Adventist Adventurer Awards and Answers/Flowers

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Busy Bee

List five flowers mentioned in the Bible.[edit | edit source]

Rose and Lily

Songs of Solomon 2:1 (NIV)
I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.

Bulls and Wreaths

Acts 14:13 (NIV)
The priest of Zeus, whose temple was just outside the city, brought bulls and wreaths to the city gates because he and the crowd wanted to offer sacrifices to them.

Identify 10 of the following[edit | edit source]

Tell what attracts bees and insects to flowers and what it is they get from flowers.[edit | edit source]

Bees visit flowers in order to collect nectar, which they eat and turn any surplus into honey, and pollen, which they eat and feed to their larvae.

The flowers benefit from this because as the bees go from flower to flower some pollen sticks to the hairs on the bee's body and gets transferred from the stamen of one flower to the stigma of the next, pollinating the flower. To pollenate them, and that is crucial to the flowers, fruits, veggies, etc. to flourish

Describe three ways in which flower seeds are scattered.[edit | edit source]

Seeds are dispersed to new places by several different methods.

  • Animals disperse:
  • Hitchhikers – burs and other seeds whose coats have hooks or spikes, which stick to the fur, feathers or feet of animals (cockleburs, burdocks, goatheads);
  • Fruits – eaten by animals, which deposit the fruit seeds with their dung (apple,
  • mulberry, cherry, juniper berry);
  • Nuts and S eeds – buried underground by squirrels, mice, birds, and other animals, which often do not return to eat them (acorn, walnut, piñon seed).
  • Wind carries winged seeds (elm, maple, pine), parachute seeds (dandelion, salsify), and cottony seeds (cottonwood, poplar).
  • Water floats seeds away from their mother plants and deposit them on beaches and beside rivers and streams (cottonwood, coconut).

Play a “Pollen Game.”[edit | edit source]

Game 1: Pollen Game

Using butcher paper or newspaper, cut a flower shape that is at least four feet in width, and lay it flat on the floor. In the center of the flower, place a cup of sugar water. Sprinkle powder on the rest of the flower. Give each child a straw and let them one at a time try to get the “nectar” from the cup without touching the “pollen” powder. Most flowers are pollinated successfully when an insect drinks the nectar, though sometimes insects are able to bypass the pollen.

Game 2: Insect Pollination Game.pdf

To illustrate how insects help with the cross-pollination of plants Two margarine tubs or similar, one containing red and the other white powder paint. These can be placed on a cardboard outline of a flower. The tubs represent the stamens producing the pollen for two different flowers. Two collecting dishes and one cotton bud for each team. Outdoor space Divide the group into teams and arrange them in lines at one end of the space. At the other end of the space two tubs are placed on the ground, one with red powder and the other with white powder. The first member of each team runs to the first tub carrying a cotton bud and collects some “pollen.” The team member returns to their team and deposits the pollen in a collecting dish. The child repeats this activity for the second tub of different coloured pollen. The remaining team members take turns until they have all completed the activity. The children think the aim of the game is to collect the most pollen in their collecting dishes. However, in doing so, they have in fact mixed up the colours in the two tubs of “pollen” showing how cross-pollination takes place.

Suggested by: Becki Pulford

Make a bookmark using dried flower petals.[edit | edit source]

  1. Cut a piece of decorative paper, such as scrapbooking paper or lightweight card stock, to the dimensions you want for your bookmark.
  2. Arrange your dried flower petals in a decorative pattern on top of the paper you have cut. Try to arrange them in a single layer whenever possible, leaving some spaces between the petals where the paper will show through.
  3. Cut a piece of clear contact or shelf liner paper to be double the width of your bookmark paper plus 1 inch and 1 inch longer than the length.
  4. Press the contact paper onto the top of your flower arrangement and wrap it around so that it sandwiches the bookmark between its layers. Press the contact paper tightly to the bookmark to remove any air bubbles.
  5. Trim the edges of the contact paper with scissors to make them as close to the edges of the paper as possible without cutting the paper itself.
  6. Punch a hole in the top of the bookmark that is centered 1/2 inch down from the top edge.
  7. Thread a 6-inch length of ribbon through this hole and make a slipknot in the center of the ribbon to hold it to the bookmark.

Take a bouquet of garden flowers to share with someone.[edit | edit source]

Bouquet of Flowers samples

Pick a bouquet of garden flowers, arrange them nicely and take them to someone to make him/her happy. OR make a silk flower arrangement and share it

External Resources[edit | edit source]

Flowers.pdf- KFW Adventurers

Games for the Outdoor Classroom - cfbt

Garden Themes - Kids Garden Club

Bible Verses - Bible Gate Way