Fractals/Computer graphic techniques/2D: Difference between revisions

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Other implementations :
Other implementations :
* [ ImagMagic discussion : using a sobel operator - edge detection ]
* [ Sobel in c from GIMP code]
* [ Sobel in c from GIMP code]
*[ Cpp code by Aaron Brooks - Brent Bolton - Jason O'Kane ]
*[ Cpp code by Aaron Brooks - Brent Bolton - Jason O'Kane ]

Revision as of 19:30, 2 February 2012


All tasks can be done using :

  • own programs ( GUI or console )
  • own programs and graphic libraries
  • graphic programs like GIMP
  • fractal programs like :
    • fractint
    • xaos
    • mandel by Wolf Jung

One can use free graphic libraries :

Creating graphic

Here are 3 targets / tasks :

  • graphic file ( saving/ loading image )
  • memory array ( processing image )
  • screen pixels ( displaying image )

Graphic file

Graphic files

Memory array

Image in memory is a matrix :

  • A color image is an MxNx3 matrix.
  • Gray-level and black-and-white images are of size MxN.

The color depth of the image :

  • 8-bit for gray
  • 24 or 32-bit for color,
  • 1-bit for black and white.

Screen pixels

glxinfo | grep OpenGL
glxinfo | grep "direct rendering"


Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI2)[9]


Example of intresting color gradient
Palette graphics, palette replacement mechanism



Tracing curve [10]

Curve rasterisation


Ray can be parametrised with radius ( r)

Closed curve

Closed curve () can be parametrized with angle ( t).

Edge detection

Sobel filter

Short introduction

Sobel filter G consist of 2 filters :

  • Gh for horizontal lines
  • Gv for vertical lines .
Sobel kernels

Sobel kernel ( masks) contains weghts for each pixel from neighbourhood of tested pixel. These are 3x3 kernels.

There are 2 sobel kernels, one for horizontal and one for vertical lines.

Sobel kernel for horizontal lines is :

Sobel kernel for vertical lines :

Note that :

  • sum of weights of kernels are zero

  • One kernel is simply the other rotated by 90 degrees [12]
  • 3 weights in each kernal are zero
Pixel kernel

Pixel kernel A containing central pixel with its 3x3 neghbourhood  :

Other notations for pixel kernel :

where : [13]

unsigned char ul, // upper left
unsigned char um, // upper middle
unsigned char ur, // upper right
unsigned char ml, // middle left
unsigned char mm, // middle = central pixel
unsigned char mr, // middle right
unsigned char ll, // lower left
unsigned char lm, // lower middle
unsigned char lr, // lower right
Pixel 3x3 neighbourhood (with Y axis directed down)

In array notation it is :[14]

In geographic notation usede in cellular aotomats it is central pixel of Moore neighbourhood.

So central ( tested ) pixel is :

Sobel filters

Compute sobel filters ( where here denotes the 2-dimensional convolution operation not matrix multiplication ). It is a sum of products of pixel and its weghts :

Because 3 weights in each kernal are zero so there are only 6 products. [15]

short Gh = ur + 2*mr + lr - ul - 2*ml - ll;
short Gv = ul + 2*um + ur - ll - 2*lm - lr;

Result is computed (magnitude of gradient):

It is a color of tested pixel .

One can also approximate result by sum of 2 magnitudes :

which is much faster to compute.[16]


  • choose pixel and its 3x3 neighberhood A
  • compute sobel filter for horizontal Gh and vertical lines Gv
  • compute sobel filter G
  • compute color of pixel


Sobel filters ( 2 filters 3x3 ) : image and full c code
Skipped pixel - some points from its neighbourhood are out of the image

Lets take array of 8-bit colors ( image) called data. To find borders in this image simply do :

     Gv= - data[iY-1][iX-1] - 2*data[iY-1][iX] - data[iY-1][iX+1] + data[iY+1][iX-1] + 2*data[iY+1][iX] + data[iY+1][iX+1];
     Gh= - data[iY+1][iX-1] + data[iY-1][iX+1] - 2*data[iY][iX-1] + 2*data[iY][iX+1] - data[iY-1][iX-1] + data[iY+1][iX+1];
     G = sqrt(Gh*Gh + Gv*Gv);
     if (G==0) {edge[iY][iX]=255;} /* background */
         else {edge[iY][iX]=0;}  /* boundary */

Note that here points on borders of array ( iY= 0 , iY = iYmax , iX=0, iX=iXmax) are skipped

Result is saved to another array called edge ( with the same size).

One can save edge array to file showing only borders, or merge 2 arrays  :

    for(iX=1;iX<iXmax-1;++iX){ if (edge[iY][iX]==0) data[iY][iX]=0;}}

to have new image with marked borders.

Above example is for 8-bit or indexed color. For higher bit colors "the formula is applied to all three color channels separately" ( from RoboRealm doc).

Other implementations :

Filling contour

Filling contour - simple procedure in c

Quality of image

Interval arithemthic


Aliased chessboard - image and c src code


example of supersampled image
Cpp code of supersampling

Other names :

  • antigrain geometry
  • Supersampling ( downsampling) [24]
  • subpixel accuracy

Examples :

  • command line version of Aptus ( python and c code ) by Ned Batchelder [25] ( see ) is using a high-quality downsampling filter thru PIL function resize [26]
  • Java code by Josef Jelinek [27]: supersampling with grid algorithm, computes 4 new points (corners), resulting color is an avarage of each color component :

//Created by Josef Jelinek
Color c0 = color(dx, dy); // color of central point
// computation of 4 new points for antialiasing
if (antialias) { // computes 4 new points (corners)
  Color c1 = color(dx - 0.25 * r, dy - 0.25 * r);
  Color c2 = color(dx + 0.25 * r, dy - 0.25 * r);
  Color c3 = color(dx + 0.25 * r, dy + 0.25 * r);
  Color c4 = color(dx - 0.25 * r, dy + 0.25 * r);
 // resulting color; each component of color is an avarage of 5 values ( central point and 4 corners )
  int red = (c0.getRed() + c1.getRed() + c2.getRed() + c3.getRed() + c4.getRed()) / 5;
  int green = (c0.getGreen() + c1.getGreen() + c2.getGreen() + c3.getGreen() + c4.getGreen()) / 5;
  int blue = (c0.getBlue() + c1.getBlue() + c2.getBlue() + c3.getBlue() + c4.getBlue()) / 5;
  color = new Color(red, green, blue);

  • one can make big image ( like 10 000 x 10 000 ) and convert/resize it ( downsize ). For example using ImageMagic :
 convert big.ppm -resize 2000x2000 m.png.



2D plane can be described by :

  • corners ( 4 points )
  • center and width
  • center and magnification ("If you use the center, you can change the zoom level and the plot zooms in/out smoothly on the same center point. " Duncan C)

Standard description in Fractint, Ultra Fractal, ChaosPro and Fractal Explorer are corners. For example initial plane for Mandelbrot set is

 Corners:                X                     Y
 Top-l          -2.5000000000000000    1.5000000000000000
 Bot-r           1.5000000000000000   -1.5000000000000000
 Ctr -0.5000000000000000   0.0000000000000000  Mag 6.66666667e-01
 X-Mag-Factor     1.0000   Rotation    0.000   Skew    0.000

Display window of parameter plane has :

  • a horizontal width of 4 (real)
  • a vertical width (height) of 3 (imag)
  • an aspect ratio (proportion) 4/3 ( also in pixels 640/480 so ther is no distorsion)
  • center z=-0.5

For julia set/ dynamic plane has :

Corners:                X                     Y
Top-l          -2.0000000000000000    1.5000000000000000
Bot-r           2.0000000000000000   -1.5000000000000000
Ctr  0.0000000000000000   0.0000000000000000  Mag 6.66666667e-01
X-Mag-Factor     1.0000   Rotation    0.000   Skew    0.000

Description from documentation of Fractint :


Example: corners=-0.739/-0.736/0.288/0.291

Begin with these coordinates as the range of x and y coordinates, rather than the default values of (for type=mandel) -2.0/2.0/-1.5/1.5. When you specify four values (the usual case), this defines a rectangle: x- coordinates are mapped to the screen, left to right, from xmin to xmax, y-coordinates are mapped to the screen, bottom to top, from ymin to ymax. Six parameters can be used to describe any rotated or stretched parallelogram: (xmin,ymax) are the coordinates used for the top-left corner of the screen, (xmax,ymin) for the bottom-right corner, and (x3rd,y3rd) for the bottom-left. Entering just "CORNERS=" tells Fractint to use this form (the default mode) rather than CENTER-MAG (see below) when saving parameters with the [B] command.


This is an alternative way to enter corners as a center point and a magnification that is popular with some fractal programs and publications. Entering just "CENTER-MAG=" tells Fractint to use this form rather than CORNERS (see above) when saving parameters with the [B] command. The [TAB] status display shows the "corners" in both forms. When you specify three values (the usual case), this defines a rectangle: (Xctr, Yctr) specifies the coordinates of the center of the image while Mag indicates the amount of magnification to use.

Six parameters can be used to describe any rotated or stretched parallelogram: Xmagfactor tells how many times bigger the x- magnification is than the y-magnification,

Rotation indicates how many degrees the image has been turned, and Skew tells how many degrees the image is leaning over. Positive angles will rotate and skew the image counter-clockwise.

Parameters can be saved to parmfile called fractint.par

Wolf Jung uses :

   from mndlbrot.cpp  by Wolf Jung (C) 201
   These classes are part of Mandel 5.7, which is free software; you can
   redistribute and / or modify them under the terms of the GNU General
   Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 3, or (at your option) any later version. In short: there is
   no warranty of any kind; you must redistribute the source code as well
void mndlbrot::startPlane(int sg, double &xmid, double &rewidth) const
{  if (sg > 0) 
     { xmid = -0.5; rewidth = 1.6; } // parameter plane
     else { xmid = 0; rewidth = 2.0; } // dynamic plane


Check orientation of the plane by marking first quadrant of Cartesian plane :

if (x>0 && y>0) Color=MaxColor-Color; 

It should be in upper right position.


Mandelbrot zoom created using Double-double precision


See :

  • Fractint Drawing Methods[31]

All the pixels

Here plane is scaned pixel by pixel in Lisp

; common lisp. Here float values can be used,  there is no mapping
(loop for y from -1.5 to 1.5 by 0.1 do
      (loop for x from -2.5 to 0.5 by 0.05 do
            (princ (code-char 42))) ; print char
      (format t "~%")) ; new line

and in C

/* c */
/* screen coordinate = coordinate of pixels */      
int iX, iY, 
iXmin=0, iXmax=1000,
iYmin=0, iYmax=1000,

/* world ( double) coordinate = parameter plane*/
const double ZxMin=-5;
const double ZxMax=5;
const double ZyMin=-5;
const double ZyMax=5;

/* */
double PixelWidth=(ZxMax-ZxMin)/iWidth;
double PixelHeight=(ZyMax-ZyMin)/iHeight;
double Zx, Zy,    /* Z=Zx+Zy*i   */
       Z0x, Z0y,  /* Z0 = Z0x + Z0y*i */

      { Z0y=ZyMin + iY*PixelHeight; /* mapping from screen to world; reverse Y  axis */
        if (fabs(Z0y)<PixelHeight/2) Z0y=0.0; /* Zy = 0 is a special value  */    
         {    /* initial value of orbit Z0 */
           Z0x=ZxMin + iX*PixelWidth;


"premature optimization is the root of all evil" - Donald Knuth in paper "Structured Programming With Go To Statements"

Parallel computing

In Mandelbrot and Julia sets each point/pixel is calculated independently, so it can be easly divided into an smaller tasks and carried out simultaneously.[32]


This image is made with use of vectorised code. It's creation time is very short.

Vectorisation [33][34]

Here is R code of above image with comments : [35]

## based on the R code by Jarek Tuszynski

iMax=20; # number of frames and iterations

## world coordinate ( float )
cxmin = -2.2;
cxmax = 1.0;
cymax = 1.2;
cymin = -1.2;

## screen coordinate ( integer)

dx=800; dy=600 ;           # define grid size

## sequences of  values = rows and columns
cxseq = seq(cxmin, cxmax, length.out=dx);
cyseq = seq(cymin, cymax, length.out=dy);
## sequences of  values = rows * columns
cxrseq = rep(cxseq, each = dy);
cyrseq = rep(cyseq,  dx);
C = complex( real=cxrseq, imag = cyrseq); # complex vector
C = matrix(C,dy,dx)       # convert from vector to matrix
# Now C is a matrix of c points coordinates (cx,cy)

# allocate memory for all the frames
F = array(0, dim = c(dy,dx,iMax)) # dy*dx*iMax array filled with zeros

Z = 0                     # initialize Z to zero
for (i in 1:iMax)         # perform iMax iterations
  Z = Z^2+C               # iteration; uses n point to compute n+1 point
  F[,,i]  = exp(-abs(Z))              # an omitted index is used to represent an entire column or row
     # store magnitude of the complex number, scale it using an exponential function to emphasize fine detail, 

# color and save F array to the file 
library(caTools)          # load library with write.gif function
# mapped to color palette jetColors . Dark red is a very low number, dark blue is a very high number
jetColors = colorRampPalette(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000"))
write.gif(F, "Mandelbrot.gif", col=jetColors, delay=100, transparent=0)  

Classes of parallel computers

Wikipedia description[36]

  • Multi-core (computing) : "I always create as many worker threads as I have cores. More than that and your system spends too much time task switching" - Duncan C[37]
  • General-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU):


  1. ImageMagick image processing libraries
  2. GEGL (Generic Graphics Library)
  5. GD Graphics Library
  6. graphics magick
  7. OpenCv
  8. OpenImageIO
  9. w:Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI)
  10. Curve sketching in wikipedia
  11. matrixlab - line-detection
  12. Sobel Edge Detector by R. Fisher, S. Perkins, A. Walker and E. Wolfart.
  13. NVIDIA Forums , CUDA GPU Computing discussion by kr1_karin
  14. Sobel Edge by RoboRealm
  15. forum nvidia : Sobel Filter Don't understand a little thing in the SDK example
  16. Sobel Edge Detector by R. Fisher, S. Perkins, A. Walker and E. Wolfart.
  18. "Images of Julia sets that you can trust" by Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Joao Batista Oliveira
  19. adaptive algorithms for generating guaranteed images of Julia sets by Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
  20. Drawing Fractals With Interval Arithmetic - Part 1 by Dr Rupert Rawnsley
  21. Drawing Fractals With Interval Arithmetic - Part 2 by Dr Rupert Rawnsley
  22. Spatial anti aliasing at wikipedia
  23. fractalforums discussion : Antialiasing fractals - how best to do it?
  24. Supersampling at wikipedia
  25. Aptus ( python and c code ) by Ned Batchelder
  26. Pil function resize
  27. Java code by Josef Jelinek
  28. No_mention_of_Double-double - talk
  29. fractalforums : problem with zooming transform one view rect-to another
  30. fractalforums "basic-location-and-zoom-question
  31. Fractint Drawing Methods
  32. embarrassingly parallel problem
  33. Vectorization (parallel computing)
  34. Matlab - Code Vectorization Guide
  35. mandelbrot set in r by J.D. Long
  36. wikipedia : Parallel_computers - Classes_of_parallel_computers
  37. /programming/what-is-the-general-approach-to-threading-for-2d-plotting/ Fractal forums discussion : What is the general approach to threading for 2d plotting
  38. parallel mandelbrot set (C Code with Message Passing Interface (MPI) library) by Omar U. Florez
  39. Guide into OpenMP: Easy multithreading programming for C++ by Joel Yliluoma
  40. Parallel Mandelbrot with OpenMP by dcfrogle
  41. claudiusmaximus  : exponential mapping and openmp
  42. A Mandelbrot Set on the GPU in Matlab by Loren Shure
  43. progressive-julia-fractal using webgl by Felix Woitzel
  44. glsl sandbox at