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Foundations and Assessment of Education/Edition 1/Foundations Table of Contents/Chapter 9/Chapter Review

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Chapter Review

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By: Stephanie Craig

Learning Targets

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After reading this chapter, the reader should be able to:

-identify the federal government's position on pre-k.

-identify two early intervention initiatives besides pre-K, aimed at helping children come to school ready to learn.

-identify one government funded preschool program.

-list at least one of the reasons why effectiveness in education is important.

-describe three of the characteristics which make a school effective.

-given a list of characteristics of schools, identify whether they are effective or ineffective.

-define and give two examples of what a School and Community Partnership is.

-describe what Communities In Schools means.

-list two benefits of School and Community Partnerships.

-identify three ways in which a teacher can have a positive attitude.

-list three ways to show students that they are welcomed in the classroom.

-give at least one reason why teachers are important to students.

-describe two ways to be positive with students when they are not cooperating.

-discuss and analyze the two characteristics associated with an effective school as demonstrated through the performances of students, teachers, and administrators.

(No learning targets listed for 9.1.1)

Test Your Knowledge: Review Questions

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1) A contributing factor to low first year teacher retention is:

a) Difficulty balancing work loads

b) High levels of stress

c) Resolving classroom issues

d) All of the above

2) A novice teacher is:

a) Beginning teacher

b) Experience teacher

c) Mentor

d) None of the above

3) An effective induction program for novice teachers is:

a) A formal education class

b) A mentoring program

c) A practical skill seminar

d) A veteran teachers seminar

4) A mentor is:

a) A novice teacher that works with students at risk

b) A veteran teach that acts as a trusted counselor or guide to a novice teacher

c) A veteran teacher that helps students

d) All of the above


1) Which President established the goal that "all children in America will start school ready to learn"?

a) President Clinton

b) President George H. Bush

c) President George W. Bush

d) President Johnson

2) How does Obama's proposal for voluntary, universal pre-school expand the original implementation of ready to learn?

a) Early intervention has changed to early education.

b) It moves pre-k into the public school system.

c) It reduces the variability in pre-kindergarten implementations.

d) All of the above.

3) What significant factor is the most difficult to implement in the ready to learn objectives?

a) Ensuring that all children have access to quality pre-k opportunities.

b) Ensuring that all children have breakfast before school.

c) Ensuring that all children receive recommended immunizations.

d) Ensuring that all parents support their children by reading to them at home.

4) Why is pre-k only one of the objectives of the ready to learn education goal?

a) Pre-k results are hard to measure, so other more easily measurable objectives were added in order that progress could be shown.

b) Readiness to learn is impacted by health, emotional and physical development factors that aren't addressed by pre-k.

c) To justify continued federal funding for Head-Start programs.

d) All of the above.


1) In what areas are ineffective schools most common?

a) Affluent areas in America

b) High poverty areas

c) Middle class suburbs

d) Other countries

2) A school is described as having minimally qualified teachers, an unsafe environment, and not enough funding. What type of education would this school provide?

a) Effective

b) Excellent

c) Ineffective

d) Well rounded

3) A school wants to become more effective. Which of the following is something they should do to accomplish this?

a) Develop incentives to attract highly qualified teachers

b) Have the principal develop the curriculum by himself as he sees fit

c) Increase class sizes to increase learning

d) Spend most of the funding on athletics to bring in more money and attention


1) What is not considered to be a development promoted by a school and community partnership?

a) Cognitive

b) Emotional

c) Intellectual

d) Physical

2) What is Community In School (CIS) actively trying to prevent happening to students?

a) Absences

b) Bullying

c) Dropping Out

d) Partying

3) What is one way in which you, as a teacher, can make a project meaningful?

a) Assign the student a book and have them report on what they read.

b) Get students involved by solving a "real-world" problem by having them participate in a clean-up project at a nearby creak.

c) Have a party once everyone has completed the project.

d) Have students individually work on a project and present the class.

4) What is one way in which you, as a teacher, could get the business community involved in your school?

a) Hold Parent/Teacher conferences

b) Hold a Parent Teacher Association Meeting

c) Hold a school pep rally

d) Write a letter to a particular business asking for sponsorship of an enrichment program for the students


1) Who is the most important person when it comes to creating a positive learning environment for the students?

a) Classmates

b) Parents

c) Principals

d) Teachers

2) What are the three best ways that a teacher can let the students know they are special?

a) Learn each student's name, make themselves available, and spend time with students outside of school

b) Learn each student's name, notices each child's differences, and make themselves available

c) Make themselves available, spend time with students outside of school, and have individual meetings with each student

d) Notice each child's differences, have individual meetings with each student, and learn each student's name

3) Apply your knowledge. If a student refused to go to art class with the rest of the class, what would be the most positive way to handle the situation?

a) Give the child a choice: Would you rather sit here all alone or go have fun in art class with all of the other students?

b) Ignore the child's behavior and leave him/her in the classroom in hopes that they will follow the teacher and other students to the art room

c) Make the child go to the art class even if he/she yells and screams

d) Tell the child that he/she will have to stay in the class alone

4) Consider this: A parent brings their child to class on the first day of school and the child is scared to enter the classroom. What is the best way that the teacher can make the student feel welcomed?

a) Ask the child to join the class and if he/she refuses then tell the parent that they do not have time for such nonsense

b) Explain to the parent that they can not make the child come into class and maybe they should try again the next day

c) Offer the child a reward such as a piece of candy or a toy

d) With a nice smile, tell the student what the lesson plans are for the day, focusing the most on the exciting craft the class will make or the neat new song they will learn

Chapter FAQs

1) Which of the following are not one of the three effective characteristics of effective teachers in effective schools?

a) Classroom Management

b) Design Lessons

c) Student Success

d) Time Management

2) This is the ability of a teacher to organize everyday tasks, lessons, and assignment in such a way that students are actively engaged throughout the class period.

a) Classroom Management

b) Effective Teaching

c) Effective Planning

d) Mentoring

3) What is the result if effective school methods are not in place?

a) All students will fail.

b) No child left behind sanctions would be implemented.

c) Parents would be highly involved in all school events.

d) There would be a lack of order, classroom management, and safety.

4) In what ways do the state of Virginia measure effective schools?

a) High graduation rates

b) High attendance rates

c) Through norm and criterion-referenced test results

d) All of the above



1) d

2) a

3) a

4) b


1) b

2) d

3) d

4) b


1) b

2) c

3) a


1) a

2) c

3) b

4) d


1) d

2) b

3) a

4) d

Chapter FAQs

1) d

2) a

3) c

4) d

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