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Structural Biochemistry/The activities of the cloning enzymes

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1. Ligases are used to join nucleic acid segments, especially when one is cloning a DNA fragment into the vector DNA.

2. Phosphatases remove the 5′-phosphate from nucleic acid strands. This prevents vector downgrading, which would reduce the number of background colonies as well as producing substrate to which a kinase can attach a new radio-labeled phosphate.

3. Kinases add new phosphate groups to nucleic acids. This is usually done in order to label the nucleic acid fragments or the synthetically made oligonucleotide.

4. RecA Protein and AgarACE® Enzyme are used primarily to protect in certain cloning procedures or facilitate the nucleic acid purification. The E. coli RecA Protein is able to facilitate the pairing of homologous DNA sequences. AgarACE® Enzyme is a patented agarose-lysing enzyme produced for the harvest of DNA from agarose gels.