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HyperText Markup Language/Tag List/option

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

Used in relation to the select tag. It defines the options in the list box that should have been declared.


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Required attributes

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The value of the option that has been selected. It is then sent to the form.

Optional attributes

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Associated CSS classes.

The direction of the text. The user has the choice of "rtl" (right to left) or "ltr" (left to right).


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Locks the values away from the user. The user cannot modify the value within the tag.

A string that will be in the webpage.

The ISO language code that the user wants to use for the tag.


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Defines the list item as the default selected.


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CSS style command within the tag.


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The title of the tag.

Standard attributes

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More info

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A link to a page with more info, then the name of the site the info came from (i.e. W3Schools).