Adventist Adventurer Awards and Answers/Swimmer I

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Swimmer I
Busy Bee

Complete the Red Cross Swim Level I—Water Exploration or the following:

Learn seven safety rules for swimmers.

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  • Do not swim without an adult present.
  • Do not run near water.
  • Do not dunk another person.
  • Do not push or shove another person.
  • Do not play in water over your head until you can swim.
  • Do not depend on flotation devices; learn to swim.
  • Do not jump into water without knowing it is safe.

Fully submerge face for three seconds.

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Experience buoyancy. Bounce up and down in chest-deep water, maintaining an upright position for ten bounces.

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Demonstrate support float on front and back.

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Demonstrate bubble-blowing.

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Enter and exit water independently using ladder, ramp, steps, or side of pool.

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Walk five yards in chest-deep water maintaining balance, or move five yards along the side of the pool maintaining contact with the wall.

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Demonstrate kicking on front and back.

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Walk five yards in chest-deep water using alternating arm strokes.

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Discuss the importance of following rules.

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Discuss the role of safety personnel and EMS.

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Demonstrate reaching assists without equipment.

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Demonstrate how to relieve a cramp.

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Step 1 Stretch your calf muscle by standing and placing your weight on the leg with the cramp. Bend your knee slightly. If you can't stand, pull your toes toward your head while the leg is in a straightened position.

Step 2 Massage the calf muscles with your hands while stretching the calf.

Step 3 Walk around to relieve any muscle contraction causing the cramp.

Step 4 Take a hot bath. Heat may provide relief during the first spasm of the calf cramp. Place a cold pack on the muscle to provide relief after the pain has subsided.

Step 5 Prevent calf cramps by changing position often, drinking water throughout the day, stretching before bedtime and adding potassium to your diet. Foods that contain potassium include raw avocados, dried apricots, raisins, nectarines, cooked spinach, plain yogurt, cantaloupe and bananas.

Demonstrate wearing a life jacket on desk and enter shallow water.

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External Resources

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