Adventist Adventurer Awards and Answers/Know Your Body

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Know Your Body
Eager Beaver

Learn I Corinthians 6:19.

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1 Corinthians 6:19 New King James Version (NKJV)

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?

Name the twelve parts of your body.

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Head, neck, shoulder, arm, elbow, hand, finger, back, leg (Actually “legs”), knee, foot (actually “feet”), toe, (actually “toes).


This is me, from my head to my toes.

Here is my hair that grows on my head.

Here are my eyes to see things around.

Here are my ears to hear loud sounds.

Here is my nose with which I can smell.

Here is my mouth with my white teeth inside.

Here is my chin, and here are my cheeks.

Here is my neck which helps me turn my head.

Here are my shoulders to carry my bag.

Here is my chest and I cover it with my vest.

Here are my hands to hug my teddy bear.

Here is my stomach. I can hear it rumbling when I am hungry.

Here are my hips. I sit on my hips.

Here are my legs with which I can walk and run.

Draw your body and label the twelve parts.

[edit | edit source] Activity book pages 10

What are knees for?

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The largest joint in the body is the knee. It acts as a hinge that allows your lower leg and foot to swing easily forward or back as you walk, run, or kick. A healthy knee allows almost 150 degrees of movement.

What does your face do for you and others?

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a.     How trustworthy you are

b.     What mood you’re in

c.     What you’re reacting to

d.     How much pain you’re in

e.     Friendliness

f.      Tolerance

g.     Sense of humor

h.    Generosity

Name some useful things you can do with your hands.

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The human hand is different to the hands or paws of other animals, because it has fingers and a thumb that can work together. ... Our hands help us to do so many things like writing, holding, carrying, playing games, using a computer, texting on phones and a million other things.Our thumbs help us to pick things up and use tools. Our hands help us to do so many things like writing, holding, carrying, playing games, using a computer, texting on phones and a million other things.

1. Fingerpaint.

2. Pet a dog.

3. Moisturize.

4. Jazz hands.

5. Wave goodbye

6. Julienne a carrot.

7. Spin a basketball on your finger.

8. Write a thank you note.

9. Play the air guitar.

10. Kickbox.

11. Tell a secret in Morse code.

12. Draw a horse.

13. Solve a puzzle.

14. Lift weights.

15. Fix a leak.

16. Peel some string cheese.

17. Tie a cool knot.

18. Wash the dishes.

19. Push the first button you see.

20. Write a poem.

21. Gesture emphatically.

22. Build a house of cards.

23. Let glue dry on your hand and peel it off.

24. Squish some silly putty.

25. Sing a song in sign language.

26. Fix yourself a cup of tea.

27. Snap your fingers.

28. Clap your hands.

29. Knit a scarf.

30. Crack open some pistachios.

31. Hold a balloon string.

32. Pick up the phone and call your mom.

33. Churn some butter.

34. Join a drum circle.

35. Make some shadow puppets.

36. Pick a flower.

37. Show off your yo-yo skills.

38. Hold a small, friendly pet.

39. Tie your shoelaces.

40. Give yourself a pat on the back.

How can you use your mouth for Jesus?

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  • Speak Grace

Given all that Paul says about grace in Ephesians, he could scarcely have handed our mouths a higher calling. Grace is that redeeming quality of God by which he saves us, seals us, and sanctifies us. By grace, God has blessed us in his beloved Son (Ephesians 1:6), raised us from the dead (Ephesians 2:5–6), and rescued us from our sins (Ephesians 2:8). God’s grace is rich, overflowing, immeasurable. Eternity will not exhaust his storehouses (Ephesians 1:7; 2:7).

Now, Paul says, let your mouth give that. Take the grace you have received from God, and let it change the accent of your soul. Then take your little words, flavored with grace, and use them to carry on Jesus’s redeeming work in someone’s life.

Whenever God makes someone an object of grace, he also makes them an agent of grace. Just as Paul received a “stewardship of God’s grace” to preach the gospel (Ephesians 3:1–2, 7–8), so too “grace was given to each one of us” (Ephesians 4:7). Even if we should feel as slow of speech as Moses (Exodus 4:10), if we have the Holy Spirit, we have a whisper of heaven in our hearts and on our tongues. We have grace to give.

  • Built Up in Jesus

Practically, giving grace means speaking words that are “good for building up” (Ephesians 4:29). Gracious words straighten bent-over saints, strengthen tottering legs, bind up bruised arms, and grow each other into “the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13).

“Give grace,” in other words, is a call to imitate the God whose words make worlds bloom into being (Psalm 8:3). Give life. See the image-bearer in front of you, and skillfully apply “the truth . . . in Jesus” (Ephesians 4:21). Match specific words from God to specific needs in others. Give your words weight; make them meaningful; say something worth saying. All to the end that others might grow up into Jesus — protected from lies, established in truth, rooted and grounded in grace.

Such grace is not confined to the sermon or the Bible study. Paul’s command rests over every Christian and every conversation. Give grace when you kneel beside your child’s bed, when you eat lunch with coworkers, when you sit around the campfire with friends, when you walk with your wife in the evening, when you stand in line at the grocery store, when you send your thirtieth email of the afternoon.

Lest we misconstrue the character of these gracious words, let’s add two qualifications: gracious words are not always nice, and gracious words are never easy.

  • Proverbs 13:3; “Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin."
  • Ephesians 4:29; "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."