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English-Hanzi/What causes high blood sugar?

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A variety of things can trigger an increase in blood sugar level, including:

  • stress
  • an illness, such as a cold
  • eating too much, such as snacking between meals
  • a lack of exercise
  • dehydration
  • missing a dose of diabetes medication, or taking an incorrect dose
  • over-treating an episode of hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar)
  • taking certain medicines, such as steroid medication

很多 情况 可 引发 血糖 水平 增加,包括:

  • 压力
  • 疾病,如 感冒
  • 吃 得 太多,如 正餐 之间 吃 零食
  • 缺乏 运动
  • 脱水
  • 忘记 服用 糖尿病 药物,或 剂量 不 正确
  • 过度 治疗 低血糖
  • 服用 某些 药物,如 类固醇 药物