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Hobo tourism/First creative trip of Viktor Pinchuk to Africa

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In the city of Sodo
Ethiopian Airlines Ticket
Letter of introduction to the Ethiopian Consulate

The first creative trip to Africa is a project of the Russian traveler Viktor Pinchuk. The route included part of Ethiopia and lasted two weeks. The main objective is to photograph the peoples of Africa, who have preserved the customs and traditions of their ancestors, for a personal photo exhibition.

General information

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  • Duration: 14 days.
  • Period: 9.04. 2006 - 22. 04. 2006.
  • Idea: Viktor Pinchuk.
  • Number of participants: 1 (one).
  • Starting point: Addis Ababa.
  • Transit through: Moscow.
  • Number of countries visited: 2 (two).
  • Way to hit: plane.
  • Modes of transport: land transport, pedestrian routes.
  • Nature of the journey: creative trip.
  • Purpose: to collect material about exotic tribes.
  • Format: hobo tour.

Places visited

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  • Ethiopia: Addis Ababa, Sodo, Arba Mynch, Conso (transit), Briley (transit), Jinka, Bishoftu.
  • Egypt: Cairo, Nawa, Dahshur, Saqqara, Faiyum.

Мap of the route

The methods used

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In the process of moving along the route the following accommodation options were used:

Outcomes and results

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Author’s articles in periodicals (in Russian):

  • «Эфиопия глазами путешественника» — Crimea. ru: newspaper. — 15.08.2007. — № 56 (163);
  • «Почему эфиопы не любят фотографов, или Цена эфиопской души» — South Capital: newspaper. — 23.05.2008. — № 20 (853);
  • «Симферополь — Аддис-Абеба» — The evening city: newspaper. — 06. 07. 2007. — № 47 (66);
  • «Один день в египетской деревне» — Crimean Observer: newspaper. — 19.02.2008. — № 7 (237);
  • «Пирамиды за колючей проволокой» — Crimean Observer: newspaper. — 9.09.2008. — № 36 (266);
  • «Дебре-Зэйт — посёлок у семи озёр» — Crimean time: newspaper. — 18.09.2008. — № 101 (2633);
  • «Эфиоп и Я» — ProX: magazine. — 2007 — № 7 (10);
  • «Мечта об Африке, или девять дней в Эфиопии» — Republic of Crimea: newspaper. — 4. 10. 2007. — № 31 (760);
  • «Пешком через пустыню» — Republic of Crimea: newspaper. — 25. 03. 2010. — № 11 (872);
  • «Незнакомый Египет» — Republic of Crimea: newspaper. — 13. 05. 2010. — № 17 (878).

  • Personal photo exhibition "Ethiopia through the eyes of the traveler" took place in October 2006; venue — House of Artist (Simferopol).
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Newspaper articles (in Russian):

  • Viktor Pinchuk. "Ethiopia through the eyes of the traveler — Crimea. ru: newspaper. — 15.08.2007. — № 56 (163)". upload.wikimedia.org (in Russian). Retrieved April 22, 2023.
  • Viktor Pinchuk. "Simferopol — Addis Ababa — The evening city: newspaper. — 06. 07. 2007. — № 47 (66)". upload.wikimedia.org (in Russian). Retrieved April 22, 2023.
  • Alexey Vasiliev. "Naked with machine guns — Crimean time: newspaper. — 2.11.2006. — №123 (2361)". upload.wikimedia.org (in Russian). Retrieved April 22, 2023.