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XSLTForms/XForms 2.0/XPath 2.0 Functions

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XPath 2.0 and 3.0 functions

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XPath 2.0 and 3.0 functions supported by XSLTForms (alphabetical order):

[Some description of XPath 2.0 item-type declarations possibly needed here, to explain the signatures ...]

  • distinct-values($heap as xs:anyAtomicType*)
  • ends-with($haystack as xs:string, $needle as xs:string)
  • format-number($value as numeric?, $picture as xs:string)
  • lower-case(nodeset?)
  • replace($input as xs:string, $pattern as xs:string, $replacement as xs:string)
  • string-join($bricks as xs:string*, $glue as xs:string)
  • tokenize($input as xs:string, $pattern as xs:string)
  • upper-case(nodeset?)

Also the mathematical functions abs, acos, asin, atan, atan2, cos, exp, log, power, random, sin, sqrt, and tan. [Signatures to be supplied.]

N.B. this list is complete as of version r638.

There are a number of XPath 2.0 functions that have not yet been implemented in r638.

XForms 2.0 functions

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N.B. This list does not include functions that were already defined in XForms 1.1.

XSLTForms has (as of r638) implemented these:

  • serialize()

These are apparently not yet implemented in XSLTForms (as of r638) (in alphabetical order): attribute(), bind(), case(), element(), eval(), eval-in-context(), location-param(), location-uri(), parse(), readonly(), relevant(), required(), seconds-from-dateTime(), seconds-from-epoch(), seconds-to-dateTime(), uri-authority(), uri-fragment(), uri-host(), uri-param-names(), uri-param-values() , uri-path(), uri-port(), uri-query(), uri-scheme(), uri-scheme-specific-part(), uri-user-info().