Adventist Adventurer Awards and Answers/Stay Safe

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Stay Safe

Read and discuss Psalm 139:13-14, Jeremiah 29:11, and James 1:18.

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Psalm 139:13-14

13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

James 1:18

He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.[

Know how to stay safe if you are home alone. Practice answering the phone.

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How to stay safe if you are home alone

1. Follow your parents' rules. Your parents want you to stay safe. That's why they have rules. If you're not sure what the rules are, sit down with your parents and write out a list together, so you both have something to refer to. The rules might cover who you can have over (if anyone), whether you can go outside, and whether you can take phone calls.

2. Lock the doors and windows. While break-ins are unusual, they can happen. The best thing you can do is keep the doors and windows locked when you're inside. That way, someone can't just walk in without your permission. If your family has an alarm, learn how to set it so it can protect you while you're home. Set the alarm to "Stay", preferably "Instant", so that police are notified in the event of a break-in.

3. Avoid opening the door to people you don't know. If someone comes to the door, it's best to ignore it if you don't know the person. If the person is delivering a package, ask them to leave it or come back later. Don't tell them you're by yourself. It's also important not to tell people over the phone that you're by yourself at home. If someone calls for your parents, you can say, "They can't come to the phone right now. Can I have them call you back?"

4. Stay away from dangerous items in the house. Even though you're home alone, you don't have free rein to do anything you want. You still need to stay away from dangerous things. Don't play with matches, knives, or guns, for instance. Also, don't take medications unless you know what you're doing. Don't mix chemicals and cleaners you find around the house, as it can create fumes or liquids that can hurt you.

5. Call your parents if you need to. If something happens or you don't know what to do, call your parents or another trusted adult. They can walk you through the situation so you feel safe again. It's best to know your parents' cell phone numbers by heart, so you'll always be able to call even if you can't see the list of emergency numbers.

6. Have emergency numbers ready. If something happens, you need to be ready. The main emergency number you need to know is 9-1-1 (in the United States). They can help with emergencies like fires, someone breaking in, or injuries. But you should only call them when it's truly an emergency. If you get a small cut, that's not a reason to call 9-1-1. Keep other emergency numbers on hand, such as your parents' numbers, as well as other people you can call if you have an issue, such as a neighbor or family member. If you don't have these numbers handy, ask your parents to make a list and post it up for you to see easily

7.Practice what to say during an emergency call. When you call 9-1-1, the operator will want to know a few things. They'll want to know where you are (your address) and what's wrong. They'll also want to know your phone number so they can call back if needed. Try running through a practice call with your parents

8. Run through practice emergencies with your parents. If something crazy happens, you may want to panic. Most people do. It's important to stay calm, though. One way you can learn to stay calm is to go over what to do when things happen with your parents ahead of time. Things can go wrong in a house, such as a toilet overflowing, the smoke alarm going off, or something catching on fire in the kitchen. Ask your parents to go over potential problems with you.

9. Learn where the emergency exits are. You need to be able to know how to get out of your house in different ways. Of course, the back and front doors are good options. If there's a fire, though, you may need to escape through a window to get to safety. Ask your parents to go over the best ways out of the house.

Practice answering the phone

Know how to stay safe when using the internet.

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Follow the family rules, and those set by the Internet service provider.

Never post or trade personal pictures.

Never reveal personal information, such as address, phone number, or school name or location.

Use only a screen name and don't share passwords (other than with parents).

Never agree to get together in person with anyone met online without parent approval and/or supervision.

Never respond to a threatening email, message, post, or text.

Always tell a parent or other trusted adult about any communication or conversation that was scary or hurtful.

Know how to stay safe if an adult or older kid (practice the scenarios):

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If your child is alone and approached by a stranger. Tell your kids that if a stranger ever approaches and offers a ride or treats (like candy or toys) or asks for help with a task (like helping find a lost dog), they should step away, yell "No!" and leave the area immediately. Your child should tell you or another trusted adult (like a teacher or childcare worker) what happened. The same goes if anyone — whether a stranger, family member, or friend — asks your child to keep a secret, tries to touch your child's private area, or asks your child to touch theirs.

asks you to go with them.

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wants to give you something.

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asks for help or directions.

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tries to touch you.

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asks you to keep a secret.

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Know what to do if you get lost in a public place or when hiking. Practice a possible safety plan. Develop a safety plan with your family.

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Know what to do if you get lost in a public place

Make sure your child memorizes your full name, your phone number, and your address. Some children as young as 3 may be able to remember a parent’s cell phone number. Also, make sure your child knows your first and last names. Keep in mind, however, that some young children might forget your first names since they don’t use them to refer to their parents.

If your child is too young to memorize your information, write it down on a piece of paper and tuck it away in a secure place like a shoe or pocket. Remind your child where the paper is before heading to your destination so they can tell a safe adult that it’s there in case you are separated.

Have your child practice calling your phone. This is particularly useful with older children once they learn to use a phone. You can have them call your cell phone from a landline or another phone.

Teach your child how to ask for help safely. Rather than teach your child not to ever talk to strangers, empower your child and tell them to ask a mom with a child for help. If they can’t spot one, tell them to look for a woman, a store salesperson with a nametag, or a security guard.

Teach them to tell that adult that they are lost and to give their full name, your phone number, your name, and other basic information.

Tell your child to never go looking for you if they get lost. The best thing for them to do is to stay right where they are so that you can come and find them.