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Foundations and Assessment of Education/Edition 1/Foundations Table of Contents/Chapter 3/Chapter Review

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Learning Targets

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1. The reader will be able to describe the different interpretations of the history of education.

2. The student will also be able to identify the similarities and differences between the classroom of today and the classroom of the past.

3. To learn about the roots of the U.S. education system.

4. Identify the two major institutions founded by Benjamin Franklin and Frederick Froebel that are still in use today.

5. Be able to name the major methods or practices invented by Sir Francis Bacon, René Descartes and Thomas Jefferson.

6. Be able to identify early education practices and their purposes. I.e. Hands on or object centered learning and learning through play.

7. Name the common theory held by many 17th and 18th century philosophers and apply it to teaching in today's classroom.

8. Students should be able to identify the Common School Period and its goals.

9. Students should be able to identify two of the major innovators of education in the 19th century.

10. Students should be able to understand the beginnings of teacher education, starting in the ancient times.

11. Students should understand the progression from few requirements to many requirements to teach.

Review Questions

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1. If Johnny is in a classroom full of thirty people ranging from age six to age eighteen, what time period would he have been in school?

 A. The modern classroom
 B. The colonial classroom
 C. The classroom of the future
 D. A home school classroom

2. According to Charles Webster why is it important to study the history of education

 A.  To familiarize teachers with the developments in the past that refined the teaching methods of today.
 B.  To ensure that teachers don't make the same mistakes they made in the past.
 C.  It's not important, because teaching methods of today are so different.
 D.  Because those that don't study the past are doomed to repeat it.

3. What did Edward Powers identify as the most important factor in studying the history of education?

 A. That it doesn't have a large impact on today's education.
 B. That today's methods of education are far superior to the past.
 C. That it helps people studying to become teachers today with ideas on how their predecessors did things.
 D. That there were too many philosophies to compare the effects on teaching today.

4. What are the reasons that it's important to continue studying the current "history of education?"

 A. The further in the past we look, the less important it becomes.
 B. To ensure that we provide future generations with the best educational system we can.
 C. It's not important because the methods of teaching have evolved so quickly.
 D. There are too many philosophies to identify the really important ones.

5. In 1731, Benjamin Franklin established what institution that allows the public to freely borrow books and have free access to the internet and other resources

   A. the library.
   B. the forum.
   C. the shopping mall.
   D. Barnes and Noble.

6. This institution was created and established by Frederick Froebel in 1837 in Blackenburg, Germany.

   A. Die Hochschule
   B. Kindergarten
   C. der Bibliothek
   D. Klassenzimmer

7. When a student, usually in science class, does an experiment and records the details of that experiment along with his/her predictions and findings what longstanding method should they use and who created it?

   A. Software Developement Process, ISO
   B. Method Acting, Stanislovsky
   C. The Scientific Method, Sir Francis Bacon
   D. Discourse on Methodology, Descartes

8. René Descartes developed Cartesian geometry and how we plot these on graphs...

   A. Rates
   B. Ratios
   C. Parts of Speech
   D. Equations

9. A student performing well in high school should apply for one of these, if he gets one he could possibly get a free ride to college, and if he does he has Thomas Jefferson to thank for the invention.

   A. Pell Grants
   B. Scholarships
   C. Congratulations
   D. Salutations

10. You are teaching a class of very young students, you might have them do this to learn the similarities and differences between shapes. Pestalozzi would recommend it.

   A. Set out an assortment of blocks and balls and ask the students questions about what they see and feel.
   B. Set out an assortment of blocks and balls and explain the differences between the shapes.
   C. Set out an assortment of blocks and balls and have the children throw them at each other.
   D. All of the above.

11. Pestalozzi believed that a good teacher could create a lesson from any experience. The children in your class are playing with a pretend kitchen set. What type of lesson could be taught in this situation?

   A. Ask the children to describe what steps they might take to bake a cake.
   B. Ask the children to make a list of the different action words that take place in a kitchen after their play.
   C. Have the children demonstrate how to work together in a group by asking each group member to "make" a different part of the 
   D. All of the above.

12. Locke, Bacon, Froebel, Pestalozzi, Komensky and Rousseau all believed in this basic principle.

   A. Learning is best done through experience and allowing the student to participate in his/her education.
   B. Learning is best done in the sunlight.
   C. Learning is done best when the instructor dictates passages from a famous author.
   D. Learning is best done when students memorize scientific facts or phenomena.

13. What was the 19th century called in reference to educational reform?

   A. The Old School Movement
   B. The New School Movement
   C. The Common School Movement
   D. The High School Movement	

14. Who was considered the "Father of the Common School"?

   A. Horace Mann
   B. William McGuffey
   C. Thomas Jefferson
   D. John Joseph Hughes

15. Who wrote one of the first textbooks or readers ever used in public schools?

   A. George Washington
   B. Thomas Jefferson
   C. William McGuffey
   D. Horace Mann

16. Education reformers such as Horace Mann wanted to make school_____________.

   A. fun, creative, and worthwhile
   B. attainable, religious, and moral
   C. free, public, and state maintained
   D. expensive, private, and secular

17. One of the three goals of reformers who supported common schools was____________.

   A. to get rich
   B. to educate teachers
   C. to be famous
   D. to make school only for the elite

18. In 1956, what type of education might most African Americans in the Deep South likely have received?

   a. A separate but equal education to that of whites
   b. A better education but still in segregated schools
   c. An inferior education compared to that of whites
   d. An education that was rapidly improving since 1954

19. After 1975, in what kind of learning environment are handicapped children found?

   a. Separate classrooms where they are taught basic skills
   b. A school day split between a special education class and a regular class
   c. Full integration into regular classrooms with nondisabled students
   d. Separate schools that can accommodate their needs more

20. In 1970, women’s education most likely included what class?

   a. Physics
   b. Auto repair
   c. Calculus
   D. Home economics

21. After World War II, which belief supported the passage of the G.I. Bill?

  a. Veterans returning home would be mostly unemployed
  b. Veterans would be eager to further their education while working
  c. There would be a surplus of jobs and veterans could be picky
  d. Veterans would probably not use the benefits anyway

22. What type of classes would most likely appeal to the returning WWII veterans?

  a. Art history
  b. English composition
  c. Mechanics
  d. Psychology

23. Is learning technology skills enough for teachers to be successful in the classroom?

  a. yes 
  b. no

24. What is a basic technology that almost every school has?

  a. telephone
  b. absentee reporting
  c. overhead projector
  d. walkie talkie

25. What is an advanced technology that only few schools have?

  a. overhead projector
  b. VCR
  c. DVD player
  d. Smart Board

26. Which President enacted the No Child Left Behind Act?

  a. Bill Clinton
  b. George Herbert Walker Bush
  c. George W. Bush
  d. Ronald Reagan

27. Which of the following is NOT an example of learning WITH technology?

  a. Standing in front of the class and watching a Power Point lecture
  b. Researching Abraham Lincoln on the Internet
  c. Making a spreadsheet of recorded data using Excel
  d. Finding out how cds are made

28. Who is considered the first private teacher?

  (A) St. John Baptist de la Salle
  (B) Samuel Hall
  (C) David Angus
   D) Confucius

29. Where was the first graduate school for education established?

  (A) Columbia University
  (B) New York University
  (C) Harvard University
  (D) Carnegie Mellon University

30. What is a reason behind the monitorial system being effective?

  (A) The teacher only had to teach a handful of students and could relax the rest of the time.
  (B) The teacher did not have to try very hard.
  (C) The teacher was able to teach older students and then help younger students understand as necessary.
  (D) It was not effective.

31. What describes the western style of teacher education?

   (A) Only male students, with the intent to get them into administrative positions.
   (B) Only female students, with the intent to get them into administrative positions.
   (C) Mostly older students, but the intent was to get young women into better teaching jobs and young men into administrative positions.
   (D) Mostly younger students, but the intent was to get young women into better administrative positions and young men into better teaching positions.

Answer Key

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1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.B 19.B 20.D 21.A 22.C 23.B 24.C 25.D 26.C 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.C 31.C