User talk:Alex beta

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Latest comment: 17 years ago by Alex beta in topic Soliciting some minor support in new project
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Please feel free to leave your comments here. (Alex beta 18:45, 27 Nov 2004 (UTC))

Spanish speakers

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If you wish to leave a comment in Spanish, please do so at Alex beta (Spanish version)

Hey, Alex, cool, go ahead and write about modal logic! --publunch 07:02, 29 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Hmm. Progress on the propositional logic is rather slow. Though in theory I have the time to do this, things don't always work out that way. When writing the Spanish edition, you can translate my stuff and then fill in the gaps, which are only too obvious. Then you can fill in the gaps in the English text by translating what you have written in Spanish back to English. Then perhaps with help I could translate the entire work into French. Actually the fact that different language versions are slightly different is an interesting feature of wikipedia and wikibooks.

By the way, someone on #wikipedia asked me to use a 'fictitious name space', so rather than have pages called 'tautology', I have to call them 'Introduction to logic:tautology'. This is to avoid conflicts with other wikibooks.

Anyway, I'd be pleased to know a little bit about you, e.g. what are your philosophical interests, where did you learn philosophy, do you have a personal website anywhere, etc.

--publunch 11:47, 2 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Howdy. Tanks for getting in touch, and for your very encouraging comments. You were right to infer that my course would be a little less formal. I hate the stuffiness of philosophy, it's such a turn off. Although technical language, and precise definitions are required at an advanced level, they are hardly required at the beginning.

Thanks again. No doubt, I will be talking to you again! --Abc123

Question for Alex Beta

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Hi. I'm a high school teacher in Marion, NC. We have a World Philosophy course at our school, and I thought it might be interesting to have the students participate in one of your modules. Regardless, I would like to. Can you give me some direction? I thank you for your time.

Hello. As you do not seem to have a wikibooks account open, I suppose I will have to answer here (I hope you check back soon). I am not completely sure about what you mean with "having students participate". Of course, participation is very welcome here at wikibooks. We are having some admin problems with the wikiversity right now, however, and work here has seemed to slow down very significantly during the last couple of months.
If you wish to participate writing courses, you only have to open an account (free, no long forms). Just click on "log in" at the top-right of this page. You just need to pick a nickname and type your password in twice.
If by "participating" you mean participating in one of the courses, then the answer is complicated. As I said before, we are having admin problems here, as some users have suggested that wikiversity should be moved out of wikibooks, perhaps as a consequence of the first on-line wikiversity course being taught (these users consider the scope of Wikiversity beyond the scope of wikibooks).
In any case, I would be willing to help as much as possible. So, if you have any questions, please ask away. All questions and suggestions welcome. (Alex beta 15:20, 3 October 2005 (UTC))Reply

My focus in philosophy is epistemology, but I see enormous overlap with lingustics and biology, particularly sensory and brain biology. My sense is that somebody needs to start creating a unified theory, but the task is overwhelming for one person. I'm hoping to find co-equal collaborators, and think that wiki is the way to go. Interested? Thoughts? Suggestions?

Are old essays any use to the philosophy wikiversity department?

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I have many a philosophy essay sitting around on my computer I'm happy to release under the WP license. If you're interested, let me know. If you're not, well, I don't blame you. -- 15:47, 4 August 2006 (UTC) Sorry I forgot to say, I'm wikipedia:en:User:Cfp. (I have now created a wikibooks account but I'd rather be contacted on my WP one.)--Cfp 22:04, 4 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Soliciting some minor support in new project

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Hello! I'm contacting you, as you seem to be one of only a couple active people in the Phil Dept. here.

I'm a visiting Asst. professor at Virginia Tech. I'll be teaching a course in Politial Philosophy (Ancient to Renaissance) this next semester, and plan on putting together an open source alternative textbook. I'll be a mildly annotated collection of selections from original source material, along with historical/critical introductions to each of the authors.

I'm contacting you because it would be very helpful to me to get someone to help me with formatting, cleaning up entries, and so forth. I don't have much experience with wikibooks. Anyhow, if you or someone you know might be interested in casually overseeing my work on this project over the next semester, that'd be great!

Feel free to contact me by email if you have questions, comments, suggestions, etc.


D.E. Wittkower

Alex beta doesn't seem to have been active since this April. (He might appear and prove me wrong of course.) It does sound a great idea what you are planning, so don't let that put you off. If he doesn't appear in the next few days I will see if I can drum up someone else to help you (or failing that help you myself, though I am liable to be quite busy next term and I haven't done any philosophy in a while). --Cfp 00:46, 6 August 2006 (UTC)Reply
Department of Philosophy I've started a department of philosophy at Wikiversity. Koavf 17:31, 20 August 2006 (UTC)Reply
Dear Mr./Mrs. Wittkower, I would like to apologize for not having answered your message earlier. I realise that it is very improbable that you will read this, but I will answer just in case. I have been absent for many months, but I would be delighted to help if you are still interested. (Alex beta 14:00, 23 December 2006 (UTC))Reply

Looking for help

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Dear Alex Beta: My name is Ivan Robaina Bychko and I am a almost 20 years old Cuban wikipedian and universitary student. I am very intersted in Philosophy and logic and I am working to write an article at my university about the history of philosophy, since it seems that no university teacher is willing to help, it seems you are the right guy for it. I do not have internet connectivity (only wikipedia and e-mail), but I think we could contact via e-mail, please, if you are willing to help me, let me know at my e-mail: Thanks, Ivan