Adventist Adventurer Awards and Answers/Beginning Biking

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Beginning Biking
Eager Beaver

Know how to ride a bike without training wheels.

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Teaching Your Child to Ride a Bike You Tube Video

Preparation Start by scouting out the right location.

Before heading to the park, remove the training wheels from the bike and lower the seat so that your child can sit on it and rest both feet on the ground. Also, have your child put on long pants such as jeans and a long-sleeve sweatshirt. Bring their helmet and a pair of full-finger gloves for them, too. The more injury proofed your child feels, the more willing they will be to participate in this teaching session. Keep it exciting and fun for your child and remember: NO PRESSURE.

One Skill At A Time

The goal of teaching kids to ride is to help them learn the required skills of balancing, steering, pedaling and braking. This is a lot to throw at them at once, which is why so many parents wear themselves out running behind the bike while their children struggle with all these new skills.

The secret is to help them master one riding skill at a time. Your child must be comfortable with each new skill before you show them the next. They’ll learn much faster. And you can simply stand in one spot praising and encouraging your student.

Before starting, have your child put on the helmet and gloves. This way, they’ll feel safe, which is important because if they’re afraid, they won’t want to try.

Balancing & Steering

The first thing to teach is balancing. Walk up the grassy slope about half way, point the bike downhill and have your child get on and coast very slowly down the hill using their feet as outriggers, dragging them for balance and to slow down. The lowered seat makes it easy for them to reach the ground and maintain their balance. The soft grass will keep their speed down and make the bike come to a stop at the bottom of the slope.


Once your child is confident enough to coast down the hill with their feet off the ground, they’re ready to coast down with their feet on the pedals. Have them rest their feet on the pedals while you hold the bike in place, first.

Then, they’re ready to coast down the slope with their feet on the pedals. Be sure to remind them to put their feet on the ground as the bike slows down and stops so they don't fall over. After a few runs down the hill, they’ll get the hang of it.


Most bikes for kids have coaster brakes, which are also called “foot brakes,” because they’re applied by backpedaling. Show your child how this works and let them practice slowing, coming to a stop and putting a foot down.

Be able to ride three blocks in your neighborhood.

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Know three biking safety rules.

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  • Wear a Properly Fitted Bicycle Helmet
  • Watch for and Avoid Road Hazards
  • Adjust Your Bicycle to Fit
  • See and Be Seen

Color a picture of a bicycle and be able to identify the following

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Parts of a Bicycle
  • Handlebars
  • Chain and Guard
  • Spokes
  • Seat
  • Main frame

How are tires pumped up?

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  • Open the valve
  • Figure out the recommended PSI for your tires
  • Locate a pump
  • Inflate the tire

External Resources

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Kids and Bike Safety NHTSA