. But many pages are total satire, and should be taken with a grain of salt.
  • Featured Link templates - Special boxes that point to articles on other websites or wikis, with more information about a topic.
  • Create your own - Here's how you create a Link Template.

Structural Template[edit | edit source]