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ERP Internals/Data Tables/Accounts Payable Invoice/Header

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This table contains one record for each invoice.

Used by: Accounts Payable

Key: Supplier Number, Invoice Number


  • Supplier Number
  • Invoice Number (from supplier's invoice)
  • Invoice Type (Regular, Adjustment, Prepayment)
  • Invoice Date
  • Terms
  • Due Date (calculated from the Invoice Date and Terms)
  • Discount Date (calculated from the Invoice Date and Terms)
  • Invoice Amount
  • Tax Amount
  • Freight Amount
  • Currency
  • Purchase Order Number
  • Batch Number
  • Hold Date
  • Hold Authorization (User and Date/Time, encrypted)
  • Hold Type
  • Holdback Percentage
  • Holdback Amount
  • Authorization To Be Paid (User and Date/Time, encrypted)
  • General Ledger Account Number (Discount)
  • General Ledger Account Number (Tax)
  • General Ledger Account Number (Freight)
  • Posted to General Ledger Date/Time
  • Notes
  • UDF