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Arabic/Arabic numbers

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The Arabic Numbers

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Arabic Numerals (how the numbers look) consist of two types: the numerals used in most of the world, which originate from Arabic, and those used in the Arabic language today. Interestingly, while the Arabic language is written from right to left, Arabic Numerals are written from left to right, for example:

“I am 42 years old today!” is translated into Arabic as “!اليوم عندي ٤٢ سنة.”

A pattern you might notice is that words containing a ١ or ٢ have word-forms that differ from any patterns

Comparison of Arabic numerals

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Sometimes, the numbers themselves are written in different forms, depending on the country.

Western Arabic 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Eastern Arabic numerals[note 1] ٠ ١ ٢ ٣ ٤ ٥ ٦ ٧ ٨ ٩ ١٠
Persian[note 2] ۰ ۱ ۲ ۳ ۴ ۵ ۶ ۷ ۸ ۹ ۱۰
Urdu[note 3] ۰ ۱ ۲ ۳ ۴ ۵ ۶ ۷ ۸ ۹ ۱۰
  1. Arabic (Unicode block) U+0660 through U+0669
  2. Arabic (Unicode block) U+06F0 through U+06F9; The numbers 4, 5, and 6 are different from Eastern Arabic
  3. Same Unicode characters as the Persian, but language is set to Urdu. The numerals 4, 6 and 7 are different from Persian; on some devices, this row may appear identical to Persian

Though the Persian & Urdu variants are not often found outside of Iran & Pakistan respectively, it is not impossible to run into them. It is also accepted to use western Arabic numerals, especially in typing where they are heavily favored. In this course, we will only use the eastern Arabic numerals in order to help better recognize them


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Numbers ١٠-١ have no rhyme or reason, so the best thing to do is memorize them

  • ٠ - صفر
0 - Zero
  • ١ - واحد
1 - One
  • ٢ - اثنان
2 - Two
  • ٣ - ثلاثة
3 - Three
  • ٤ - أربعة
4 - Four
  • ٥ - خمسة
5 - Five
  • ٦ - ستة
6 - Six
  • ٧ - سبعة
7 - Seven
  • ٨ - ثمانية
8 - Eight
  • ٩ - تسعة
9 - Nine
  • ١٠ - عشرة
10 - Ten


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Numbers ١٩-١١ are constructed by placing "عشر" after the number, with the exception of ١١ and ١٢ which have special word-forms. Even though these numbers are written with two separate words, they are spoken as if they are one, so ة is pronounced as ت

  • ١١ - أحد عشر
ʾāḥida ʿašr
11 - Eleven
  • ١٢ - اثنا عشر
iṯnā ʿašr
12 - Twelve
  • ١٣ - ثلاثة عشر
ṯalāṯata ʿašr
13 - Thirteen
  • ١٤ - أربعة عشر
ʾarbaʿata ʿašr
14 - Fourteen
  • ١٥ - خمسة عشر
ḵamsata ʿašr
15 - Fifteen
  • ١٦ - ستة عشر
sittata ʿašr
16 - Sixteen
  • ١٧ - سبعة عشر
sabʿata ʿašr
17 - Seventeen
  • ١٨ - ثمانية عشر
ṯamāniyata ʿašr
18 - Eighteen
  • ١٩ - تسعة عشر
tisʿata ʿašr
19 - Nineteen


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Numbers ending with ٠, also known as tens in English, are formed methodically by replacing ـة- with ـون-; the numbers ١٠ and ٢٠ have special forms

  • ١٠ - عشرة
10 - Ten
  • ٢٠ - عشرون
20 - Twenty
  • ٣٠ - ثلاثون
30 - Thirty
  • ٤٠ - أربعون
40 - Forty
  • ٥٠ - خمسون
50 - Fifty
  • ٦٠ - ستون
60 - Sixty
  • ٧٠ - سبعون
70 -Seventy
  • ٨٠ - ثمانون
80 - Eighty
  • ٩٠ - تسعون
90 Ninety

==٩٠٠-١٠٠==كزلفىف Hundreds also have their own forms, made by replacing ـة- and attaching the word for hundred to the base number, ـمائة-; the numbers ١٠٠ and ٢٠٠ have special forms

  • ١٠٠ - مائة
100 - One hundred
  • ٢٠٠ - مائتين
200 - Two hundred
  • ٣٠٠ - ثلاثمائة
300 - Three hundred
  • ٤٠٠ - أربعمائة
400 - Four hundred
  • ٥٠٠ - خمسمائة
500 - Five hundred
  • ٦٠٠ - ستمائة
600 - Six hundred
  • ٧٠٠ - سبعمائة
700 - Seven hundred
  • ٨٠٠ - ثمانيمائة
800 - Eight hundred
  • ٩٠٠ - تسعمائة
900 - Nine hundred


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Other complex numbers under a thousand can be made placing the two words next to each other and adding the word "and", "-و", to the beginning of the next word; keep in mind that when reading numbers, the order is hundreds, ones, and then tens. Here are a few examples:

  • ٢٩٥ - مائتين وخمسة وتسعون
māʾatayn wa-ḵamsa wa-tisʿūn
295 - Two hundred ninety-five (lit. two-hundred and-five and-ninety)
  • ٣٦٣ - ثلاثمائة وثلاثة وستون
ṯalāṯumāʾa wa-ṯalāṯa wa-sittūn
363 - Three hundred sixty-three (lit. three-hundred and-three and-sixty)
  • ٤٧ - سبعة وأربعون
sabʿa wa-ʾarbaʿūn
47 - Forty-seven (lit. seven and-forty)
  • ٥٠٢ - خمسمائة واثنان
ḵamsumāʾa wa-iṯnān
502 - Five hundred two (lit. five-hundred and-two)
  • ٧٣٠ - سبعمائة وثلاثون
sabʿumāʾa wa-ṯalāṯūn
730 Seven hundred thirty (lit. seven-hundred and-thirty)
  • ٦١ - واحد وستون
wāḥid wa-sittūn
61 - Sixty-one (lit. one and-sixty)
  • ٧١٨ - سبعمائة وثمانية عشر
sabʿumāʾa wa-ṯamāniyata ʿašr
718 - Seven hundred eighteen (lit. seven-hundred and-eighteen)
  • ٩٩٩ - تسعمائة وتسعة وتسعون
tisʿumāʾa wa-tisʿa wa-tisʿūn
999 - Nine hundred ninety-nine (lit. nine-hundred and-nine and-ninety)
  • ٥٥ - خمسة وخمسون
ḵamsa wa-ḵamsūn
55 - Fifty-five (lit. five and-fifty)
  • ٦٤٢ - ستمائة واثنان وأربعون
sittumāʾa wa-iṯnān wa-ʾarbaʿūn
642 - Six hundred forty-two (lit. six-hundred and-two and-forty)

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