Adventist Adventurer Awards and Answers/Pearly Gates (HH)

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Pearly Gates (HH)
Helping Hand

This award is intended to make children aware of and look forward to the Second Coming and Heaven.

Find and read a promise of Jesus' Second Coming in the Bible.[edit | edit source]

Act out a parable from the Bible about Jesus' Second Coming.[edit | edit source]

Name a Bible book and chapter that describes Last Day events.[edit | edit source]

Make a list of the signs of Jesus' Second Coming, found in Matt. 24:3-14.[edit | edit source]

Describe Jesus' ascension of Heaven and tell how it is like or unlike the way He will return.[edit | edit source]

Find and read in the Bible a description of the Holy City or New Earth.[edit | edit source]

Complete and memorize John 14:2,3 using one of the following activities[edit | edit source]

Fill in the blanks[edit | edit source]

John 14:2, 3 (NIV)
"My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."

Put each word on an index card (one word/card), and have the children put the cards in order).[edit | edit source]

Help make a rebus of the memory verse; say the verse, with help from the rebus.[edit | edit source]

Hide pieces of the puzzle and make a game for the Parable of Lost Coins with them.[edit | edit source]

Close your eyes and imagine meeting Jesus at the Pearly Gate, then either draw a picture of what you imagined or create what the Pearly Gate would look like.[edit | edit source]

External Resources[edit | edit source]