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History of Hawaii/Further Reading

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  1. Brown, DeSoto. “Beautiful, Romantic Hawaii: How the Fantasy Image Came to Be.” The Journal of Propaganda 20 (1994): 225-271.
  2. Bureau of Yards and Docks. "Building the Navy's Bases in World War II: History of the Bureau of Yards and Docks and the Civil Engineer Corps", 1940-1946. Vol. 2, Chapter 22, pp. 121-162
  3. Cane Sugar and Hawaii. San Francisco: California and Hawaiian Sugar, Public Relations Dept., 1969. Print.
  4. Desmond, Jane C. “Invoking "The Native": Body Politics in Contemporary Hawaiian Tourist Shows.” TDR 41, no. 4 (Winter, 1997): 83-109.
  5. Finney, Ben R. “The Development and Diffusion of Modern Hawaiian Surfing.” Journal of the Polynesian Society 69(4):314-331.
  6. Greenwell, Amy B. H. “Taro: With Special Reference to Its Culture and Uses in Hawaii” Economic Botany 1, no. 3 (1947): 276-289.
  7. Hackler, Rhoda E. and Cummins E. Speakman. "Vancouver in Hawai'i" Hawaiian Journal of History 23 (1989): 31-38
  8. Hargrove, Ermile, Kent Sakoda, and Jeff Siegel. "Hawai‘i Creole." University of Hawaii System. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <http://www.hawaii.edu/satocenter/langnet/definitions/hce.html>.
  9. Handler, Richard and Jocelyn Linnekin. “Tradition, Genuine or Spurious” The Journal of American Folklore 97, no. 385 (1984): 273-290.
  10. Herman, R.D.K. "Out of sight, out of mind, out of power: leprosy, race and colonization in Hawai’i” Journal of Historical Geography 27, no. 3 (2001): 319-337.
  11. Imada, Adria L. “Hawaiians on Tour: Hula Circuits through the American Empire” American Quarterly 56, no. 1 (2004): 111-149.
  12. Lanny The Imperial Republic: A Comparison of the Insular Territories under U.S. Dominion Thompson, "The Imperial Republic: A Comparison of the Insular Territories under U.S. Dominion after 1898," Pacific Historical Review, 71, no. 4 (2002): 535-574.
  13. Linnekin , Jocelyn S. “Defining Tradition: Variations on the Hawaiian Identity” American Ethnologist 10, no. 2 (1983): 241-252.
  14. MacLennan, Carol. “Kilauea Sugar Plantation in 1912: A Snapshot.” Hawaiian Journal of History 41, no. 1 (2007): 1-35.
  15. McGowan, William. "Industrializing the Land of Lono: Sugar Plantation Managers and Workers in Hawaii", 1900-1920. 69, Vol No. 2, (1995), pp. 177-200
  16. Osborne, Thomas. “Trade or War? America’s Annexation of Hawaii Reconsidered.” Pacific Historical Review 50, no.3 (1981): 285-307.
  17. Poka Laenui, "The US and the Kingdom of Hawaii," Peacework, Jul/Aug, no. 13 (1998): 287.
  18. Pollenz, Phillippa. “Changes in the Form and Function of Hawaiian Hulas.” American Anthropologist 52.2 (April-June 1950): 225-234.
  19. Pukui, Kawena. “Games of My Hawaiian Childhood” California Folklore Quarterly 2, no. 3 (1943): 205-220.
  20. Schroeder, Jonathan E. and Janet L. Borgerson. “Packaging Paradise: Consuming Hawaiian Music.” Advances in Consumer Research 26 (1999): 46-50.
  21. Spitz, Allan. “The Democratic Transplantation: The Case of Land Policy in Hawaii.” Land Economics 42, no. 4 (1966): 473-484.


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  1. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. The New Pacific. New York: Bancroft Co., 1900.
  2. Bell, Roger John. Last Among Equals: Hawaiian Statehood and American Politics. Honolulu: University of Honolulu Press, 1984.
  3. Bryan, Willian Alanson. Natural History of Hawaii: Being an Account of the Hawaiian People, the Geology and Geography of the Islands. Charleston: Nabu Press, 2010.
  4. Coffman, Tom. The Island Edge of America: A Political History of Hawai'i. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2003.
  5. Coffman, Tom. "Nation Within: The Story of America's Annexation of the Nation of Hawaii." Kāneohe: University of Hawaii Press, 1998.
  6. Clark, John. ‘Hawaiian Surfing: Traditions from the Past’. University of Hawaii, 2011.
  7. Creighton, Thomas H. The Lands of Hawaii: Their Use and Misuse. Honolulu: The University Press of Hawaii, 1978.
  8. Dalton, M. M. "Teacher TV" New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc, 2008.
  9. Daws, Gavan. Shoal of Time: A History of the Hawaiian Islands. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1968.
  10. Jennings, Helen. Chronology and Documentary Handbook of the State of Hawaii. New York: Oceana, 1978.
  11. Kuykendall, Ralph S. The Hawaiian Kingdom Volume I 1854-1874: Twenty Critical Years. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1953.
  12. Kuykendall, Ralph S. The Hawaiian Kingdom Volume III 1874-1893: The Kalakaua Dynasty. Honolulu: University of Honolulu Press, 1967.
  13. Lawler, Kristin."Radical: The image of the surfer and the politics of popular culture" New York:ProQuest LLC, 2008.
  14. Marin, Lester, S. R. "Images that Injure Pictorial Stereotypes in the Media". Westport: Praeger.2003
  15. Northrop, Henry Davenport. “Great Events of a Great Nation” Philadelphia, National Pub. co, 1898.
  16. Okihiro, Gary. Island World: A History of Hawai'i and the United States. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008.
  17. Oshiro, Lisa Cami. "Recognizing Na Kanaka Maolis Right to Self Determination". Albuquerque: New Mexico Law Review, 1995.
  18. Osorio, Jonathan K.K. Dismembering Lahui: A History of the Hawaiian Nation to 1887. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2002.
  19. Peterson, Barbara Bennett. Notable Women of Hawaii. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1984.
  20. Ray Brownie, R. A. "Continuities in Popular culture". Bowling Green: University Popular Press. 1993
  21. Silva, Noenoe K. Aloha Betrayed : Native Hawaiian Resistance to American Colonialism. Durham: Duke University Press, 1996.
  22. Stevens, Sylvester Kirby. American Expansion in Hawaii, 1842-1898. New York: Russell & Russell, 1968.
  23. Takaki, Ronald. Pau Hana: Plantation Life and Labour in Hawaii 1835-1920. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1983.
  24. Tate, Merze. The United States and the Hawaiian Kingdom: a Political History. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1965.
  25. Tate, Merze. "Hawaii: Reciprocity or Annexation." East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1968.
  26. Whitehead, John. Completing the union: Alaska, Hawai'i, and the battle for statehood. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2004.
  27. Young, Lucien. The Real Hawaii; its History and Present Condition. New York: Arno Press, 1970.

Government Documents

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  1. Blount, James H. “Report of U.S. Special Commissioner James H. Blount to U.S. Secretary of State Walter Q. Gresham Concerning the Hawaiian Kingdom Investigation.” Honolulu, Hawaii, July 17 1983.
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History of Surf - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVIo0yhm01g

History of Queen Liliuokalani and Hawaiian Annexation - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuKLYVLJya4&list=PLA072ACFDC39635CB&feature=plpp_play_all

Center for Hawaiian National Archives - http://www.archives.gov/legislative/features/hawaii/