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Foundations and Assessment of Education/Edition 1/Foundations Table of Contents/Chapter 3/Student Soapbox

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Foundations Chapter 3 Student Soap Box

Considering the milestones of Educational History presented in lecture and here in our wikibook, what is one event that you believe has profoundly affected the face of education today?

Add your response below. Extra credit will be awarded to multimedia responses.

The most influential milestones of the history of education...

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Ldomm002 (talk) 02:11, 19 July 2009 (UTC) I think that there are two very influential milestones in the history of education that come to my mind. The first would the Brown vs The Board of Education which ended segregation in schools. My mother always told me that when she went to school she remembered kids yelling and spitting at the African-American kids who were trying to attend school. That seems insane to me, how could children be denied attendance at a public school based on the color of their skin?? The other milestone is the invention of the internet and what it means to students and teachers today. The internet has opened up the world to students and teachers alike!

I think the most influential milestone of the history of education is the 21st century because of technology. I believe that technology is the future. Teachers have to be up-to-date with the latest technology genre to help their students learn the lesson they want to teach. I think that when a student uses a computer to help them with a lesson, like taking a quiz, it helps them to remember better. I enjoyed reading the articles on the different types of educational systems and how they worked.Msmhobbs04 (talk) 01:32, 14 July 2009 (UTC)

I believe that most influential milestone in the history of education came in 1975. That year The Education for All Handicapped Children Act was passed by Congress. That Act called for the free, appropriate public education, suited to the students individual needs, and offered in the least restrictive setting be available for all "handicapped" children. This act was renamed in 1990 to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This act was a big advancement for families with handicapped children. This act entitled them to a public education that was best suited for them. The schools were no longer allowed to provide a cookie cutter education to all students in the hopes that it fit their needs. Even today as autism grows more prominent in our culture, schools are having a hard time finding the funding to provide an appropriate education in the least restrictive setting. Jtmitchem (talk) 17:09, 17 July 2009 (UTC)

Looking back on the milestones of education, it's hard to imagine schools of the past. There have been so many accomplishments and changes throughout the centuries. Each time period has offered a number of achievements that have led to the educational system we know today. I believe that the greatest accomplishment was the desegregation of schools in the early 20th century. This is an important factor that highlights the movement toward equality in education. So many changes that took place up to that point are also noteworthy. The attempt to create an equal and beneficial school system for all has been the most influential trend. I really enjoyed reading this chapter and reliving the educational systems in history. It has taught me so much about how we got where we are today and the importance of each milestone in education. Khedl002 (talk) 14:55, 12 July 2009 (UTC)khedl002

The philosophers of the 17th and 18th century– Locke, Descartes, Bacon– etc. have had a tremendous impact in schools of thought/philosophical outlooks and teaching. Their profound impact is echoed on a maybe too frequent basis in the vast majority of my English courses, to the point where I shudder at the uttering of their names, though I adamantly appreciate their ancient contributions. The overarching theme that education should be experienced first hand is something I wholeheartedly agree with and try to actually do when learning virtually anything. Hsmit022 (talk) 19:15, 12 July 2009 (UTC)

I believe there are many important aspects of history that have made an influential impact in history. I think an important aspect of history is the segregation of the school system. I also think the formation of the public school system in the 19th century was an equally important aspect the history of education. It is so interesting to talk to people like our parents who have been there when the school system was non segregated and to see how different it is today. I think over the past ten years how the technology in the classroom has changed is going to one day be an extremely important aspect in history. Lwill031 (talk) 14:29, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

I believe that every century had important influences that kept building on each other. In the 17th century you had private education which started the whole process as well as 1st higher education - Harvard. In the 18th century each village had elementary school which was not mandatory, but it was introduced. Finally in the 19th century, the beginning of public schools was a very influential milestone of the history of education. The 19th century I think was the most influential not only because of the public schools but also teacher training schools and the start of kindergarten. A lot of important things happened in the 19th century to bring us to where we are today. Aferg006 (talk) 03:39, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

I believe there are many significant events in history that have affected the educational system. I believe larger events were public schools, segregating schools, and most recently enforcing the No Child Left Behind Act. Our educational system changed to provide education for all children and hold our teachers accountable. Not all children are on the same learning curve and this made teachers more aware of their classroom and what their students needed. I would also say the wave of technology has affected the classroom. Teachers and students are able to use many more resources and possibly even spark the interest of students to learn through technology. It is amazing to look to see where we were and where we are today. I believe the educational system has grown in leaps and bounds but there are still many areas that need attention. Sston008 (talk) 20:10, 10 July 2009 (UTC)

I think the one event that was the most influention in the history of education was the beginning of public schools in the 19th century. Between 1830 and 1872, great changes were made in public schooling in many states. The goals of this "common school movement" were to provide a free education to white children, train and educate teachers, and to establish state control over public schools. The belief introduced by Horace Mann was that a common education for all meant that society in general would be more productive and prosperous. I think this was a milestone because public schools have the greatest number of students today than any other school. Without this milestone in the 19th century, we would not be where we are today. Afett001 (talk) 17:52, 10 July 2009 (UTC)

I cannot say there was just one great influence or milestone that was the most important factor in changing the face of education. There were many. Moving students from one-room schoolhouses, to separating them by age and grade level was huge. At that moment, teachers began differentiating their curriculum according to the student. The creation of public schools was also a big deal. It was the first time our country acknowledged the need for an equal education for “almost all” children, and that education would further promote our future success. It was no longer just children from wealthier families receiving instruction. During the 20th century, educational philosophies also began to truly emerge. Piaget, Vygotsky, Montessori were all pivotal individuals in the creation of today’s classrooms and curriculum. I cannot forget reading about the G.I. Bill after WWII, which spawned a completely new perspective on receiving a college education. The women’s movement, the civil rights movement… all of these things were huge in the history of our educational system. It shows that we have come pretty far and still have plenty of room to grow. It is exciting and hopeful, looking at the past, to think about where the teaching profession will go in the future. I am definitely a proponent for studying the history! Abitt002 (talk) 18:33, 10 July 2009 (UTC)

Education today is an accumulation of many historic endeavors that have changed teaching today. Therefore it is difficult to give credit to anyone event as having the most impact. Education is ever changing process from how we teach to what is taught. Education should reflect our ever-changing world; therefore it should be ever-changing also.Mlipl001 (talk) 18:43, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

After reading this chapter and reading the power points related to this topic, I don’t think that I could single out an event that should take the credit as the most influential one on public education. I believe that the combination of all the events that happened starting in the 17th century, has created what our public schools are today. I do think that one of the most influential things that happened to develop public education in the United States to all children was the common school movement which led to the opening of the first public school. Without this event taking place the American civilization would not be what it is today. I think that another major event was the creation of the GI Bill which allowed Americans to actually believe that college was possible and led to the curriculum being more practical to students. I think that the case of Brown vs. Board of education opened up public schools to minorities and allowed them to prove that they were worthy and capable of an education just like Caucasians were. Our schools truly are an accumulation of all of these efforts put in place and practice. It has enables the school system to develop and become more integrated, innovative, flexible, affordable and available to all children.Bpenn005 (talk) 00:08, 12 July 2009 (UTC)

Recognizing important milestones in the history of education can be a fairly simple task. However, determining which milestone had a profound effect on education today can be very difficult, because there are many perspectives on different facets of education. Some teachers may argue that Sir Francis Bacon of the 17th century deeply affected education because he was the founder of the scientific method and that science should be explored actively. Others may claim that it was 21th because it started to acknowledge the presence of technology in the classroom. Personally, I believe that the 20th century had the most powerful affect on education today because it began respond to the diversity present in America. Prior this time period, it was mostly Anglo-Saxon boys and girls that attended school, and in many cases, typically consisted of children middle and upper-middle classes. However, the Industrial Revolution sparked a major immigration movement which brought children from diverse backgrounds into English-speaking classrooms. There were also children of African Americans, who had been in the country longer than the children of immigrants, but had just as few rights as they did. Segregation against race was legal until the Brown vs Board of Education in 1954, which deemed “separate but legal” unconstitutional. The 20th century also paved the way for women and people with disabilities with the Title IX of 1972 and Individuals With Disabilities Act of 1975. Essentially, the 20th century marked an age where the world was becoming more diverse. Faster and easier transportation made it possible for people to travel around the world and interact with people they could not have before. As schools enter the digital age of the 21st century, these acts and movements were necessary to prepare teachers for diverse students. Adart001 (talk) 21:30, 10 July 2009 (UTC)

Though there are several significant milestones in the history of education, I believe the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (1975) had a profound impact on students, teachers, parents, and the pockets of school divisions. Known now as IDEA, this law opened doors to special education students and made learning more accessible. Students with physical and cognitive disabilities were often secluded in separate classrooms with little or no interaction with "regular" students. This law provided access to the least restrictive learning environment (LRE) and guaranteed a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to all students regardless of their disability. Special education students were welcomed into regular classrooms where they could learn and socialize with other students. The specialization of a child's learning goals are established in their IEP and necessary accommodations are provided in order for the student to be as successful as possible. I believe that IDEA assisted in bringing differentiated instruction to the forefront. Parents began to feel that their children, regardless of their disability, were being treated with respect and dignity. I believe that special education law was essential in bridging the equity gap in public school classrooms. Acrow005 (talk) 22:57, 10 July 2009 (UTC)

Honestly, I believe that technology as a whole is one of, if not the most, important advancements in the history of education. Beginning with the printing press, technology has really helped the advancement of learning. The printing press and now the copy machine allow students to have a hard copy of the material that they learn in class. Email and online sites such as Blackboard also help teachers and students communicate. The internet is also very important to learning. Students can use it to find the answer to any question and research any topic online. Other than technology, I guess the most other important advancement in education would be integration, for obvious reasons. Sbutl016 (talk) 03:39, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

I don't believe that one single piece of history has profoundly caused advancements in education alone. However, I do believe that certain things such as technology, laws, and mind questioning experiences have led the education world to where it is today. Without some great leaders (Socrates, etc.) and reformers (Mann) I don't think that we would be where we are either. People make all the difference and people that care make a huge difference. Bacon, for example, still holds the title for the solid scientific method that we use today. Even though it has been somewhat altered we still work by using his primary principles. We constantly are pouring another solid foundation in the education arena in many different ways. We have different types of school systems, different ways to teach, and even a different mind set than we had decades ago. I pray that today we will make history in the way education is taught and thought about in many years to come.Hcomb003 (talk) 14:00, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

Two major events that stand out: Brown vs Board of Education and the Civil Rights Act. Brwon vs Board of Education was the starting point which led to the Civil Rights Act. What's great about this is the fact that parents became tired of inequalities in education so they decided to do something about it. That is what makes this country great because people are allowed to voice their opinions and stand up for what they believe in without fear of reprisal. The Civil Rights Act took the Brown vs Board of Education and expanded to include not just the educational system...but the workforce as well. This single act, in my opinion, was the grandfather of all because it made everyone equal in the eyes of the law and helped to dispel some fears about the future of race relations.Scarlett1 (talk) 17:57, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

One event that has made an influential impact within our educational system is the segregation of school systems. The non-segregated schools didn't work, and showed how prejudiced our country had become. Up until segregation, our country was really quite un-united and discombobulated. When segregation of our school systems came to be we really could call ourselves the UNITED States of America! Hcogg001 (talk) 00:14, 12 July 2009 (UTC)

I agree with the other students who referred to desegregation of schools as having a profound impact on education as a whole. My Mother was in high school the year that Norfolk closed their schools to prevent integration. She used to tell me about the students that came to Oscar Smith in Chesapeake, from Norfolk because they could not go to school in their city. She called some of them the "lost class." It was not fair to the students of the time to be used in such a way. Our society has grown in leaps and bounds and the integration of schools has had a lot to do with it. The same opportunities that are afforded to one student should be available to all students regardless of their race. I think that No Child Left Behind will also have an impact, some good and some not so good, but everything will continue to improve if we think of the welfare of the future, which will always be our children. Jnewh001 (talk) 15:16, 12 July 2009 (UTC)

Among the many milestones of educational history I'd have to recognize Brown vs. Board of Education (1954). Not only was this a milestone in education but it was a huge mark in history regarding integration and the civil rights movement. This shifted so many things in the classroom, with the integration of differing races students were now exposed to different culture backgrounds. African American students now had the same privileges and opportunities as the white students regarding education. This change took years to assimilate, many people weren't willing to accept the change and lashed out. Overtime, the integration of schools has become easier and ultimately proved beneficial to everyone both educationally and culturally.Rpaige (talk) 17:44, 12 July 2009 (UTC)

The most profound milestone of education would have to be the start of formalized education. There would be no education system today if at some point formalized education had not began. Whether public or private,elementary or secondary, without a foundation to build the education system could have never risen. When the first person organized the teaching of others into a standard setting, that was not only the beginning of education, but also the most profound milestone in its history. Scrai010 (talk) 23:45, 12 July 2009 (UTC)

I’m going to have to say that the biggest innovation within the field of education has to have been Sir Francis Bacon’s invention of the scientific method. Without the scientific method where would we be? The scientific method influenced all further improvements to education by providing a methodology for experimentation, thereby facilitating new adaptations in learning due to its use. Not to mention its direct implementations within science classrooms. If these two contributions were not enough, I think it is fair to say that the vast majority of technological advances that enhance education today would not have been possible or as efficient as they are without the aid of Bacon’s scientific method. By providing a logical structure for questioning the world around us Bacon legitimized science as a discipline and helped create a criterion by which to insure quality in the results of experimentation. BitterAsianMan (talk) 03:57, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

I feel like there were many big innovations within the field of education over the years. I feel like on of the biggest innovations was the separation of just one school for all ages and grades in a village, to the separation of grades based on age. I also feel that the desegregation of schools was another big innovation in the field of education. By allowing diversity in the schools, the field of education prepared students for what schools would be like in the future for students and also prepared them for other interactions they would experience throughout their lives. I feel that there are many innovations that have occurred within the field of education over the years, but these are the two factors I believe to be most important. Rburt005 (talk) 04:55, 13 July 2009 (UTC)

It truly is difficult to say that any one thing has influenced our educational system more than any other thing. If I had to choose one though, I would have to say making education available to the public has been the most influential. If only those who could afford it were able be educated, imagine what a class system this country would have and how many who have contributed to the modernization of this country might never have had the opportunity. Sciaston (talk) 17:51, 14 July 2009 (UTC)

I believe technology has become one of the most influential parts of educations. Education has sort of developed into an evolutionary system, in this case (21st century) technology is the influential variable. Students are now lead into classrooms complete with computers in order to complete assignments. As long as teachers are up to date with these technological gadgets, education will be more beneficial.Ehern004 (talk) 21:05, 15 July 2009 (UTC)

I agree with what many others have also said in that there are numerous milestones that have affected education. However, I would have to say that one of the most important was the Brown vs. Board of Education that allowed integration in schools. I think that this decision just began the reform in education that is still continuing today. Alucy001 (talk) 14:49, 18 July 2009 (UTC)

I think one event that has definitely improved the face of education would be the harnessing of electricity which ultimately led to the advances in technology that we have today. Without the use of electricity not only would education be drastically be changed so would the way that we live. Especially with students in this generation the way that we learn would be very different. Rcoll029 (talk) 03:25, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

One milestone in the history of education is the Brown v. the Board of Education supreme court case. If it were not for this case, education in the United States would look very different today and so would laws concerning education. I found it interesting to learn how though the brown case was in 1954, it took a number of years for the ruling to actually be incorporated into the practice of many school districts. The article says it was not until 1980 that most school systems had adopted the ruling of the Brown case. Integrated school systems have various implications for a number of reasons. First, requiring that people of different races work together is an important precursor for harmonious conditions for integration in the workplace. Also, the social learning and relationships that students build in school helps for better interaction in integrated community situations outside of the public schools. Mbrowder (talk) 14:19, 16 August 2009 (UTC)