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Magic: The Gathering/Standard Format

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Standard (also known as Type 2) is a Constructed format where the total card pool is restricted by sets. Normally, this standard format pool consists of cards from the most recent core set and the two most recent expansion blocks.

The core set is currently comprised of the Magic 2011 core set(m11), the Magic 2012 Core set (m12), the Zendikar block and the Scars of Mirrodin block.

Players must have at least a 60-card deck (and optional sideboard containing exactly 15 cards) consisting of cards of any printings that are legal in the current standard format. Players must be able to shuffle their decks without assistance. Decks (including the sideboard) may contain no more than 4 copies of any card other than basic lands. In addition, certain cards may be "banned" (the card may not be used). There are currently two banned cards in the Standard Format. Jace, The Mind Sculpter and Stoneforge Mystic.

As of July 15th, 2011, the sets legal in Standard are:

Battle For Zendikar BLOCK
Battle for Zendikar
Khans of Tarkir BLOCK
Khans of Tarkir
Fate Reforged
Dragons of Tarkir
Magic Origins

After January 22nd Standard Legal Sets will consist of

Battle For Zendikar BLOCK
Battle for Zendikar
Oath of the Gatewatch
Khans of Tarkir BLOCK
Khans of Tarkir
Fate Reforged
Dragons of Tarkir
Magic Origins

Since the format now rotates twice as fast with the new block rotation pattern effective with the rotation of Khans of Tarkir on April 8, 2016, decks have a maximum shelf life of one years, meaning that the format is quick to change and easily impacted. There are deck archetypes that have waxed and waned through the years, but maintain their existence in some form or another (prowess white, white black warriors, black blue control, red aggro), while others (usually combo decks) are spawned from the centerpiece card (Hardened Scales, Nantuko Husk), and are thus usually subject to their key card leaving Standard.